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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards: #3 - M Gallade EX
Date Reviewed:
May 13, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.17
Expanded: 4.00
Limited: 4.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
It's funny to think that we'd rank
a Mega higher than that of both versions of the most
powerful Pokemon around. Today we've got another helping
of cards like we did with the Colorless M Rayquaza-EX,
only now we're centered around M Gallade-EX! The one and
ONLY one!
Let's start with Gallade-EX.
other Mega-Evolving Pokemon of this set - which is
pretty much the Rayquaza-EX's and interestingly enough
Latios-EX - I'd say this is the best one in the set.
Swift Lunge is your basic 2-for-30 Pokemon Catcher - or
a 1-for-30 strike thanks to Dimension Valley - which can
be very useful early on to switch things around, though
the phrasing on it leads me to believe that the opponent
is the one who has the choice as for what actually
switches. Maybe a ruling will confirm that?
In any case, the real Prize (hehehe)
of this card is his second attack: Piercing Prizes! On
the surface, it's a 3-for-50 attack, which is pretty
bad, but factoring in the effect text, it's far greater
than it would first appear to be! Gallade-EX can deal an
extra 20 damage for each Prize card that still remains
on your board, and at a full 6 Prizes, that's an extra
120 damage - which means Piercing Prizes starts out
dealing 170 damage! Not bad!
Course the catch of that is if you
do Knock Out other Pokemon with it, you start losing
Prize cards and thus the Ability to KO hard. Granted,
the damage reduction isn't that bad and can be
circumvented with cards like Muscle Band and HTLBank,
but once you start getting down to 3 or less Prizes, I'd
say that's when you want to put down your Spirit Link
and upgrade Gallade-EX to M Gallade-EX.
Why that number specifically? Well
at 3 Prizes, Gallade-EX's Piercing Prizes only does 110
damage - still a fair number - but coincidentally,
that's the damage that M Gallade-EX's Unwavering Blade
deals! You might even be able to get away with Mega
Evolving around 2 Prize cards - considering the boosts
you gain - but I digress. Unwavering Blades is the time
limit: your opponent only has a few turns once M Gallade-EX
starts swinging this around to win, and there are few
things that can stand up to a couple of 110 strikes
(most Megas have 230 HP, if you'll recall).
But that's not the only pressure
your opponent will feel. Remember Swift Lunge? The
attack that wasn't so great? Well Unwavering Blade makes
it much better than it was before! The two compliment
each other, as Unwavering Blade strikes down other
weakened opponents for an extra 30 damage! If you've
already hit something with Swift Lunge, then it's only a
matter of time before your opponents fall to M Gallade-EX's
...granted, that can take a while,
and you're probably gonna finish off whatever's in the
Active slot much faster than anything on the Bench, but
still! It's the thought that counts! And M Gallade-EX
and his line-up have gotten a fair bit of thought behind
Standard: 4.5/5 (strong early game
from Gallade-EX combined with a good late-game finisher
from M Gallade-EX; really the only problem that comes up
would be if Gallade-EX gets KO'd before you can play M
Gallade-EX, in which case it's probably better to build
its own deck...or maybe combine it with Gengar-EX or the
Zubat line-up?)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (still a very
strong duo here)
Limited: 4.5/5 (if you get them,
you should probably run them, and if you get the Spirit
Link on top of that, DEFINITELY a 5/5 must-run!)
Arora Notealus: It's a shame Mega
Gallade in the games got a bit shafted with Inner Focus
for an Ability. Sure, he's got better stats otherwise,
but he really could've benefited from another Ability.
Oh well, at least he's making up for it in part with the
TCG here!

Emma Starr |
Today’s cards all relate to Gallade
EX, who, IMO, isn’t the most awesome-looking Megas out
there. I mean, he just has a cape (so Pokémon can grow
capes when they Mega Evolve?) and longer blades on his
arms. And despite this, the artists still never made a
Mega Flygon just because of artist’s block?!
Enough with wasted opportunity, let’s start the reviews.
I guess it’s only reasonable to start with Gallade EX
himself. Average 170 HP, and weak to Psychic, which is
okay really, since Psychics aren’t used to heavily right
now for the most part (except Mewtwo EX, but I’m trying
to keep reviews centered in the Standard format).
