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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 16, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.40
Expanded: 1.30
Limited: 2.58
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Alright, so the last couple of
Klefki I've looked at haven't been, shall we say,
exceptional or anything. I'd like to say that this
Klefki adds something more to the table, but
unfortunately it seems this one falls a bit short as
well. At least with Play Rough, which does an
underwhelming 2-for-20 strike with only a mere coin flip
for an extra 20.
Welp, pack your bags guys, that's
the end of the review...or is it?
Here's the thing about Klefki: Look
for Keys is an odd attack. We've seen attacks bring
Energy back from the discard pile and Abilities that get
you to search through your deck's top X cards for stuff,
but Klefki is a bit more resourceful. Here, he reveals
cards until you pick up an Item, which gets added to
your hand. The rest of the cards are shuffled back into
the deck.
In a Seismitoad-EX-centric world,
I'd have said, "NO!! DON'T PLAY THIS GUY!!" However, the
meta is changing, and while Seismitoad-EX is still a
prominent player, he's nowhere near as overpowering as
he was back in the days of Lysandre's Banned Card. This
gives little Klefki here some much needed breathing room
- which means you might actually get to play him!
And with so many Items in the deck,
adding one to your hand guaranteed is a pretty effective
win-win! Just keep in mind you've no idea which Item
you'll get, and that Klefki's probably getting KO'd next
turn. He's only got 60 HP after all.
Standard: 2/5 (the Item search is a
nice touch, and probably makes Klefki worth playing)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (we've got a ton of
better Item searchers and deck thinners here)
Limited: 3.5/5 (getting that Item
is important here! Get it easily with Klefki!)
Arora Notealus: Definitely the most
playable Klefki to date, and I'm glad to see it's got so
much playability. Had he come in sooner though, he would
have been 1s across Standard and Expanded, simply
because of the Toad.
Next Time: Now for a spectacular
promotional extravaganza!

Otaku |
Our Thursday
subject is Klefki (XY: Roaring Skies
48/108). So if you skipped the rest of the week, the
Fairy-Type has some good support but it isn’t as good as
it gets; some stuff they lack (no Fairy-Type Supporter),
some stuff they have but it is underwhelming (Wonder
Energy as compared to say Strong Energy) and
other support is more about Fairy Energy than Pokémon,
which means it can be used off-Type without too much
hassle. It hits only XY-era Dragon-Types for Weakness
and so far nothing is Resistant. All in all, not the
best Type to be but I wouldn’t call it the worst (that
might change in a set or two if the support for the
other Types continues to be fleshed out). Being a Basic
is the best though; fastest Stage to get into play with
the less hassle. 60 HP is small - expect to be OHKOed -
and while normally that would make the Weakness less of
an issue (doubling damage rarely matters when it’s
already a OHKO) but this notably allows Cobalion-EX
to score a OHKO with Righteous Edge. Darkness
Resistance can come in handy but with 60 HP it is going
to be easily overwhelmed, so less of a bonus than usual.
The single Energy Retreat Cost is easy to pay and to
recover from paying but also is expected on a Basic this
No Ability, no
Ancient Trait: Klefki has two attacks instead.
The first has a fun name clearly based on Klefki
being the Key Ring Pokémon: Look for Keys. It requires
[Y] and the effect is that you reveal cards from your
deck until you hit an Item, at which point the Item is
added to your hand. The rest goes back into your deck.
