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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokémon Cards of
- #10 - Keldeo EX
Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 17, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.13
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#10 Keldeo-EX (Boundaries Crossed)
Hello and welcome to our countdown of the top 10 cards
of the year here on Pojo’s CotD. This includes all the
sets from Next Destinies to Boundaries Crossed and will
run over the next three weeks (because even Pojo
reviewers are allowed time off at Christmas!).
We kick off the countdown with a Pokemon that is
propping up the list at #10. I had it a little higher
than that, but fair enough: the card hasn’t been out all
that long, so its impact hasn’t been fully felt at
tournaments yet. But make no mistake, this card is well
worth a place on our list.
See Keldeo-EX is good in two ways. Firstly you have the
attack, Secret Sword, which does 50 damage for three
Colourless Energy, but 20 more for each Water Energy
attached. Paired with Blastoise for Water Energy
acceleration, Keldeo has the potential to take out
absolutely anything in one hit. To a certain degree, the
Colourless cost also makes Keldeo a splashable tech in
other decks too, particularly if they can up the damage
a little with Prism or Blend Energy. With Water Typing
providing a good answer to the popular and powerful
Landorus-EX, Keldeo is more effective in this way than
many players seem to think. But the attack is only half
the story: Keldeo’s Rush-In Ability is incredibly useful
and versatile, and pretty much means that you will see
Keldeo in a lot of decks that won’t even really consider
attacking with it. Being able to just move Keldeo from
the Bench to the active slot with an Ability is great
for getting Pokémon out of the active slot if they are
affected by a Status Condition such as Paralysis or
Sleep. Combine Rush In with Darkrai-EX’s Dark Cloak
Ability and a Dark Energy, and you have the equivalent
of a free Switch that you can use every turn.
Right now, Keldeo techs provide an answer to the fairly
rare Paralysis Lock decks like Accelgor and Vanilluxe,
but also counters Paralysis stall tactics from Tynamo
and Raikou-EX. In the future, these tricks will become
even more important when we get Hypnotoxic Beam in our
next set. This is a
Trainer which
Poisons the Defending Pokémon and can inflict Sleep on a
coin flip. Looking even further forward, it seems that
we will get a Pokémon Tool that will allow Keldeo to
Retreat for free without needing Darkrai, so every deck
can benefit from the ‘free’ Switch.
Keldeo is already part of a top tier archetype and is
going to see increasing play as a one-off tech that will
only get stronger over the next few months. Luckily for
player’s wallets, it will be out in a tin in February:
if you don’t already have a few copies, I suggest you
pick some up then.
Modified: 4.25 (main attacker and anti-Lock tech all in
virusyosh |
It's that time of year again, Pojo readers! Today is
the start of our Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2012, and this
year's list is really nice. We'll be reviewing our Top
10 cards that came out this year that have impacted the
game in meaningful ways over the next three weeks, so be
sure to check back to see if you favorite card made the
list! Today we're kicking things off with a somewhat new
EX that has gained a lot of popularity in the last few
weeks, and should stay strong for a while. Today's Card
of the Day (and #10 on our countdown) is Keldeo-EX.
Keldeo-EX is a Basic Water Pokemon-EX. Along with
Blastoise, Keldeo-EX is one of the very few Water-types
played, but its high usage makes up for the relative
lack of others. More recently, Keldeo has also been
finding into its way in decks that don't utilize
Blastoise, such as in Darkrai-EX or Eelektrik variants.
170 HP is fairly good for a Pokemon-EX, allowing Keldeo
to likely take multiple hits before going down (which is
good because as a Pokemon-EX, your opponent gets two
Prizes for Knocking out Keldeo). Grass Weakness is a
problem against the Shaymin-EX or Virizion you'll
randomly see, but these threats are still relatively
uncommon. Keldeo also has a Retreat Cost of 2, which is
payable if you need to, but if you're running a
dedicated Keldeo deck, you usually won't have to worry
about it.
Keldeo has an Ability, Rush In, and a single attack,
Secret Sword. Rush In allows Keldeo to replace your
Active Pokemon if the Colt Pokemon is on your Bench,
immediately going to the Active spot while ignoring
Retreat Costs. Rush In is very powerful on its own, as
it greatly hampers your opponent's Pokemon Catcher
usage, as well as the ability to create really
interesting plays through careful Rush Ins and things
like Super Scoop Up or Pokemon Center. Rush In's ability
for changing the game is so good that Keldeo has now
started seeing play in decks that aren't based around
it, which shows how powerful the Ability really is.
Secret Sword is Keldeo's attack, dealing 50 damage plus
20 more damage for each Water Energy attached to Keldeo
for the price of three Colorless Energy. In dedicated
Blastoise/Keldeo decks, this attack will almost always
be hitting for 110 or more damage, and as such, is a
very big threat against most of the metagame. In decks
that don't utilize Water Energy, 50 damage is only
decent, but in things like Darkrai/Hydreigon or
Klinklang variants that can manipulate Energy movement,
Keldeo can be powered up quickly to have use in these
decks as well.