Assault Sword does 40 for 3 energy, unless the defending
Pokémon has no energy, than it does 80. The energy cost
here…is really sucky. 3 for 40 is absolutely awful, so
unless you have a Crushing/Enhanced Hammer, or you’re
playing this guy on your first turn, or you Lysandre a
Pokémon that was freshly benched into being active,
you’re stuck with a 3-for-40 attack. Sure, there are
plenty of ways to get around it as I just mentioned, but
if you don’t have those cards on you, good luck…
The second attack, Cross Slash, is a more standard,
EX-level attack, 4-for-130, and can’t attack next turn.
Although quite a few Megas have this kind of attack,
when you can’t attack next turn, that is always
bothersome, as, if you don’t switch out, barring
attaching energy or using Trainer Cards, you’re
essentially skipping your turn, and you can’t even use
your 3-for-40 or 80 attack.
Standard: 2.5/5 (Psychic decks haven’t gotten very much
support at all lately, compared to Fighting Decks, whom
the TCG Gods seemed to be biased towards currently…)
Expanded: 3/5 (We have better Psychic Support back
there, with help that Gardevoir (ND57) can provide, and
even Gardevoir (RC10) can be useful.)
Limited: 4/5 (high-damaging EXs are always nice, no
matter the drawbacks, as long as you have some other
Pokémon to support it if things go bad.)
With 220 HP, Mega Gallade EX still
has the standard amount of Mega HP, and same weakness.
His attack, Unwavering Blade, does 3-for-110, along with
30 to any of your opponent’s benched Pokémon who have
damage counters on them. So, unlike with Gallade EX, you
actually WANT your opponent’s Pokémon to be around for
awhile, unlike Gallade EX ’s
first attack, which wants them to be fresh and
energy-less. So, while Gallade EX should most preferably
be used in the very early game, you’ll only want to use
Mega Gallade EX very late in the game…now THAT is very
contradictory, talk about a double-edged sword (wait,
but Mega Gallade has two attached to his arms! Now I see
where the card designers got this idea from!). In all
seriousness, the Mega actually ends up doing less damage
than normal Gallade EX will be doing most of the time,
because, as stated, it might be until pretty late in the
game until most of your opponent’s benched Pokémon have
damage on them (or you could use Mega Blastoise EX to do
it quicker, but that would mean running Water as well,
and using a Mega without a Spirit Link), but once a few
of them do get some damage on them, Mega Gallade can be
quite bothersome to take down.
Standard: 3/5 (better in the late-game, but be aware of
the contrasting usefulness with Gallade EX.)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (Again, more support from the past than
what exists lately. Psychics really seemed to have been
forgotten for awhile, until now.)
Limited: 3.5/5 (if you pull this and Gallade EX, may as
well use it! You may want to hold on with Mega evolving
until later in the game, though…)
And let’s not forget the Spirit Link!
As always, Spirit
Links are an important card for any Decks with Mega
Evolutions in them, and Gallade is no exception,
although he should be fine with staying a normal EX for
awhile, unless the game has been going on for awhile,
and he just got on the field. But have fun trying to
quickly find the Spirit Link by then. :P
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3.5/5 (Skyla is handy for looking for it if
you’re hard-pressed to find it, especially later in the
Limited: 4/5 (Again, if you have both Gallade EX and
Mega Gallade EX, feel free to use it.)

Otaku |
third place finisher is appropriately enough another
triple review! Okay, so it isn’t very appropriate since
as I said before, this ended up forcing the others to do
the review my way (sorry fellow CotD reviewers!) plus it
isn’t fair to the readers as it means I didn’t really
narrow down the list to the Top 10 cards of XY:
Roaring Skies (this is technically a combo even if
it is a fundamental one). So my apologies to you the
readers! Today we will look at Gallade-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 34/100, 99/100), Gallade Spirit
Link (XY: Roaring Skies 83/108) and M
Gallade-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 35/108,
I’ll begin with the obvious; the Gallade Spirit Link
exists just to keep the Mega Evolution rule from
all-but-crippling the line, the same as it does for all
the other Mega Evolutions with their own Spirit Link
card. Unlike M Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
76/108, 105/108), there is no feature of Gallade-EX
or M Gallade-EX that would make it more effective
than other Spirit Link cards. While I regret
forcing the three card review, much like when we began
covering custom Ace Specs alongside the Pokémon for
which they functioned, I am thinking we might as well
start doing Spirit Link cards alongside their
Mega Evolutions because we end up talking about them
anyway and they really aren’t worth their own review.
