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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
May 29, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.63
Expanded: 2.88
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Roaring Skies)
This card provides a few moments of nostalgia for
long-time players, as it closely resembles the old
Absol ex from Power Keepers:
a card that was part of a Worlds-winning deck in 2007,
no less. I have serious doubts as to whether the current
card will match that feat, but what they do have in
common is Cursed Eyes, an Ability
(FKA Poké-Power), which
allows you to move three damage counters from one of
your opponent’s Pokémon to another.
Yes, I know we have Sinister Hand
Dusknoir from BCR to do that kind of thing all
day, but Dusknoir is a
clunky old Stage 2 that takes up a ton of deck space.
Absol is just a Basic and it
he is still capable of pulling off some neat damage
calculation tricks by moving off ‘spare’ damage in a
two-hit KO situation or manipulating the counters on a
Poisoned Pokémon so that it is KO’d coming into your
Deck space is super tight these days (isn’t it always?)
and Absol is by no means an
automatic inclusion in every deck: OHKO monsters like M
Rayquaza and P
Groudon have no need for
such toys. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to
see one or two players trying out a single copy: if
played with care, it could just swing a game in the
right circumstances.
Modified: 3
Expanded: 2.75
Limited: 3

aroramage |
Poor Absol here has gotten a bad
wrap for being the Disaster Pokemon. Just cause every
time you show up something bad happens doesn't mean you
should get treated as an omen of bad things to come. I
mean come on! Okay, so you're Dark-type on top of
that...and you've got a scythe-like horn on your
head...and you Mega Evolve into an angelic Pokemon-COME
In any case, Absol just has a
couple of pieces to look over, one much MUCH better
objectively than the other. Yeah, Mach Claw is "okay" if
you have 2 Energy to spare towards an attack that does
only 30 damage. But hey, at least it's not affected by
resistance, so Absol can actually hit Fairies...except
that there are much better Dark-types to use that'll do
much more in the long run.
So Cursed Eyes is the big part of
this Pokemon, and it's an interesting maneuver. When you
put Absol down from your hand, you get to move around 3
damage counters from one of your opponent's Pokemon to
another of their Pokemon. Immediately I think of adding
on 30 damage to their Active Pokemon so that you can KO
them more easily - 150 is easier to hit than 180 on a
Pokemon-EX, just as an example.
At least this makes Absol usable in
a wide variety of decks. In fact, I wouldn't be
surprised to see him getting run in Primal Kyogre and M
Rayquaza-EX decks to simply snag that easy OHKO. The
only trick with that is you need to already have some
damage out on your opponent's Pokemon to move around, an
easy task for Primal Kyogre-EX but not so much for M
Rayquaza-EX. Unless you're planning on using that 150
damage as a buffer to then play several Absol down to
set-up for the next few turns...which actually doesn't
sound that unreasonable, considering Sky Field is a
Will Absol make it into these decks
for Cursed Eyes? I don't see why not. Besides, it's not
just set-ups - it's also potential KOs to get that 30
damage gap you're missing!
Standard: 2.5/5 (set him up with
the right partner, and Cursed Eyes can set up so many
Expanded: 2.5/5 (I imagine Cursed
Eyes gets a little better here, not to mention Dark
support actually exists)
Limited: 3.5/5 (moving damage
around is awesome, and Mach Claw's...well, still
terrible, but at least mildly less so)
Arora Notealus: You know, it's
funny, cause today we see the release of the Mega Absol
Collection, meaning we just got Absol-EX and M Absol-EX
as promos! I dunno about you guys, but Disaster Wing
looks pretty good to me - mill a card and if it's a
Trainer do double damage? Yes please! All he really
needs is a Spirit Link card, and he's golden!
Weekend Thought: Which one of these
cards from this week do you think will be the
most...memorable? Get it? Cause it was Memorial Day?
And-yeah okay. But seriously, what're your thoughts on
this week's set of cards?

Otaku |
We close out our week an embarrassing update and a
review. Simply put, a few weeks ago I got behind
schedule and stayed behind schedule, with several
half-written or barely started CotDs just taunting me,
telling me that I’d never finish them. They
Yes, a month late (well, a few went up earlier than
that). So the bad news is I was horribly tardy, the
good news is if you weren’t checking on your own, now
you have five additional CotDs to tide you over for the
Now for the actual review: Absol (XY: Roaring
Skies 40/160)! It is a Basic Pokémon, making it
easy to fit into decks and get into play (trust me, this
time it is going to be especially relevant). It is a
Darkness-Type; not too great at hitting Weakness (just
certain Psychic-Types) and so for all Fairy-Types are
Darkness Resistant, plus while it was I believe the
first recent Type to receive Type support, that has been
so long that most of the direct support has rotated out.