The second attack is “Play Rough” for [YC], hitting for
20 damage with a coin flip good for another 20 on
“heads”. Look for Keys is a bit different but has the
usual problem of attacks that add cards to hand; your
opponent has a good chance of changing out your hand
with N (a card in most decks). Even if you hit
an Item right away, your opponent gains some information
about your deck ahead of schedule (even if it is only
“Oh, you have another copy of _____”. You don’t control
what you get and Item lock is still a popular
strategy. This could have been an amazing Ability but
as an attack, it just doesn’t work. Play Rough is
simply an underpowered attack, though far better than
There are two
other Klefki to consider. First up is XY:
Furious Fists 73/111 (reviewed in full
which basically is the same as today’s card except it
has one Ability and one (different) attack. The Ability
(Secret Key) jumps the Resistance on your Fairy-Types to
-40, while the attack (Fairy Lock) requires [YC] to do
30 damage and block the Defending Pokémon from
retreating. XY: Phantom Forces 66/119 (reviewed
is still a Basic Pokémon with a single Energy Retreat
Cost, but is a 70 HP Metal-Type with Fire Weakness and
Psychic Resistance. It has two attacks, the oft seen
“Call for Family” that allows you to search your deck
for up to two Basic Pokémon and then play them to your
Bench, this time at a cost of [M], with “Dull Light”
being the second attack which costs [MC] and does 20
damage and inflicts Confusion on the opponent’s Active.
Neither of these are brilliant, but they have a niche -
bumping up Resistance into something pretty impressive
(but remember it is still mono-Type Resistance) is
adequate but in a format where “good” cards are crowded
out by “great” cards, that doesn’t get you too far.
Similarly the pacing is wrong for most “set-up” attacks
so Call for Family is underwhelming but not without its
uses. Fairy Lock and Dull Light are not without their
own uses either, but far from justification to run
either Klefki.
In the end, you
shouldn’t bother with any of them though XY: Furious
Fists 73/111 might possibly qualify for a place in
your deck if somehow the Darkness-Type matchup becomes
abnormally important (and isn’t already enough in your
favor). Today’s version can’t really compete with that.
Of course it doesn’t have to in Limited, where it is a
good pull. Not great, but good; if you can afford some
basic Fairy Energy and pull a few Items worth
running. It also lucks out that there is enough of a
Dragon-Type presence that you have added incentive to
work it in even as a surprise attacker!
Standard: 1.25/5
Expanded: 1.3/5
Limited: 3.25/5
Summary: This is a card I identify with; it
tries to do something useful but it doesn’t do it well
enough and in falling short it is more trouble than it
is worth. Enough about my personal issues though;
Klefki is something to consider in Limited but
nowhere else. I did give it a slight bump in Expanded
for the usual reason; Level Ball.

Emma Starr |
Following the footsteps (or…tip of bottom of
rock/crystal/whatever Carbink is), we have another Fairy
that was a promo in Japan. Was it any better than
Carbink? Well, let’s see.
With 60 HP and the same Steel weakness, this is
already looking like Carbink, which is never a good
thing. It has one less Retreat Cost for a total of one,
which makes sense, since Carbink is a rock, and can’t
move around as quickly as a floating bunch of keys. But
if Klefki is a floating bunch of keys, couldn’t it just
easily float away from battle, and have no Retreat Cost?
Meh, I think I’m just over-analyzing this keychain too
much now. Let’s see how good it can defend itself.
For one Fairy energy, it can Look for Keys
(because apparently it’s so weak, it needs an Energy to
do this, and can’t just have it as an ability), which
lets you search from the top of your deck until you find
an Item card, lets it be put into your hand, and
shuffles your deck. I guess it’s a nice little effect,
but it does absolutely no damage. This is the sort of
thing that’s usually delegated to Supporter cards, not
really weak attacks. I mean, Korrina (FuF 95) does this,
and lets you search for a Fighting type Pokémon as well,
if you have one. Let’s hope Klefki’s second attack is
actually useful…
For one Fairy and one Colorless energy, Klefki
can use Play Rough, which does 20, and lets you flip a
coin to do 20 more damage, for a whopping grand total of
a brutal 40 damage!! Woah guys, better retreat your EXs
for this one, because that’s pretty scary. Scarily bad.
This almost makes me want to give Carbink 0.1 more in
every rating from yesterday, just because it did 20 more
damage than Klefki. But Klefki is on a whole new level
of terrible, especially being a Basic. Once again, I
think the Japanese translation of this attack, Frolic,
is a much more appropriate title for this attack. Klefki
was just Frolicking on the battlefield, and accidentally
bumped into your opponent’s Pokémon. Whoops.
Standard: 1/5
Expanded: 1/5
Limited: 1/5