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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Swoobat #37
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
37/98 (Emerging Powers)
Yesterday’s card might evolve from a cute Pokémon, but
the Pokémon Swoobat evolves
from is based on one of the cutest real life animals in
existence. Go and google ‘Hounduran
White Bat’ and be prepared to say ‘awwww’
a lot. The Swoobat we got in
the BW set was simply horrible . . . nearing
Arcanine SV levels of
badness. This one . . . is a slight improvement.
But let’s not get carried away. This is still a 90 HP
Stage 1 with a terrible Lightning Weakness. It does have
a reasonable single Retreat cost and handy Fighting
Resistance though, so the news isn’t all bad.
The attacks though are . . . very mediocre.
Psyshot might be good value,
doing 30 damage for a single Psychic Energy, but 30
damage barely scratches the monstrously high HP Pokémon
that are seeing play these days.
Swoobat’s second attack is more interesting . . .
and has the hilariously inspired name of
Phat Sound (since when did
Pokémon get so street?). For the low-ish
cost of [P][C], you get to
flip three coins and do 10 damage to each of your
opponent’s Pokémon for each heads. Like a lot of
flippy attacks, it’s good if
you get some silly luck on your side: 30 spread to
everything could give you as much as 180 damage on the
field for just two Energy (and KO any Baby Pokémon your
opponent might have), but the chances of this happening
are pretty slim, and you are every bit as likely to do
nothing whatsoever. If spread attacks are your thing,
you should really wait until the next set, Noble
Victories, and play the Kyurem
that does a guaranteed 30 spread and has the
survivability that 130 HP and a great Weakness (Metal)
Sadly, the only good thing about taking this card to a
tournament would be the opportunity to announce ‘Phat
Sound’ as your attack. And that isn’t really a good
enough reason, is it?
Modified: 1.75 (giving .25 for a cool attack name if I’m
Limited: 3.5 (good cheap attack, and the risky spread is
worth a go)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Swoobat (Emerging Powers)
It's the end of the week, and we are finishing with the
critter that replaced Zubat in all of the caves in Black
& White. I have to say, ever since I got my hands on an
old Dark Crobat I've liked the Big Bad Bat so I am one
of the few people who doesn't appreciate the change of
pace. Then again, I have never played through any of the
games except Diamond so I haven't been overexposed
either and Swoobat is probably more useful in the early
parts of the game due to being Psychic dual-type anyway.
That's enough babbling so it's on to the review. Depsite
having the ugliest nose in Poke'mon (and yes, that
includes Probopass) this little night flier does have
it's good points. Being a Stage 1 means you can run and
play this card without too much trouble and the Psychic
type has some decent energy support (free retreat is
becoming quite scarce so Metagross UL is especially
useful). Unfortunately the 90 HP is only borderline
playable for a Stage 1 that doesn't evolve further and
the Lightning weakness is a major problem with Magnezone,
Zekrom and Thunderus all making apperances in a variety
of deck builds. At least the Fighting resistance adds a
little survivability and the retreat cost is cheap if
Swoobat lives that long.
The first attack is Psyshot which is [p] for 30 damage,
which is a decnt hit for the cost provided you aren't
facing resistance. While Metal types have been all but
wiped out a few Dark Poke'mon are making themselves
heard (Zoroark BW and Weavile UD are most prominent) so
it is a drawback you will face at least once in any
given tournament. To make matters worse, Psychic
weakness has all but disappeared since Mew Prime,
Machamp Prime and Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend are the only
relatively common Poke'mon that have it. In the end,
Psyshot is just a placeholder for those occasions where
you can't use the second attack.
Phat Sound is weird for an attack name but it has some
possibilities as an attack. For [p][c] you flip 3 coins
and deal 10 damage to each of your opponent's Poke'mon
for each Heads (don't apply weakness and resistance to
the Bench, yadda yadda yadda). While being a flippy
attack makes it unreliable and thus almost certainly
terrible, the cost of the attack is incredibly cheap
when you consider how many Poke'mon you are hitting. In
the best case scenario you are dealing 180 damage for 2
energy, but even if you have lousy luck you're opponent
will most likely have a full Bench so you will be doing
decent damage for a single Heads result. And when
Victini is released as part of Noble Victories in
November you will have a single shot at reflipping your
coins for better odds of getting the full effect.
Still, Swoobat is not tough enough to make good use of
heavy spread, because even against Donphan Prime (which
not only hits the resistance but adds to the spread
damge with Earthquake) you won't last more than 3 turns.
Against a nightmare like Zekrom you may not even get to
attack and the other Tao Dragons will also use Outrage
to great effect after being hit with Phat Sound. In
fact, Outrage is one of 3 reasons why noone tries to use
spread as a strategy right now (the other 2 reasons
being the loss of Crobat G and the higher average HP
However, I do think that Swoobat has a small place in
Mewbox builds. With a Psychic energy and a Rescue energy
you can use Phat Sound to spread the damage followed by
a Skill Dive to finish of a weakened Poke'mon and it
would be easy to fit in a Victini or two, especially if
you are also using Liligant EP and other flippy but
truly annoying attacks that you normally wouldn't risk
using (I can't think of any right now, why don't you
write in with suggestions?). If you include a single
Woobat you can even play Swoobat normally to absorb hits
from Donphan Prime (Eartquake really ruins Mew's day).
I don't know if Swoobat will beat the odds often enough
to be worth of inclusion in Mewbox but I reccomend that
you at least playtest it. Spread may be temporarily
absent but sniping is still popular so if nothing else,
it will teach you how use and counter snipe attacks more
Modified: 3.25 (I'm probably being overly optimistic,
but Swoobat has just enough worth to justify a second
look by most players as well as the enormous luck to
arrive in a format that has the right combination of
support cards and exploitable opponents to make this
workable... at least in theory)
Limited: 4 (it's cheap sread with a resistance to the
promo card that most players will run, so unless you
can't fit in Psychic energy or everyone has a Thunderus
you should run it)
Combos with: Mew Prime, Vicitini when it is released