Modified: 4/5 Keldeo-EX is a very powerful Pokemon that
will be terrorizing Modified for the near future. Rush
In can lead to some very skillful plays as well as
endless frustration for your opponent, and Secret
Sword's capability for crazy amounts of scaling damage
is also very powerful. I'm sure you've seen a lot of
Keldeo already at your local City Championships, and
don't expect it to go away any time soon.
Limited: 5/5 Keldeo-EX is a huge Pokemon with Colorless
Energy requirements, an amazing Ability, and
opportunities for scaling damage. In a dedicated Water
deck, Keldeo should be able to rip through opponents by
itself, and it's still a great team player if you decide
to diversify. Absolutely use it!
Combos With: Blastoise BCR
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Keldeo EX
So for the the top 10, I'm just going to give some
thoughts about the cards. I've done the review before,
so you can always check it out.
Keldeo EX has taken its place high up in the ranks after
being just released in the newest set. When the set was
about to be released, there was much hype about it
pairing with Blastoise. If you don't know the combo,
Blastoise allows you to attach as many Water energy from
your hand per turn. Keldeo syncs with it because you
can easily drop Keldeo, 'Rush In', and the 'Secret
Sword' for 110+. Some thought the deck wouldn't succeed
because it was mainly a counter for Landorus EX, and if
that didn't see much play, then Keldeo/Blastoise
wouldn't either.
Well City Championships started and things went crazy.
There wasn't just one deck winning all the tournaments.
You have a good variety of decks that topped, and one
of the most prominent decks was Keldeo/Blastoise. Not
only does it mop the floor with Landorus, it also hits
for high damage. Also, Energy Retrieval and Cilan play
their roles of bringing lots of energy to your hand.
Super Scoop Up is a really nasty card when you flip
heads. All the damage goes away and you get all the
energy back, just to 'Deluge' again. Status effects
also get thrown out the window. Keldeo is pretty much a
Switch (not fully), enough to get rid of Paralysis and
effectively bid farewell to Accelgor decks (at least I
didn't see any since after Regionals).
During the Cities that I went to, I faced the deck twice
(if memory serves me correct). I went 50-50 against
them. I enjoy playing with the deck (using a friends),
but it just doesn't have that feel of being the deck I
want to play with.

Otaku |
Hello readers!
Today we begin our Top 10 Pokémon
Cards of 2012 Countdown!
Just making the list in the #10
slot is a fairly recent card that has
made a big splash,
Keldeo EX (BW: Boundaries Crossed
49/149, 142/149)!
We reviewed this card just over a
month ago here,
so I’ll use this article to explain why
it was picked and if anything has
Before that, let me explain the criteria
for the list.
Pojo trusts the reviewers and
values our different opinions, since we
all have differing qualifications.
gets our individual lists, and uses this
to design a single “master list” for us
to review.
He doesn’t set out specific
requirements for the list besides
actually being a Top 10 of 2012 list,
and excluding reprints.
I tried to consider several factors, and
weigh them against each other.
If I found a card that was played
both in a variety of decks, was played
at high counts within said decks, and
shaped the format, it was ranking high
on the list.
If it merely was critical to a
single deck, or was run lightly but in a
lot of decks, or if it wasn’t run
heavily or run widely, but its mere
existence shaped the format… it could
still make the list.
I also balanced current
usefulness versus historical usefulness,
since we are concerned with this year,
not this format or last format.
This also avoids making things
too favorable for newer cards or older
Keldeo EX
is a Pokémon-EX with impressive Stats,
with a good Ability and attack.
If you are informed or
experienced with the current format at
all, you know that one of the top new
decks is built around
Keldeo EX and
Blastoise (BW: Boundaries Crossed
Still, is that enough to make the
It wasn’t for me, but there is more to
Keldeo EX.
Its Ability, Rush In, can be
combined with
Darkrai EX (BW: Dark Explorers
63/108, 107/108) to allow the Rush
In/Dark Cloak combination to function
almost as a free
Switch every turn (provided you have
a source of (D) Energy attached to
Keldeo EX).
Not quite as good as actually
having a free
Switch each turn (you still are
burning your manual Retreat), but for
the purposes of ditching attack effects
or getting the right Pokémon Active,
Secret Sword, the only attack on
Keldeo EX, was also crafted so that
it mattered beyond a deck where it was
the main attacker.
50 for (CCC) is not impressive in
isolation, but just as Rush In goes from
“okay” to “great” with a fairly common
Prism Energy,
Blend Energy WLFM, and even a clutch
Water Energy
card allows
Keldeo EX a competitive attack.
Two such sources of Energy allow
it to trade blows handily with most
other Pokémon-EX.
Once you start factoring it what
a deck may already bring and hitting
Water Weakness, just like the Ability
Keldeo EX can deliver in many decks.
Keldeo EX
isn’t something you should run in every
deck, at least not in 2012.
If you aren’t running the right
backing, you can’t optimize the effects,
and that is why it doesn’t rank as high
as other cards on the list.
You won’t need to worry about “Keldeo
EX wars”, and as far as I can tell
only with
Blastoise do both the Ability and
the attack truly shine.
Since I do like to look to the future,
while this shouldn’t really affect its
ranking for this list,
Keldeo EX will likely remain a
presence next year.