Still there are a few solid tricks like Shadow
Circle in Standard, and Expanded still has the
amazing Dark Patch. Overall its a good, solid
Type for Standard and a great Type for Expanded. Its
100 HP won’t last too long; at this point its probably
just as likely to be OHKOed as not, and the “not” comes
from incomplete set-ups by the opponent or decks that
sacrifice damage for other tricks (like Seismitoad-EX
and Quaking Punch locking down Items). Fighting
Weakness is a pain and all but guarantees a Fighting
deck (excluding those with crazy long prep times) will
score a rapidfire OHKO: things like Landorus-EX
and Lucario-EX only need a Strong Energy
or a source of [F] Energy plus a Muscle Band for
the Weakness to transform 50 damage into 100. The
Psychic Resistance is appreciated and can come in handy
at least some of the time. The Retreat Cost of [C] is
good; easy to pay and to recover from paying, plus
anything that reduces the Retreat Cost at all will
result in a free retreat (such as with Skyarrow
has an Ability and an attack. The Ability is Cursed
Eyes, and it triggers when you play Absol from
your hand to your Bench, allowing you to move three
damage counters from one of your opponent’s Pokémon to
another. This looks pretty spiffy as it can help you
both avoid overkill while ideally setting something else
up to be KOed a turn more quickly (including KOed by
this effect if it is small enough). This isn’t the
first time we’ve seen an effect with this name: Absol
ex (EX: Power Keepers 92/108) had this as its
Poké-Power released a little over eight years ago: you
can read our CotD for that one
As a reminder, Pokémon-ex were the predecessors of
Pokémon-EX so if you’re wondering why over eight years
that has been no power creep, Absol ex was worth
two Prizes when KOed, couldn’t use certain support
cards, etc. I have to confess that while I was pretty
sure this was the case I don’t actually remember how
much this card was played. Checking Bulbapedia, looks
like Absol ex was included as a single copy in
the 2007 Junior Division World Champion Jun Hasebe
winning “Flyvees” deck. And Tom Roos’ 2007 World
Championship Masters Division winning Legendary Ascent
deck, maxed out at four copies. So yeah, it was a great
card back then; makes me wish I’d scored it higher. I
do remember that it was the Poké-Power and not the
attack that really made that card. Speaking of
Today’s Absol can use Mach Claw at a cost of [DC]
for 30 damage that is unaffected by Resistance. This
isn’t a horrible attack but it's pretty much filler. If
you face a Fairy-Type deck running Klefki (XY:
Furious Fists 73/111) it… still isn’t all that much
damage, though at least it would take another
Darkness-Type hitting with base damage of 70 to hit for
as much under the same circumstances. Not sure how much
that Klefki gets played but without it, then it
only takes 50 base damage to do the same effective 30
and for two Energy and the only attack on a card, 50
damage would be reasonable and much more useful
in general. As such I suspect this was an intentional,
preemptive “nerf” to keep the card from being so good
without giving it an even more blatant filler attack.
For the record, Absol ex had (has?) Psychic
Pulse for the same Energy cost, also hitting for 30 but
also hits each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon that
already has damage counters on it for 10 damage. Both
attacks are probably meant to form a mild combo with the
Ability/Poké-Power, assuming multiple copies of the
respective Pokémon are being played or you’ve got
a way of reusing it (move three damage counters to
ensure something is hit for the spread with Absol ex,
make sure you can punch through Resistance and have
three damage counters to move with today’s Absol).
Proving how spotty my memory is today, I realized I had
also forgot the other currently legal Absol:
BW: Plasma Freeze 67/119! Absol [Plasma]
was first reviewed
as our eighth place pick for BW: Plasma Freeze.
The differences between it and today’s subject are that
it is a Team Plasma affiliated Pokémon, has no Ability
and has two attacks: Mind Jack requires [DC] and does 20
damage plus another 20 for each Pokémon on your
opponent’s Bench (this has recently become more fun and
effective again thanks to Sky Field) and Fearsome
Shadow for [DCC] that hits for 60 damage and lets you
see your opponent’s hand (which has never been used much
and now seems even less worth it). Absol
[Plasma] has always been more of a “supporting attacker”
kind of Pokémon; originally we were excited for it
because the Darkness-Type decks of the time were already
amazing but needed an attacker that could get around
protective effects like
Safeguard, Plasma Steel, and Bright Down which all
stopped the then dominant Darkness-Type attacker
Darkrai-EX (remember the time before Yveltal-EX?),
though it was also used in other Team Plasma decks as
most could afford the Energy cost. The good news is
that means these two actually play nice with each other;
no super amazing combos, but Absol [Plasma] is
unlikely to be maxed out so our new Absol can
still fit in the deck… and do its “damage counter
management” to avert overkill/set-up KOs, including for
its Team Plasma counterpart.
