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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Throwback Thursday
Double Rainbow Energy
- POP Series 5 #4
Date Reviewed:
July 13, 2017
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Rainbow Energy's an amazing card,
so why not make it twice as good?
Double Rainbow Energy does have a
lot stipulations for a card that provides 2 of any
Energy though. The most important part is that it has to
be attached to an Evolved Pokemon, but there's also the
slight decrease in damage output by 10. Course while
there is risk in having a card that makes your attack
unable to get that KO, the ability to get 2 Energy of
any kind quickly can be a tremendous boon to a Pokemon
as well! And damage outputs back in the day were at
least lower than they are these days.
It shouldn't come back into
Standard though, at least not without greater
stipulations. With the advent of GX, the game has a
slight shift towards the powerful Evolved Stage 1 and 2
GX, and a reduction of only 10 damage in exchange for
powering up many of their attacks - in some cases,
almost instantly - would hardly be an incentive NOT to
play this card. Just look at how frequently we see DCE
as it is, and it doesn't have any restrictions other
than providing 2 Colorless Energy.
It's probably for the best Double
Rainbow Energy sits this format out...at least until it
gets an improvement. I wonder if reducing damage output
to 20 or 30 would affect the outcome of you playing it
in this modern age?
Standard: N/A (it was a powerful
card back in the day since the evolved Pokemon were more
Expanded: N/A (but coming back to
this day and age would immediately let it see play again
in certain decks)
Limited: 3.5/5 (admittedly, outside
of evolution decks, this card is...not that great)
Arora Notealus: If only there were
Double Rainbow Energies for people who were sick. Sure,
you wouldn't be able to hurt people as bad, but hey,
you'd at least be able to do things faster, eyyy?
Eyyyyyy?...yes, I'm a little sick and tying it into my
review, don't change the subject.
Next Time: ...oh no, I am not
reviewing this guy down to a summary review, this guy

Otaku |
For today’s
Throwback Thursday, we’re tripping back to the days of
Double Rainbow Energy, released as EX: Team
Magma vs Team Aqua 88/95, EX: Emerald 87/106,
EX: Crystal Guardians 88/100, and Pokémon
Organized Play Series 5 4/17. I don’t remember
the exact rules for when a new card became tournament
legal back in the day, but EX: Team Magma vs Team
Aqua officially released on March 15, 2004, so it
ought to have been part of the half of the 2003-2004
Modified (what we now call “Standard) Format.
Re-releases kept it legal until Pokémon Organized
Play Series 5 rotated out of Modified on September
1, 2008. That means it nearly had a solid
four-and-a-half year run. We first reviewed the
and then again here. This card is a Special Energy
that provides two units of Energy, both of which
count as all Types at once. It mentions
providing no other effects because at this time, we
still didn’t have basic Darkness Energy or
Metal Energy but we did have two Special
Energy cards with those names (and they did
provide bonus effects).
A Double Dragon
Energy that works for all Types sounds too good to
be true, and it would be except it came with some
additional drawbacks. To begin with, only
Evolved Pokémon could use it; on the off chance it ended
up attached to a Basic Pokémon (such as through
devolving), its own effect stated that Double Rainbow
Energy would discard itself immediately. It
also could not be used by Pokémon-ex, which were
basically the Pokémon-GX of their day, as well as being
near identical to but mechanically distinct from
the Pokémon-EX of the BW- and XY-eras. If a
Pokémon became a Pokémon-ex (such as through
Evolving), against Double Rainbow Energy would
discard itself. Finally, it reduced the damage
done by the attacks of the Pokémon using. Each
Double Rainbow Energy attached meant 10 less damage
done to the opponent’s Pokémon (if your own attack hit
your own Pokémon, it still did full damage).
Oddly, earlier printings of the card applied this
reduction after Weakness and Resistance, but
later printings state it applies before, which is
consistent with how such things are handled in the
modern game. Even with such drawbacks, this was a
mighty card. At the time it was around,
Rare Candy could still be used to immediately Evolve
a Basic Pokémon into either its Stage 1 or Stage 2 form
(the latter skipping the Stage 1 entirely); first turn
rules from this time are hazy in my mind, but I believe
at least some of this time allowed Player 1 to use it on
his or her first turn, and for sure Player 2 could do
it. So you could quickly face a Stage 1 or 2
Pokémon with access to any attack that cost [XX] or
less, where “X” is any Energy requirement (and not
necessarily the same as other instances of “X”).
Historically, this
was just a good, semi-general card. Many decks
used Pokémon-ex, but not all; some decks could even
still afford Double Rainbow Energy. Decks
that were less focused on damage, capable of moving a
particular Energy Type around, and several other tricks
that make Rainbow Energy so good also helped
Double Rainbow Energy earn its keep. I can’t
remember all the decks off the top of my head and I
don’t have time to research them all, but I can at least
look through the World Championship decks for the years
where Double Rainbow Energy was part of the
format. This is hardly a good way of
sampling the metagame for an entire year. The
metagame and card pool change throughout the year, and
as we saw with the recent 2016 World Championship decks,
as the format was defined both going into Worlds and
for a good chunk before by Night March decks, but
that meant the top decks all had good-to-great Night
March matchups. Still, this is what we have, so
for 2004… no Double Rainbow Energy. 2005 saw its
usage in two of the four decks, including the winner of
the 15+ age bracket. Double Rainbow Energy was
absent again in the 2006 decks and only shows up in one
deck (as TecH) for 2007. In 2008, it once again
had the winner of the Masters Division use four, plus
another deck using Double Rainbow Energy as TecH.
