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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies
Cards: #5 - Mega Turbo
Date Reviewed:
May 11, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.17
Expanded: 4.00
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ever since they hit the TCG, Megas
have been somewhat...lacking, in the case of most. Sure,
there have been exemplary examples like Primal Kyogre-EX,
but early Megas you might recall weren't that great.
Every Mega is taxed with the "Mega Rule" that forced the
player's turn to end the moment the card was put down,
and only relatively recently did they start getting
printed "Spirit Link" cards to work around that rule. In
a way, they're dangerously powerful but balanced, and
now that there are a few more viable options to run
with, support is now available to all those Mega decks.
Mega Turbo is just the kind of item
that Megas could use to gain the advantage. The only
real Energy accelerating Mega so far has been Mega
Manectric-EX (Primal Kyogre-EX comes close, but it's a
little slower than just attaching the Energy straight to
your Benched guys and relies more on what's in your
hand), so needless to say most of the time, Megas are
gonna run into a sort of Energy problem. Seeing as you
end your turn when you put down the Mega, you need to
attach the Energy first to whatever you're Mega-evolving
before that, and even then your opponent has a turn to
prep themselves by either discarding the Energy somehow
or else KO-ing the Mega right out, which would be easy
if it's hanging around the Active slot for whatever
So you end up with a Mega on your
Bench that's either getting crippled or has put you
behind. Let's assume it's not something like Mega
Manectric-EX or Primal Kyogre-EX that can easily make up
for the loss - how does Mega Turbo alleviate the stress
of losing the Energy? Well simply put, it can put it
right back onto the Mega, or else it can take some of
the Energy off the Pokemon you might have used as bait
to keep the Mega at bay. That's already pretty nice -
like a lollipop after a doctor's visit!
But now let's go one step further -
say you've got something like Mega Manectric-EX or
Primal Kyogre-EX. Now you can access MORE Energy from
the discard pile, which especially helps Primal Kyogre-EX
who has an already hefty cost to his attack. So Primal
Kyogre-EX decks get a boost! Mega Manectric-EX decks
just get crazier - maybe too crazy, they might run out
of Energy in the discard, so probably good to stock up
on Battle Compressors.
And yet that's only PART of it. Now
factor in those Spirit Link cards, and you've got a
Pokemon that not only evolves to an even higher power,
you can fuel him up FASTER than ever before! Primal
Kyogre-EX has never been happier to see this! But why
stop there? We've got a M Rayquaza-EX that would love
this card! Get back one of the two Energies you had to
discard, play another Energy from your hand - and
bada-bing, bada-boom! You've got a MUST run for those
Dragone-type Rayquaza-EX decks! And don't think that the
Colorless version can't benefit from this too - nothing
says "GG," like a potential Turn 1 Rayquaza-EX/Spirit
Link/M Rayquaza-EX/DCE/Battle Compressor/Mega Turbo
...okay, that last one may be a bit
circumstantial, but still!
The only drawback to this is that
if you don't have a Mega, this card's essentially a dead
draw - you can't use it! So if you're running Megas, run
this, otherwise pass it on by. Besides, it's not like
anything can stop you!
...except Seismitoad-EX.
Standard: 4/5 (a must for Mega
decks, otherwise no good)
Expanded: 4/5 (about the same,
Megas are a much more recent thing after all)
Limited: 3/5 (if you get a full set
of Megas, this card can be useful, but otherwise it's
just a nice card to hang onto)
Arora Notealus: Since the dawning
of Pokemon-EX, Evolutions have been outclassed for a
while. In a way, Mega Evos are just a superior version
of Evos in general - they take more than one card to get
out and have their own support, yet they can go
toe-to-toe with other Pokemon-EX, whereas most Evos
these days have a rough time with them. Is this the end
for them? Evolution: alive and well, or dead in its
Next Time: MAIL CALL

Otaku |
Welcome to the second week of our Top 10 Promising Picks of XY:
Roaring Skies! Today we look at Mega Turbo (XY:
Roaring Skies 86/108). So what is it? It is a new
Item that attaches a basic Energy card from your discard
pile to one your Mega Evolutions. About the only major
ruling question I have (and for which I currently have
no answer) is whether or not you can attach to a Mega
Evolution put into play via Archie’s Ace in the Hole
or Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick. “Mega Evolution
Pokémon” may need to be read in a manner similar to
“Evolved Pokémon” or may be meant to be read like “Stage
1 Pokémon” or “Stage 2 Pokémon”: we can have a Stage
that is normally an Evolution but also have the card be
an Unevolved Pokémon, such as when put into play by the
above two Supporters. For the sake of this review I am
going to assume you “Mega Evolution” just denotes the
card’s Stage and not its status as “Evolved” or “Unevolved”:
unless there is a surprise, breakthrough combo then
should it actually be ruled the other way, it will only
slightly diminish the card.
