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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Umbreon #61
Dark Explorers
Date Reviewed:
July 19, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.80
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#61 (Dark Explorers)
Unlike some
players, I’m not a huge fan of
but I have always liked the Generation
II additions to the line up.
Umbreon and
Espeon seem
like pretty cool Pokémon to me.
Umbreon in
particular has a really nice design.
With 100 HP and
Weakness to Fighting,
Umbreon is
not the most durable Pokémon, but the
Psychic Resistance at least means that
will need one more
Energy if it wants the one-hit
KO. The Retreat cost of two seems a bit
harsh, but being a Dark Type means that
you could easily play
Umbreon with
and get free Retreat with Dark Cloak. Of
course, Umbreon
also has the benefits of Energy
acceleration (Dark Patch), and damage
boost (Dark Claw) to call upon.
first attack, Confuse Ray, is actually
pretty nice for the cost of a single
Energy of any Colour. 20 damage isn’t
too spectacular, but at least you do
inflict guaranteed Confusion (no flip
required!). It is by no means the best
Status Condition as the opponent is free
to retreat out of it, but it can be
disruptive enough at crucial times where
switching isn’t an option for the
opponent, and this could allow you to
buy a turn or two.
Shadow Shutdown
costs one Dark and
two Colourless Energy, and for
that you get mediocre damage of 60 and a
potentially devastating effect that has
a fairly low chance of success. What
happens is that you get to flip two
coins and, if both are heads, discard
all Energy attached to the defending
Pokémon. In the right circumstances this
could be a game-winning move in itself –
getting rid of all the Energy from a
Mewtwo-EX or denying your
opponent the Special Energy on which
Energy Trans decks like
depend. If you really wanted to use it
though, Victory Star
Victini (AKA
seems a must, and even then you would
only have a 44% chance of success.
Without Victini,
the failure rate means that you would
have to treat the discard as an
unexpected lucky bonus. Is
worth running under those circumstances?
That’s doubtful.
There are a few
things to like about
Umbreon, and
I don’t think it’s a bad card as such.
In this format, however, low HP
attacking Pokémon that can only inflict
average amounts of damage are just not
really viable given the options we have.
The only way I can see him being used is
in decks which tech
Espeon DEX to counter Status Lock
decks. They might just find a space for
Umbreon as a
useable attacker in those matches where
Espeon isn’t
necessary. With lists so tight for space
though, I can’t even see that happening.
Modified: 2.25 (A
decent card, but that isn’t enough)
Limited: 4 (very
nice here. Confusion can be extremely
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers!
Today we're reviewing one of the new Darkness types from
Dark Explorers that has a unreliable move with amazing
potential. Today's Card of the Day is Umbreon #61.
Umbreon is a Stage 1 Darkness
Pokemon. Dark types have seen a drastic increase in play
lately with the popularity of the Darkness support cards
printed in Dark Explorers, as well as Darkrai-EX, one of
the Modified format's most used Pokemon. However, in
terms of Dark types that aren't Darkrai, very few of
them have seen play for a number of reasons, including
low HP and a bad Weakness. Will Umbreon buck that trend?
100 HP on a Stage 1 is decent, but not great, though
Umbreon will still take unboosted hits from many
important Pokemon in the Modified metagame. Fighting
Weakness is absolutely terrible against Terrakion, which
will make short work of the Dark Eevee evolution. On the
other hand, Psychic Resistance is excellent, harassing
Mewtwo a little bit by requiring 3 Energy to OHKO when
Umbreon is fully powered. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2
is not terrible, and payable if you must.
Umbreon has two attacks. Confuse
Ray does 20 damage and Confuses the Defending Pokemon
for a Colorless Energy, which is altogether decent for
the cost. In Limited, Confusion can be a great
disruptive maneuver, even if the 20 damage isn't
terribly impressive. In Modified, you should expect more
than 20 damage from a fully-evolved Pokemon, and
Confusion will rarely be relevant.