Besides the metagame, the card pool is a big deal
here as well; several alternatives to Double Rainbow
Energy were released during this time, including
(but not limited to) Holon’s Castform, Holon’s
Electrode, Holon’s Magneton, and Scramble
This card would be
pretty crazy if it were re-released, though I suspect if
it were, the effect (and possibly the name) would be
tweaked. Pokémon-GX and Pokémon-EX would probably
be excluded instead of Pokémon-ex, since those aren’t
even in the Legacy Format, let alone Expanded and
Standard. It might still work only for
Evolutions as well; Basic Pokémon had been dominant
until the original 2001-2002 Modified Format and didn’t
start to regularly prove competitive again until after
Double Rainbow Energy was gone. I could see
this as an attempt at leveling the playing field, though
if you’re a long-time reader, you know I would prefer
balancing the Stages through better card design and game
pacing. If you’re fortunate enough to play in a
Limited Format event with such old cards, this is a
welcome sight from your product; you’re often stuck
using whatever half-decent Evolution you pull and
running a deck that needs multiple (sometimes three or
more) Energy Types. I can’t comment on Unlimited
because I don’t know if any First Turn Win or Lock decks
need it; apart from those, it would be a key part of
certain (but not all) decks. It has all the
competition it saw during much of its Modified run
plus a few more cards from throughout the years.
Double Rainbow
wasn’t always a must run, but it definitely shaped the
metagame while it was legal; two units of Energy that
count as all Types tend to do wonders, even with the

Vince |
Today is Throwback Thursdays! And this week’s throwback
card is Double Rainbow Energy! So last week I said that
I had some cards from Base Set and cards from Diamond &
Pearl onwards, but I forgot that my friend gave me a
Blastoise Theme Deck (Storm Surge) that was in EX
Crystal Guardians. And in that same set came a
card which is Double Rainbow Energy, which I still have
one heavily played copy of. I wished that I had
four of them, but since this is 2017 and not 2005-06, I
should be grateful that I still have it.
Anyways, Double Rainbow Energy does what its name
suggests: Providing two units of energy of any type.
Think of it as 2 separate Rainbow Energies, but in just
one card instead of two, and no damage counter being
placed onto the Pokemon this energy is attached to.
There are some restrictions and detrimental effects for
such an amazing energy card: It has to be attached to an
evolved Pokemon, damage output is reduced by 10 (before
applying weakness and resistance), and it gets discarded
if the Pokemon is no longer an evolved Pokemon.
Don’t let the drawbacks turn you away from this card.
This is extremely useful for evolution decks whose
attack costs need to be met quickly so that players can
use that attack. If the attack cost was two
energies, Double Rainbow Energy takes care of it right
away! The damage reduction of 10 may hinder your
performance, but if you can still land OHKOs or 2HKOs
even with the reduction, then that drawback is
inconsequential. And there are few ways to devolve
Pokemon such as Devolution Spray and Espeon EX’s
Miraculous Shine.
I might have mentioned the various Evolution cards last
week. We got Mega Evolutions that would love to
have this energy to fuel their attacks. Break
Evolutions is still an Evolution card, so Xerneas BREAK
of top of Basic Xerneas can make use of Double Rainbow
Energy while Basic Xerneas itself can’t. Some GX
Pokemon can make use of it depending on the stage.
Since this energy can provide any type of energy, it can
be moved by abilities that transfer energy to another
Pokemon. So, Shift Gear, Dark Trance, Fairy
Transfer, Psychic Transfer, and the like can move this
energy. Unfortunately, effects that fetches a
particular type won’t allow DRE.
There’s another special energy which did a similar job:
Double Dragon Energy. It is a special energy for
Dragon types only, and it provides two units of any
type. This is extremely useful for meeting attack
costs that would otherwise be hard to meet. Most
dragons have attack costs that requires two different
energy types such as Dragonite’s Grass/Lightning or
Hydreigon’s Dark/Psychic. It also can be attached
regardless of stage and damage output is not reduced,
unlike Double Rainbow Energy. It is worth noting
that Double Dragon Energy is about to leave rotation;
Once DDE is gone, there isn’t a special energy which
provides two units of any type at the moment.
Overall, Double Rainbow Energy is a serious contender
for Standard and Expanded if it were to be reprinted,
and it is of no surprise that it’ll do extremely well in
Limited if you use a particular evolutionary line (both
the EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua and EX Crystal
Standard: N/A (would be 4.5/5 if reprinted)
Expanded: N/A (would be 4.5/5 if reprinted)
Limited: 5/5
Notes: Double Rainbow Energy is an example of an effect
that is taken to the extremes much like Broken Time
Space last week. However, I don’t see how this
card would be broken; it just provides a big boost to
help them. It is vulnerable to Enhanced Hammer and
Aegislash-EX’s Mighty Shield would render this energy
helpless. Lastly, decks that don’t run evolution cards
won’t use Double Rainbow Energy.
Coming Up: Lana, am I really battling against this totem