Is this a good effect? To give you an idea we’ll look at an older,
similar card. Dark Patch helped define the
competitive metagame before it rotated out to Expanded,
and in Expanded it is still quite a potent play,
somewhat weaker but only due to competition from the
larger card pool and the potency of easy, early game
Item lock from Seismitoad-EX (Hint: that will be
an issue for Mega Turbo in both formats as well).
Dark Patch actually has more restrictions
on its use than Mega Turbo, however they are less
binding in nature: both cards are restricted to
attaching basic Energy from the discard pile, but while
the only additional restriction on Mega Turbo is
that it only attaches to Mega Evolutions, Dark Patch
had three different restrictions: only worked on [D]
Energy, only attached to Darkness-Type Pokémon and only
attached to Benched Pokémon. The rub is as that with
less than two dozen distinct Mega Evolutions (even fewer
that have proven competitive), the Stage based
restriction is likely more binding than both the Type
(Darkness Pokémon and Darkness Energy) and
position(Benched versus Active) based restrictions of
Dark Patch. Not working on Special Energy is a
needed element for balance, but it will make Mega
Turbo a bit awkward for a lot of contemporary
builds: there are some Special Energy so good you’ll
find a way to run enough basic Energy alongside them to
also use Mega Turbo, but some decks will be
forced to choose. I’ve actually made this card sound
pretty bad but I’ve tried to tackle all the negative
aspects at once; onto the positive!
Start going through your Mega Evolutions (old and new); dedicated
Energy acceleration just for them is likely to do
wonders, held only in check by Item lock and the fact
that many Mega Evolutions never received a trick to
bypass the Mega Evolution Rule that ends your turn when
you Mega Evolve one of your Pokémon. So something like
M Venusaur-EX is still not going to be worth the
hassle; you lose a turn to Mega Evolving and either you
put your manual Energy attachments for your first three
turns (if trying to ready M Venusaur-EX as
quickly as possible) and then play a Mega Turbo
for the fourth, or you hope to get off multiple uses of
Mega Turbo: at this pace you could turn to other
Energy acceleration options and be just as fast. Things
are slightly better for M Heracross-EX; that
difference of needing [GGC] for its Big Bang Horn versus
M Venusaur-EX needing [GGGC] for Crisis Vine
probably won’t make M Heracross-EX tournament
viable, but it makes it noticeably more functional
because a double Mega Turbo and manual Energy
attachement take you from “zero” to “attacking” in a
single turn (though thanks to Mega Evolving, still three
turns into the game).
That… probably doesn’t seem very impressive but again, I’m
building. Before we get to the blatantly good use, I’ll
touch upon what I said earlier: if this works with Mega
Evolutions put into play via Archie’s Ace in the Hole
or Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick, while incredibly
hard to pull off it means a T2 (the first turn of the
player going second) Mega Evolution, ready to attack is
a possibility. How likely depends on which one but the
odds aren’t high; you’ll need at least Energy which
means at using Mega Turbo twice after
stripping your hand down to just Archie’s Ace in the
Hole or Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick while the
desired Mega Evolution is in the discard pile. Still,
this is a big help for cards like M Blastoise-EX
and M Lucario-EX; again I don’t think this will
boost them to competitive levels, but it is one step
closer (and two steps beyond where they started).
