Terrible jokes aside, N here is
a...weirdly named Trainer. I still don't get why he's
called "N," I'm sure we can call him "Natural" at least
- his full name is Natural Harmonia Gropius...though
saying that out loud, I guess it would be silly to call
him that.
In any case, N has shaped the game
in his own way, though he was less "format-defining" and
more "necessary to use in your deck" for the most part.
N is designed to be what I've called in the past as a
"catch-up" card, only instead of just re-assimilating
your resources, you also get the opportunity to mess
your opponent up as well.
N's meant to used when you're
behind, as it forces both players to shuffle their hands
back into their decks and draw cards equal to their
Prizes, but even early on when you both have 6 Prizes,
it can be useful. Say you get a bad hand, but you don't
have to just get rid of your cards - shuffle them back
in with N and draw 6 new ones! Your opponent will also
have to shuffle their cards as well, which could
effectively ruin their strategy!
But that's not all - the more your
opponent takes the lead, the more devastating N can be!
Since N lets you draw the same number of cards as you
have Prizes, your opponent will usually lose out on
benefiting from it as they run into having four cards or
two cards or sometimes even one card in their hand! And
that can be crippling if you were to suddenly take the
Of course, since this isn't just
some kind of card game anime, you're not the only one
who's going to be running N - which meant for a time,
you had to be just as wary of your opponent crippling
you with N as they needed to be of you playing your
copy. That's also the reason Sycaper becomes an
invaluable Supporter - it's one of the few things that
can allow you to escape the cold grasp of a one-card
post-N hand!
There may be a card in the future
that will work hard to be N, but no card will be able to
emulate the risks and rewards that N could produce. A
truly solid Supporter in a world of fast-paced action
and the Ability to hit 90 with ease.
Standard: 4.5/5 (as always, a
fairly versatile Supporter!)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (a double-edged
Supporter that can help you as much as it can harm you)
Limited: 5/5 (technically the legal
Standard version is a promo, but even if you're playing
with N in Noble Victories or Dark Explorers, this is a
no-brainer 5!)
Arora Notealus: But let's get
serious, who names their kid Natural? That's like naming
your kid something like "Silver" or "Cosmopolitan" -
they're not really names, more like adjectives! I mean,
who would want to be named something like "Troubled"
from birth? Seems a bit strange, don't you think? No one
wants to be the kid named "Sonic!"
...like sonic speed, I mean, not
any blue hedge-you know what I mean!
Next Time: Our number 1 card can
only be used once!...well, without some kind of
recycling effect.