Gallade-EX is a
Psychic-Type. Being
a Psychic-Type is reasonably good; this is one of those
areas where I just can’t find adequate information nor
do I think I can get a proper feel via “Theorymon”. The
short version is that besides the games’ designers
actually bringing back dual-Type Pokémon for the TCG,
the other appropriate option is to make it a
Fighting-Type and the Fighting-Type has only one thing
going against it: Resistance (while still scarce
overall) is more common against that Type than most
others. Otherwise it has great direct support, indirect
support and hits Weakness on many Colorless-Types and
both most Darkness-Types and Lightning-Types. The
Psychic-Type doesn’t have quite as good of support (both
direct and indirect), hits fewer Types for Weakness
(many Fighting-Types and Psychic-Types) and may actually
hit Resistance more often (many Darkness-Types and
Metal-Types, as it is now their default Resistance).
Unless some of the specific Psychic-Type combos pays
off, this thing may have been better off as a
Being a
Basic is unambiguous. it is great. Even in Standard
where there aren’t Basic-specific-support cards, the
pacing of the format as well as the metagame favors the
Stage highly over the others.; in Expanded (though we’ll
have to see if it matters to Gallade-EX) it is
the same only with some cards specifically designed to
help Basic Pokémon! Being a Pokémon-EX carries one
hardwired advantage, a few implied benefits and then
some unavoidable drawbacks. First Gallade-EX
gets to be a Basic instead of a Stage 2, and as already
stated that is as good as it gets right now. Usually
Pokémon-EX gain access to more HP, a better Ability and
attack or better attacks and (if available) can Mega
Evolve. We have had some Pokémon-EX that lacked most of
these though I don’t think any has lacked all of them
even if it wasn’t still worth playing in the end. The
third is what I’ve repeated so often though I’ve gotten
so used to it I find it easy to “forget” in the heat of
decision making: you give up an extra Prize when
Gallade-EX is KOed, it can’t take advantage of
certain support cards and there are many counter-cards
that specifically punish Pokémon-EX usage. All in all
though, this is a net gain as it is really hard to be a
Stage 2 right now and Mega Evolutions have really gained
in both popularity and potency (the two are usually but
not always go together).
170 HP
is good; Basic Pokémon-EX can be bigger and it
definitely isn’t what it once was, but it is still
enough to often take a hit. Just remember that as it is
worth two Prizes, there is more incentive for your
opponent to push their deck and use up resources in
taking this Prize than there would be for something
smaller, especially if it is also no more resource
intense (a distinction I confess I have failed to make
apparent in my reviews before). Most decks anymore
can score a OHKO against a 170 HP Pokémon, it is
just they require a proper set-up and even when they
have it, they may prefer to save it for something
bigger, though since this has the potential to Mega
Evolve I would not count on that saving Gallade-EX.
Psychic Weakness is still one of the worst to have;
while Psychic-Type support doesn’t strike me as being as
good as Psychic-Type support, it is still good and
you’ve got Mewtwo-EX, Mew-EX, some Night
March attackers, etc. that can all exploit Weakness for
an unexpected OHKO. A quick note: based on the video
game Type relationships and how those are tweaked for
the TCG, I think I might have preferred Fairy-Type
Weakness as both a bit less dangerous and more faithful
to the source material. Gallade-EX has no
Resistance, which is typical in the TCG (though I kind
of wish it had Fighting Resistance as two of the three
video game Types that make up the TCG Fighting-Type do
half damage to Gallade in the video games). The Retreat
Cost of two is a functional average; low enough to pay
without crippling your set-up (most of the time) but
high enough you’ll really want to avoid it. Fortunately
most decks already have incentive to pack tricks to
lower it or bypass manually retreating entirely; the
Psychic-Type specifically has Warp Energy that
will zero out the cost while attached.
Gallade-EX has
two attacks. The first is Swift Lunge for [PC]; it does
30 points of damage and forces your opponent to switch
out his or her Active for one of his or her Benched
Pokémon (opponent’s choice, like the old Pokémon
Circulator Item). This attack first showed up (in
English and with its current effect) on Gallade (BW:
Plasma Storm 61/135), where it costs an additional
[C] but hits for 80: I like it better less expensive
even though technically three for 80 is better than two
for 30. Good thing Dimension Valley exists
(there is also a matter of M Gardevoir-EX…)! It
isn’t a brilliant attack but it deals some damage and
can disrupt your opponent. The real star for this card
is Piercing Prizes, which requires [PPP] and does 50+
damage: the “+” in this case is 20 more damage per Prize
card you have left in play. [PPP] isn’t cheap, but if
you haven’t taken a Prize that is a flat 170 damage; if
you don’t plan on Mega Evolving or making use of
Dimension Valley, that is enough to buff up to 220
damage (and thus threaten the smaller Mega Evolutions
with OHKO) via Muscle Band, Hypnotoxic Laser
and Virbank City Gym (at least while those last
two remain in the format; probably only a few months
left for that). Even if you do plan on Mega Evolving,
this is a great attack… until you take too many Prizes.