With all that out of the way, we get to the serious uses. Take an
already established Mega Evolution or some of the new
promising ones and look at what you get. Primal
Groudon-EX has all it had going for it already, but
now gets ready that much faster. M Gardevoir-EX
likewise has all its previous strengths but both can be
readied a little more quickly while also providing a
means of getting back discarded basic Fairy Energy
cards for Fairy Transfer decks… and thanks to Fairy
Transfer it allows anything that can use basic Fairy
Energy cards to share in the benefits. M
Manectric-EX already attaches from the discard pile
with its Turbo Bolt attack: Mega Turbo allows you
to miss a manual Energy attachment or two and still get
it going. Several of the newer cards seem meant for
Mega Turbo. M Rayquaza-EX (either
a Special Energy that provides additional Energy
acceleration to speed things up even more: the
Dragon-Type version can also use Double Dragon Energy
while the Colorless version can use Double Colorless
Energy. M Latios-EX also can use Mega
Turbo and Double Dragon Energy to good
effect. M Gallade-EX can use Dimension Valley
to shave the [C] Energy cost off of its Unwavering Blade
attack, so that it just needs a manual attachment of [P]
and then a Mega Turbo usage for a Psychic
Energy to start swinging. Yes, M Gengar-EX
and its Phantom Gate attack are in a similar boat but I
haven’t seen M Gengar-EX really being the focus.
In Expanded, Mega Turbo should be about the same; I’m not
thrilled with being so abstract but I just don’t have
the data for how the less direct competition and support
for the card will work out. All Mega Evolutions are
still Standard legal (or will be once enough time has
passed from their release) and obviously there aren’t
any basic Energy cards not already available in
Standard; it will be a question of how other combos
compliment or compete with Mega Turbo for deck
space. In Limited this card is amazing… if you get a
Mega Evolution. Even then you’ll also need a way to get
basic Energy into the discard pile: not a problem
normally but if you’re trying a +39 build you’ll need to
have pulled at least one Ultra Ball and then draw
into and use it in a timely manner. Its potency as such
is diminished because whether you’re running a +39 build
or actually adding your Pokémon-EX and Mega Evolution
into a deck with other Basic Pokémon it is an Item that
is going to only work with one other card. Fortunately
in Limited play you’ll often have the room for such
specialization, keeping the score high.
Standard: 4/5
Expanded: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Summary: Mega Turbo is Item based Energy acceleration so I expect
great things from it. Yes, Item lock effects will
render it a dead card in hand and it isn’t for every
deck, but Mega Evolutions are taking center stage after
starting out as yet another gimmick we were going to
largely ignore. I went into a lot more detail than I
had planned for this CotD - no, really I thought this
would be a short one even by “normal” standards - but
I’ve encountered enough skepticism I thought I should
lay it all out.
Mega Turbo was my number one
pick for XY: Roaring Skies; of course my Top 10
list included three Mega Evolutions (which I expected
would use it) and while I don’t completely agree, I
understand why it wouldn’t rank as high on other lists.
I am surprised it didn’t take at least fourth place,
though. Soon enough we’ll see if I was blinded by my
inner Timmy/Johnny.

Emma Starr |
Hello all, and welcome back to another week of PCOTD!
So, what do we have for you today? Well, it’s an Item
card that supports a type of card that hasn’t gotten too
much support until now: Megas!
Aside from Spirit Links, Megas as a whole haven’t really
gotten much support from Trainer Cards, as much as
say…Pokémon SP, from way back when. Which is
disappointing, as since they can be tricky to actually
get out and use sometimes, especially with some that
don’t even have Spirit Link support (what’s the logic
behind that?), this card is a welcome addition. Whenever
played, you can attach a basic energy from your discard
pile to your Mega! Simple, right? Easy 2-for-1 (or more,
if you play more than 1 in a turn) energy attachment!
There’s definitely some possibilities where I can see
this working with Camerupt EX, as after he discards Fire
Energy for his attack, simply use this Item to attach
those Energies onto say…a Mega Rayquaza (RS 61), to
mitigate his own Energy-discarding properties of his own
attack! Of course, this can easily work with either Mega
Charizard, Colorless Mega Rayquaza, Mega Kanghaskhan, or
the upcoming Mega Blaziken as well (yeah, I wasn’t even
aware that one was being made until I looked up what
cards this could combo with Camerupt EX, but it looks
really awesome, that’s for sure!)
Obviously this card has many other potential strategies
other than just comboing with Camerupt EX, as really,
any deck that runs Megas should carry 2-4 of these,
depending on what your deck needs, and how much you
think you need it, but essentially, in mid-late game,
this essentially provides you with a 2-energy-in-one
turn deal with no strings attached. Of course, you
always need to be wary of any Seismitoad EXs running
around, but other than the Quaking Punch possibility,
there isn’t really to many downsides to running this.
Standard: 4.5/5
Expanded: 4/5 (you have more options to replace said
Megas if you wanted to)
Limited: 4.8/5 (less deck size = more possibility of
drawing this. Only run this if you pull a Mega and it’s
EX though, obviously)