Jason Klaczynski
Two-Time World Champion
Check out The Klaczynski Open. August 31, 2013 |
Kecleon is a unique card that fits
best into decks that run a variety of energy cards. I've
seen it played with Blastoise to be used against other
Blastoise deck's Black Kyurem EX, copying Black Ballista
from a non-EX Pokémon to deal 200 damage.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 1/5
Combos with: Prism Energy, Blend
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! Today we're going to
review a very malleable Pokemon that could see some play
if the metagame slows down a bit. Today's Card of the
Day is Kecleon.
Kecleon is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. As I stated
yesterday in the Raticate review, Colorless Pokemon are
very flexible in terms of Energy requirements, making
them excellent secondary attackers and support Pokemon.
70 HP is a little low for a non-Evolving Basic, and
given the current Modified environment, Kecleon won't
survive very long. Fighting Weakness is bad against the
rare Landorus and Landorus-EX you'll run into; no
Resistance is all too common, and a Retreat Cost of one
is easy enough to pay, even if you don't have a Switch,
Float Stone, or Scramble Switch handy.
This chameleon Pokemon has an Ability and a single
attack. Color Change makes Kecleon the same type as the
Defending Pokemon, which is great in mirror matches
where the Defending Pokemon is weak to itself, such as a
Dragon-type or some subset of Psychic-types. Aside from
that, the Ability will be of little use, aside from
making Kecleon a random type.
Kecleon's attack, Imittack, allows you to use any of the
Defending Pokemon's attacks if you have the required
Energy. This once again works well in mirror matches,
but given that the metagame isn't full of many attackers
weak to themselves, you're probably better off just
running a more consistent deck, even if Kecleon's
adaptability is very powerful. The attack can work well
in Limited, though, since you're going to have a more
limited card pool, and will likely be running multiple
types of Energy anyway.
Modified: 2/5 Kecleon is an interesting idea, but it's
ultimately too reliant on your opponent. You won't be
able to know your opponent's deck before playing, and as
such, you can't be sure you'll have the proper Energy
requirements to do anything back to them. Additionally,
Kecleon's very low HP won't cut it against the
high-powered attackers of Modified, especially with all
of the Hypnotoxic Lasers being fired these days. So once
again, Kecleon is a very interesting idea, but is
ultimately bad in execution (for our current Modified,
anyway - imagine this a few years ago!).
Limited: 2.5/5 Kecleon is a little better here, but not
by much. While you can have some idea of what your
opponents will play in Modified, without an established
metagame, you'll have even less of an idea of what your
opponents are doing, making Kecleon incredibly difficult
to use here, as well. However, given that Limited is a
much slower format in general, Kecleon will be able to
survive a bit longer due to less powerful opponents.
Therefore, Kecleon can be an interesting, but
unreliable, support Pokemon in your Modified deck.