Once you take even one it goes from “very good” to
simply “good”, with each Prize knocking it down a notch.
All in all, I don’t think this will be the best
Pokémon-EX that can Mega Evolve but it is one of the
better ones (and may be the best one still worth
Mega Evolving).
Speaking of which, M Gallade-EX retains the same
Type, Weakness, lack of Resistance, Retreat Cost, lack
of Ability and lack of Ancient Trait as Gallade-EX.
Its HP goes up to a sturdy-for-a-Mega-Evolution 220 and
it loses its two old attacks for one new one: Unwavering
Blade. This attack requires [PPC] and hits for 110
damage while also doing 30 damage to each of your
opponent’s Benched Pokémon that are already
damaged. The damage output versus the opponent’s Active
is enough to 2HKO all but the bigger (230+ HP)
Pokémon-EX (so some Mega Evolutions plus Wailord-EX)
and some cards with protective effects. This isn’t the
kind of attack where you can put your brain in neutral
and still dominate, but it is a good one. M Gallade-EX
has great synergy with Gallade-EX and what is
nice is that this gives multiple potential strategies to
using the cards.
Piercing Prizes is reminiscent of the Psychic Cut attack
on Gallade (DP: Secret Wonders 6/132);
though it is harder to appreciate an old attack from a
format so different from our own, trust me when I say at
the time this was a good attack with its cost of [PCC]
for 60 damage plus another 20 per Prize card of your own
that you choose to flip over. The revealed Prizes stay
face-up so you could get some fast, hard hitting damage
relatively quickly, but as you might have guessed that
alone wasn’t enough. This card rose to prominence
during a period when I was either barely able or unable
to keep up with (let alone actually participate in)
competitive play so I am uncertain if the first attack
was worthwhile, but fortunately we have one of the best
examples of how this Gallade was used preserved
for posterity: it was part of
Jason (Ness) Klaczynski’s 2008 World Championship
winning deck. This was not the only attacker present
and while I lack the space and knowledge to go into
detail over the strategy, the deck also ran Gardevoir
(DP: Secret Wonders 7/132) and Gardevoir
(DP: Secret Wonders 131/132), better known as
Gardevoir Lv.X. The confusion caused by the
Level-Up mechanic is part of the reason why I use
italics for card names: Level-Up cards don’t count
the “Lv.X” as part of the card’s name: Gardevoir
Lv.X is considered to be the same as Gardevoir so
you can only run total copies of both in the same deck.
Relevant to this review, once Gallade was no
longer a strong enough attacker (or when either of these
two could do a better job) they changed out.
are many methods to run Gallade-EX and M
Gallade-EX that echo that older deck, with varying
levels of complexity. They are also all largely
intertwined; you likely won’t be able to run “a bit of
everything” very well but multiple elements will be
present each your deck. You can pace yourself, letting
your opponent deal with a Sigilyph (BW:Dragons
Exalted 52/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 118/116;
BW: Legendary Treasures 66/113), Wobbuffet (XY:
Phantom Forces 36/119), Robo Substitute or
other appropriate sacrifice while you power up
Gallade-EX, then use Piercing Prizes (ideally for a
OHKO) and if Gallade-EX survives, either Mega
Evolving or use Piercing Prizes again (whichever is
better). Spreading damage counters is great for
Unwavering Blade but also Piercing Prizes, allowing it
to take down larger targets (those in excess of 170 HP
at first and to offset the Prizes you have taken as time
goes on). Something simple like Spinda (XY:
Primal Clash
115/160), for which I did eventually submit
a late
could be your opening sacrifice instead. If you turn to
Abilities, there is the successful (although space
consuming) Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces
33/119), the formerly successful Dusknoir (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 63/149; BW: Plasma Blast
104/101) or the not successful (yet?) Forretress
(XY: Flashfire 60/106).