If you don’t want upcoming
releases already out in
spoiled, skip the rest of this
It doesn’t look like we’ll get
anything that will ruin its usage with
Blastoise, and we will in fact gain
a useful Pokémon Tool;
Pumice Stone (English name will
likely be
Float Stone, based on the video game
Item that inspired it).
It is a Pokémon Tool that allows
a Pokémon to Retreat for free, so
instead of needing a
Darkrai EX and (D) Energy to abuse
Rush In, you’ll just need a Tool.
Keldeo EX
is certainly deserving of making the Top
10, despite being only available to
players outside of
for the last two months of the year.
For those paying attention,
you’ll notice I bumped its Modified
score up by a quarter point: besides
Blastoise decks still seeming strong
(as opposed to some hyped decks that did
well in Japan)
Keldeo EX has proven more useful as
a one-of Bench-sitter and/or adequate
Water-Type splashed in attacker.
I was so impressed with it I ranked it
at #8 on my own list.
However, my bottom two picks
didn’t make it, so you’ll get to decide
if my list was off by a little or a lot!
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Hello all, we're gearing up to Christmas and the new
year, soon to be followed by Cities tournaments and the
Plasma Storm release in February, so there's plenty of
excitement ahead. Here's to a good time for all and not
sweating the small stuff!
Typically, the end of another year at
www.pojo.com means
that we run through our collective Top 10 (this is the
sixth year so far) so prepare for three weeks of
festivity and power reviews. However, I'd like to change
up my usual formula for this year.
Instead of focusing on the power levels of the cards in
question, I'm going to look at the fun. And Keldeo is
lots of fun!
For starters, it's a My Little Pony joke. Take a serious
look. Sure, the hat-like mane and fancy horn call
Dar'tan'gan the Musketeer to mind, but it still looks
like it escaped from a different TV series altogether.
Sure, Black & White were released more than a month
before the latest MLP craze started, but is too much to
suppose that the powers that be played up the art to
poke some subtle fun at another franchise? Harmless
jokes are the standard fare of Poke'mon, after all.
So the art on both versions is a little laugh from the
designers, but the card itself is also quite
entertaining to play. Rush In is a great Ability for
speeding up gameplay (no soft lock from Poke'mon
Catcher) and Hydro Pump is one of the beloved 'stack
energy and stomp face' attacks that make energy
acceleration gratifying for players. Add the massive HP
to ensure you get your Rain Dance on, and Keldeo has
become the go-to Poke'mon EX for players who want fast
Modified: 4 (drop lots of energy and lay waste to all in
your path, with tag team efforts to keep up the
Limited: 5 (it's pretty, it nullifies retreat costs, the
attack is colourless and it justifies Water energy all
by itself. What more do you need?)
Now that I've finished the review, I'd like to ask all
of you for your help. As regular readers will have
noticed, my writing has been somewhere between sporadic
and non-existent over the last few months, and the
quality of my work has taken a dip. While I could blame
a busy schedule and lack of recent playing experience
(both of which have played a part), the true reason is
that I am simply no longer having fun with the Poke'mon
I've been playing with old cards for over a decade (Base
Set Charizard and Rocket's Zapdos are among my most
treasured possessions) and the for the last 2-and-1/2
years I've been a fixture at the local League,
terrifying the newbies and veterans alike with rogue
decks (Zoroark/Hammer Spam is my current weapon of
choice), but I'm just not enjoying myself like I used
Recent attempts to break out of the rut include
rebuilding my old Gengar SF/Poke'mon SP hybrid deck for
an impromptu Unlimited day at the league (and it is
every bit as fun as it was two years ago) and building a
draft cube to play with (a stack of 480 cards that form
a custom Limited environment from across several years
of collecting, dealt out to 8 players a pack at a time
so they can choose a card each, pass to the rest to the
next player and repeat). It helped alleviate some of the
boredom, but not all.
I know Poke'mon is still a great game, as I've had some
very memorable matches in the past 2 months. A close
finish in the Boundaries Crossed Prerelease reminded me
that winning coin flips feels awesome. more
dramatically, I broke an even second match in a truly
nail-biting comeback to take six Prizes in three turns
just as time was called. At 6 Prizes each, the opponent
used Darkrai's Night Spear into my Zoroark DEX, which I
followed with a Dark rush for 180 damage and the KO.
Suddenly deprived of energy, the opponent's Hydreigon
came up and passed, then I dropped Catcher to KO the
previously benched Giratina for another 2 Prizes.
Hydreigon is promoted again, and I topdeck another
Catcher for the Mewtwo kill. I lost the Sudden Death,
but that match was easily the highlight of Canberra's
Battle Roads tournament. Yet that exact same tournament
is when I realised that I don't really want to play any
So I am asking you, our precious audience: please tell
me what it is you love about this game. Send in your
favourite cards ever, quirky decks you've never been
able to try, special rules to mix things up, whatever it
is that keeps your passions burning hot. I'm all out and
I don't want to be.
Please send any and all suggestions to
mattezhion@y7mail.com. The crazier, the better. And
thanks for reading this far.