Shadow Shutdown, Umbreon's second
attack, is as interesting as it is unreliable. For a
Darkness Energy and two Colorless, the attack does 60
damage, and can discard ALL of the Defending Pokemon's
Energy...if you flip two heads. You'll have a 25% chance
of flipping two heads in a row normally, which can be
helped slightly by Victory Star Victini, but not often
enough for this to be a major impact card. That being
said, discard all of your opponent's Energy should set
them behind for quite a while (especially in Limited,
where the format is slow and acceleration is hard to
come by). Therefore, if you like to gamble, Umbreon may
be a card for you.
Modified: 1.75/5 While Shadow
Shutdown is potentially very interesting, it's too
unreliable and costly to be used in a format built on
speed and consistency. Aside from discarding all of your
opponent's Energy, Umbreon is an average Pokemon at
best. A great comparison is HS Triumphant Sharpedo,
whose hand discarding attack is fun to play around with
and will occasionally anger opponents and win games, but
the card just isn't strong enough or reliable enough to
make a splash in the Modified format.
Limited: 3.5/5 Umbreon is fairly
good in Limited. Darkness typing is great with all of
the Dark support in Dark Explorers, and both attacks are
useful here too. Confuse Ray is a great cheap attack
with Colorless Energy requirements, and Shadow Shutdown
is absolutely ridiculous if you can flip double heads.
Overall, if you draft a lot of Dark support and a few
Umbreons, you can't go wrong with running it.
Combos With: Victory Star Victini
(I guess...)

Otaku |
No attempted witty or at least painfully
funny intro; I just realized I stayed up
about three hours later than planned and
it normally takes me an hour to write
one of these, so onto Umbreon (BW:
Dark Explorers 61/108)!
is a Darkness-Type Pokémon, so it enjoys
the strong support currently available
to them, though as we transition to
BW-On the Special Energy card “Darkness
Energy” will rotate out of Modified
seemingly for the final time.
You won’t hit a lot of Weakness,
but they’ll be a few key cards where it
will come in handy.
What won’t be handy is Evolving;
as a Stage 1 Pokémon
Umbreon is at a distinct
disadvantage in a format so focused and
friendly to Basic Pokémon, and even
losing a few key pieces of support BW-On
is similar.
Fortunately Evolution backed
decks aren’t completely extinct, it is
just that Basic Pokémon (often Pokémon
EX) do a better job as your primary
attacker, with Evolutions working in
supporting roles.
100 HP isn’t much right now; that’s a
OHKO for too many attackers, or an easy
2HKO (often faking a OHKO because it
involves some spread damage the previous
Fighting decks have to work only
half as hard due to Weakness, but at
least there is a useful -20 Psychic
Resistance so that
Mewtwo EX needs one more Energy for
Needing to discard two Energy to
retreat is a bit of a surprise… and a
This is high enough that if you
are stuck paying it, it hurts but not
high enough for
Heavy Ball (not that
Heavy Ball is a staple).
gets two attacks; Confuse Ray and Shadow
Confuse Ray only requires (C) so
quite easy to power-up, but that means
juts 20 damage and automatic Confusion
for the Defending Pokémon.
In the current format, most
players will be able to use a
combination of
Switch and Retreat to completely
treat Confusion, and at least Retreating
to get out of it and send up something
else to attack.
With modern damage standards, it
still feels pretty weak, and since the
Shadow Shutdown needs at least one
source of (D) Energy, they might as well
have made Confuse Ray cost (D) and then
allowed it to hit for 30 or 40 points of
Shadow Shutdown is a risky but
devastating move… when the effect
portion works.
The damage is a bit low for a
card’s “big” attack: (DCC) buys 60
points of damage.
The effect requires you flip two
coins, and only works when both are
heads (one of four possible outcomes);
when it works though it discards
all Energy attached to the Defending
That would only annoy a deck
relying on an Ability like Dynamotor, or
Pokémon that attack for very low Energy
costs, but the majority of decks and
attackers will really feel that.
Due to time constraints, I shall merely
Eevee (HS: Undaunted 48/90)
while it remains legal, due to its Call
For Family attack.
While no where near as valuable
in a format with
Dual Ball and
Pokémon Collector, it still seems
like a better use of your attack than
anything the other
Eevee offer.