There are a few tricks to speed the deck up though they
aren’t useful to all attacks. Dimension Valley
is an obvious one; it won’t help Piercing Prizes but it
makes Swift Lunge a solid attack and Unwavering Blade an
even better deal. It can become a bit clunky, but Mega
Turbo can also help all these attacks. Directly of
course it only works with Unwavering Blade, though two
copies of it or one copy and a Dimension Valley
can take M Gallade-EX from zero to fully powered
in a single turn. Indirectly you can use Energy
Switch to simply move the Energy from M Gallade-EX
to a Gallade-EX or you can make use of either
Shrine of Memories (clashes with Dimension Valley)
or Celebi-EX (an easy Prize) so that M Gallade-EX
itself can use Piercing Prizes. In Expanded you can
take the risk of running Gardevoir (BW: Next
Destinies 57/99; BW: Dark Explorers 109/108)
to further speed up the deck, it’s Psychic Mirage
Ability causing basic Psychic Energy cards
attached to your Psychic-Type Pokémon to provide [PP].
If you do,
Gallade (BW:
Plasma Storm 61/135) may actually be worthwhile; I
reference it earlier for bearing Swift Lunge, but it
actually has a pretty good attack called Powerful Storm
that requires [CC] and does 20 damage times all the
Energy you have in play. Psychic Mirage doesn’t stack,
but if you’re using it you likely want a robust line of
the lower Stages anyway to make it easier to get
Gardevoir into play; this means adding Gallade
could be as simple as adding one more card (instead of
an entire Evolution line).
all of these tricks work with Mew-EX and
Mewtwo-EX. I only have them separated out for
clarity; they aren’t intended as some
super-special-awesome trump cards. Mew-EX is
often paired with Dimension Valley so while it
remains a glass cannon as always, though in a build with
Gardevoir or some of the less usual suggestions (Spinda,
Forretress) it may gain some tricks that are hard
to see coming… including being a stand-in for Gallade-EX
and M Gallade-EX. No, I don’t see it doing that
last bit too often (nothing makes Mew-EX easier
to power-up under these circumstances while it remains
far easier to KO). Mewtwo-EX brings its well
known raw power, even if it isn’t the titan it once was.
Since this is an actual Psychic-Type deck, especially
in a version running Dimension Valley or
Gardevoir, you may catch an opponent off-guard due
to the oft-forgotten Psydrive: the two together allow
Mewtwo-EX to hit for 120 for a single basic
Psychic Energy, regardless of whatever is attached
to the opponent’s Active.
thrown a lot out there; odds are the simplest (and thus
most reliable) approach will work best, but you do have
a lot of options nonetheless. When it comes to Limited
play, one should be careful. Can you build a +39 deck
around these cards? Absolutely. Should you? Probably,
but temper your expectations. Swift Lunge isn’t quite
as underpowered here and forcing your opponent to
promote something different could be more useful as it
will be harder for your opponent to get something
unwanted out of the Active slot. On the other hand if
they have a full Bench doing so is likely to give them
time to peck away at the HP of Gallade-EX.
Piercing Prizes maxes out at 130 damage here so you’ll
need to win the “race” in attacking. The good news is
that the 50 points of damage Swift Lunge does will
soften up a rival, Basic Pokémon-EX, putting it into
2HKO range (and leaving it Active if it has no Bench,
such as in a +39 deck). The bad news is that if your
opponent can feed you enough Pokémon, whether they are
small attackers or meat shield while building something
“big” on the Bench, Gallade-EX could be too
easily overwhelmed. Of course, if you also get
Gallade Spirit Link and M Gallade-EX into
play in a timely manner, you’ve pretty much sealed your
win unless they can get Beautifly (XY: Roaring
Skies 5/108) into play (its Ability prevents damage
from Pokémon-EX). So basically, if you’re careful and
not unlucky/opponent isn’t lucky, it is yours, but that
last factor isn’t in your control.
Standard: 4.25/5
Expanded: 4.5/5
Limited: 4.75/5
Summary: I went
ahead and did a composite score for all of them;
Gallade Spirit Link would score about 3/5 across the board because it exists just to make Mega Evolving less
painful but if you must, you can make do without it.
Gallade-EX and
M Gallade-EX should come pretty close to the above
scores in a deck that focuses upon them; a minor but
important distinction as if you’re running a deck that
is all about Piercing Prizes or all about Unwavering
Blade, the other attack (and thus attacker) becomes less
useful (though still a good back-up).
I had
these three as my fourth place pick. Maybe it is simply
because they simultaneously appeal to my inner Timmy
(big attacks on a big Pokémon-EX, with a previous
Gallade having once dominated the format), my inner
Johnny (look at all the at least semi-creative play
options!) and not-so-inner Spike (also remembers the
glory days of a past Gallade and more
importantly, the fundamentals to the cards are strong),
but I’m pretty comfortable with it scoring this high.
Had my “three-for-one” review been shot down, my
alternate list placed Gallade-EX as my number 12
pick and kept M Gallade-EX as my fourth place