So how does one go about making use of Cursed Eyes?
Don’t have attackers that specialize in OHKOs or
precision 2HKOs. As long as you’ve got some damage to
spare on one Pokémon and an open Bench slot, you can
drop Absol make those three damage counters
matter. Decks that already run Super Scoop Up
(or similar effects) will enjoy having the capacity to
move several damage counters in a single turn or use it
multiple times off of the same copy of Absol. If
you have an attacker that is scoring overkill for its
OHKOs or 2HKOs, this might allow it to fake being a
Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119)... without
the Stage 2 line. Keep in mind though that I am
specifically talking about decks with wasted
damage for the Crobat comparison.
To give you an idea, Absol allows Landorus-EX
to act like Lucario-EX and Lucario-EX to
act like Landorus-EX but only when there
would be inefficiency to begin with: when you’re doing
30 damage to the Bench but you really needed it back on
the Active or when you’re slamming the Active for damage
that you really need to move to something on the Bench.
You won’t get the amazing feats of scoring multiple KOs
or massive OHKOs against an opponent whose field is
clear of damage, like you would with the Crobat
line. You might consider working in a clutch Absol
to a Crobat deck if you find you need even finer
control over where the damage goes… but since you choose
for Crobat and Golbat (XY: Phantom
Forces 33/119) and Cursed Eyes can only move less
than three damage counters if there are less than that
on the target Pokémon, it might be overkill.
Expanded should do its usual thing of providing both
more competition but also more opportunities. I’m not
sure if Dark Patch is a big deal because you
shouldn’t really be attacking with Absol, but
Dark Patch tends to turbo charge Yveltal-EX
making it more likely to hit overkill territory, thus
indirectly helping Absol use Cursed Eyes better.
For Limited play, the only reason you don’t run this is
because you didn’t pull it, or because you got something
worth building a +39 deck around instead. A common
tactic here is going to be to retreat an injured
attacker (since they are not as likely to be OHKOed) to
the Bench to deny your opponent the Prize… this really
helps with that.
Absol is a great card and probable TecH for
multiple decks. It actually can function in most any
deck since it is moving damage counters, it just won’t
be super-special-awesome without some thinking or some
luck to really capitalize on that one-shot movement of
three damage counters (or a good way to make it more
than a one-shot trick). So if it scores so well in
general, why didn’t it make our Top 10? Good question:
it didn’t make my list due to so many other cards either
being amazing in their own decks (leading to new decks
or revamped old ones), being about as good of general
plays and the fact that I really think more decks should
run Silent Lab. Was I right? We’ll see; if this
shows up maxed out in World Championship winning decks
then I’ll have low-balled it… again.

Emma Starr |
Don’t you hate it when you’re about 10-30 damage away
from knocking out your opponent’s EX, but then they
switch? Well, be annoyed no more, as Absol can help!
With his Cursed Eyes ability, you can move 3 damage
counters from ONE of your opponent’s Pokémon to another
of theirs. It’s nothing crazy like Dusknoir (BC 63), but
he’s a basic, what do you expect? He’s actually useful
for what he’s designed to be – a sniper. Just get him on
the bench, and activate his ability, simple as that. Of
course, it would also be wise to use a Super Scoop Up on
him, if you happen to have one on you, just so he
doesn’t become Lysandre fodder. Why, well, he isn’t
going to survive long, with 100 HP, and worst of all,
Fighting weakness. Just be glad he has a Retreat Cost of
His attack is laughably pathetic, which does 30 for a
Dark and Colorless, and makes the damage not affected by
Resistance. Unfortuantely, most Pokémon don’t even have
Resistances too much these days, and with an output of
30, you wouldn’t need to worry about that very much
anyway. He’s a sniper, and that’s really all he’s good
for. Poor Absol. :<
Standard: 1.5/5 (well, if you really want a sniper, you
don’t have much of a choice.)
Expanded: 1.39/5 (you have Dusknoir (BC 63) over here,
but he’s a Stage 2. But he can potentially be very much
worth the setup required, as his ability is an amped up
form of Absol’s. He also has a pathetic attack, so he
can be pretty splashable in any deck type, and be used
for the same purpose as Absol.)
Limited: 3.5/5 (hey, who knows, he could be handy. He’s
pretty splashable, at least.)