Once it is gone, go with BW:
Dark Explorers 83/108 because the
attacks aren’t that great on its
set-mate aren’t any better but that
version has 10 more HP (that is, 60).
The only “Eeveelutions”
really worth using right now are
Espeon (HS: Undaunted 81/90)
Espeon (BW: Dark Explorers
Jolteon (BW: Dark Explorers
37/108), and
Leafeon (HS: Undaunted 17/10,
Call Of Legends 13/95).
Espeon “Prime” has that nifty Poké-Body
that allows it to access the attacks of
any other
Eeveelution in play, the other
Espeon I listed has the nifty
Ability that allows your Pokémon with at
least one Energy attached to ignore the
effects off attacks from opposing
Pokémon, the
Jolteon just has a 60-for-one
attack, provided you can discard (L)
from it, and the
Leafeon can do 50 times the number
of Special Conditions on the Defending
Pokémon in damage for just (C).
The two
Espeon could work into a deck with
Umbreon fairly well, but the other
two are more specialized… plus we’ll
Espeon Prime at rotation.
So is there a deck for this card?
Yes I think there is, but it is
more a League deck.
Umbreon with
Sharpedo (HS: Triumphant
30/102) and
Victini (BW: Noble Victories
14/101, BW: Noble Victories
98/101) and appropriate support.
Sharpedo in question has an attack
for (D) that requires two coin flips,
and if both are “heads” discards all
cards from the opponent’s hand.
I don’t know how much
Victini and its Ability will improve
the odds of the two attacks that require
them, but losing all your Energy (even
if only on one Pokémon) and losing your
hand sounds pretty painful.
The Bench would already be
crowded but maybe a
Slowking (HS: Undaunted
12/123, Call Of Legends 32/95) to
control what your opponent can top deck.
When we switch gears to BW-On,
you’ll have less effective means of
controlling the opponent’s hand.
Don’t bother with this card in
Unlimited; you have Trainers to do this
Being an
Eeveelution is great for Limited,
Besides the usual bit about
“lower average HP and damage yields”,
Special Conditions are more effective,
and discarding Energy (while not
something to count on) is more likely to
be devastating when it works.
The Energy costs for the attacks
mean you could settle for just Confuse
Ray and run
Umbreon without any
Darkness Energy, but just a few in
the deck allows it access to both
Lastly, this set has two
Eevee, one other
Umbreon, and six other, multi-Type
deck friendly
Again I am not scoring the current and
coming Modified separate, because the
scores would be the same; whatever
benefit is gained from the shift is
offset by the loss of
Espeon Prime and
Umbreon is interesting, but far too
dependent on luck for my taste, and even
if you always got two “heads”, if your
opponent can build up anything they will
probably OHKO
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Umbreon 61
Umbreon is a Stage 1 Drak Pokemon with 100 HP. It
is weak to Fighting, resistant to Psychic, and has 2
retreat cost. Like most Dark, the resistance helps
against Mewtwo EX (somewhat) and the weakness means it
can be run over by Terrakion and Groudon EX.
'Confuse Ray' costs 1 energy, does 20 damage, and
Cost-wise, I think that's pretty good. Granted, 20
damage isn't much and Confusion doesn't mean much
against Basics + SkyArrow Bridge and Switch. But
it's only 1 energy, you don’t have to invest much.
'Shadow Shutdown' costs 1 Darkness and 2 of any energy.
It does 60 damage and if both coins are heads, you
discard all energy on the Defending Pokemon. Dark
Patch helps accelerate the energy onto this guy.
If both are heads, the results could be devastating.
If you go up against a deck with energy acceleration, it
doesn't mean much. But other decks, it spells
trouble. The 60 damage is mediocre, nothing to
write home about. You could combo with Fliptini to
try to better your odds.
I like Umbreon, the Pokemon itself. I'm on the
fence about this card.
I wouldn't use it competitively; it's HP is too low
(not low enough for Level Ball), it has coin flips, and
it doesn't seem like it'd do much. I'd consider it
in some kind of gimmick deck or just playing around for
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: