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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Lilligant #14
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 19, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.85
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
14/98 (Emerging Powers)
Hello and welcome to a week of
Pojo’s CotD that gets
off to a brilliant start. That’s because we are
reviewing Lilligant: easily
my favourite Generation V Pokémon. She just gets more
and more prettyful with each
new set.
Considering how much I love this Pokémon, I’m very happy
to see her on a card that is at least somewhat decent.
It’s not all good news though: being a 90 HP Stage 1
with Fire Weakness makes Lilligant
very vulnerable to OHKOs in a meta
in which Reshiram plays a
big part. Luckily, she can just about look after
This is because of Lilligant’s
first attack, the charmingly-named Bemusing Aroma. For
the low, low Price of a single Grass Energy, this attack
will do 20 damage. This is
even ok in itself, but what makes the attack interesting
is the effect: flip heads and the defending Pokémon
is Poisoned AND Paralysed;
and even if you get tails, it becomes Confused.
Obviously, heads is the preferred option here, as
Paralysis is by far the best Status Condition:
preventing your opponent from retreating or attacking
unless that can evolve it or play a Switch.
Combining it with Poison makes the
low 20 damage from the attack less of an issue.
Even tails isn’t a total disaster, as Confusion will at
least disrupt your opponent’s plans somewhat, likely
forcing them to retreat.
does have another attack, the generic and fairly
expensive Cut (effect-free 60 damage for [G][C][C]),
but Bemusing Aroma is always going to be the focus of
the card. Obvious combinations would be
Vileplume UD (to prevent
Switch being used on Paralysed Pokémon) and Mew Prime,
which can See Off
Lilligant into the Lost Zone
and spam the attack without having to build/find space
for multiple Stage 1s.
Is all this enough to make her playable though? Well,
the trouble is that players using Mew/Vileplume
are likely to prefer Muk UD
whose Sludge Drag attack can pull Pokémon off the Bench
to Confuse and Poison. This ability to drag out targets
(even when Pokémon Catcher is Trainer Locked), is huge
in the game right now, and makes
Muk the better choice for competitive play.
Looking to the future (not something I like to do, but
I’m making an exception for
Lilligant), the forthcoming (I assume)
Victini card whose Ability
lets you re-do a coin flip attack might give Lilli the
boost she needs to become properly competitive. As
things stand, she is a super fun league deck, an option
for Mew Prime-based decks, and an incredibly pretty
reverse holo.
And those things make her better than most cards.
Modified: 3.25 (yes, I’m overrating her – sue me)
Limited: 4.25 (genuinely excellent here, where any
Status Condition is highly effective)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that Battle Roads
are going well for all of you, and that hopefully a few
of you took home some Victory Cups! This week we're
going to review more cards from the Emerging Powers set,
including a few more of the Trainers toward the end of
the week. We're going to kick things off by reviewing
the new Lilligant, a card that is surprisingly good in
Limited and may have potential in Modified.
Lilligant is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. As I've said
before in this space, Grass-types aren't all that common
right now aside from Yanmega Prime, and any Stage 1
Grass-type needs to have something that stands out in
order for it to be playable with all of the Fire-types
currently present in Modified. 90 HP is just about
average for a terminally-evolved Stage 1, but it's a bit
of a shame that it isn't a bit higher. Fire Weakness
makes Lilligant's life difficult against the likes of
Reshiram, Emboar, and Typhlosion Prime. Water Resistance
is good against the somewhat rare Samurott and Beartic,
but both of these decks show up every now and then.
Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent, and you can
easily afford to pay it in order to retreat.
This flower lady has two attacks: Bemusing Aroma and
Cut. Cut does a vanilla 60 damage for a Grass and two
Colorless, which is nothing special for the cost,
meaning that Bemusing Aroma has to be more interesting
than that in order to see some play in Modified.
Luckily, Bemusing Aroma is quite interesting: it deals a
decent 20 damage for a single Grass Energy, but then
allows you to flip a coin. If heads, the Defending
Pokemon is Paralyzed and Poisoned, if tails, they are
Confused. While this attack's damage output is rather
lackluster in our Modified format of heavy hitters and
OHKOs, the Status Conditions Lilligant provides can
really throw a wrench into your opponent's plans. Both
Paralysis and Confusion are deterrents to having your
opponent attack, and they will need to likely switch out
in order to to attack or prevent dealing damage to
themselves. Lilligant works incredibly in Limited, as
Bemusing Aroma is very fast and your opponent doesn't
have many options other than dealing with the Status
Conditions. In Modified, the format is much more unkind
to Lilligant given how common Fire is, but Lilligant may
be able to see some play in a deck featuring Mew Prime
and/or Vileplume, as Mew Prime can use Bemusing Aroma
quite effectively and Vileplume can block Trainers,
preventing your opponent from using things like Switch
and forcing the opponent to either burn a lot of Energy
retreating or be subject to a lot of painful Status
Modified: 2.5/5 I know this may seem a bit high, but
Lilligant does actually have some potential. While the
format right now isn't doing the flower lady any favors,
we may eventually see a decrease in Fire, after which
Lilligant will be highly playable in slower control
decks. Additionally, Lilligant can still do well while
set up in the right deck, such as with Vileplume or
being Lost Zoned with Mew Prime. All in all, while
Lilligant probably won't be winning any tournaments by
itself any time soon, the potential is there for someone
to seriously break it.
Limited: 5/5 Nothing in Emerging Powers can compete with
Lilligant's Bemusing Aroma. If you are able to get
Lilligant out as early as turn 2, chances are there
won't be much your opponent can do. Also, since it's an
Uncommon, it should be quite easy to get more than one,
especially in Sealed. Fire being nearly nonexistent in
the set also really helps its case. Cut is also fairly
decent for the cost, and should be able to get a KO or
two once you've whittled your opponent down using
Bemusing Aroma and Status Conditions.
Combos With: Vileplume UD, Mew Prime