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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Bodybuilding Dumbbells
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 113
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 13, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.13
Expanded: 2.07
Limited: 3.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Tired of getting KO'd by your
opponents? Wish there was some way you could defend
yourself from the onslaughts of EX and GX alike? Trying
your best to push yourself beyond being just that "loser
Pokemon" that nobody plays?
Introducing the Bodybuilding
Dumbbells! These weights are measured out to perfection
to allow your Pokemon to strengthen their muscles and
build up their stamina! When it comes to wondering about
how to defend one's self from the opponent, nothing
beats adding on an extra 40 HP to your total! Here are
some words from some of our clientele!
"I was already a big imposing
threat before, with my cheap move that could deal a lot
of damage. But now with Bodybuilding Dumbbells, I can
stack up to the size of a Stage 2 GX and still deal lots
of damage through all my Switching cards!" -Golisopod-GX
"Before I was just a pile of
garbage that redefined the way the game worked and how
you're able to actually build your deck. Now with
Bodybuilding Dumbbells by my side, I'm able to take that
extra hit that you wish I couldn't!" -Garbodor (GRI)
"Wait...how do you use these? I'm
just crystals, I don't know how to make these work!
Whatever, I don't need them anyway." -Necrozma-GX
"...I kinda need these...but
they're too heavy for me." -Marshadow-GX
"Oh, like you need me to be
stronger than I already am." -Gardevoir-GX
So now for the low low price of
being a Stage 1 Pokemon, you can get your own set of
Bodybuilding Dumbbells and start blowing away the
competition! Order yours today!
Standard: 2.5/5 (useful for those
Stage 1s at least)
Expanded: 2/5 (but otherwise, it's
still just a HP boost)
Limited: 3.5/5 (not that
HP-boosting hasn't been helpful)
Arora Notealus:...I might have had
too much fun writing this one.
Next Time: Warp things around and

21times |
Bodybuilding Dumbbells
(Burning Shadows, 113/147) drops into the meta
from the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A Tool card, this gives the Stage 1 Pokemon it is
attached to an additional 40 HP.
I spoke yesterday about the infrequency of which my
opponents are using
Field Blower
(Guardians Rising, 125/145).
If you put four copies of
Dumbbells in your deck, I have no doubt whatsoever
that at least two of them will stick… maybe more if you
get lucky.
But is it worth it to give a Stage 1 Pokemon 40 extra
As I’ve mentioned recently in some posts, I am again
tracking damage done to the active Pokemon by your
opponent’s attacks.
I had previously done a study on this back in
March and April that you can find
It’s still relatively early in the analysis, but
here’s a sneak peak at my findings so far:
I’ve tracked 426 attacks by my opponent in 146 matches
this month.
The average amount of damage to the active Pokemon is
89.2. The
median is 80.
This is almost exactly the same as the previous
53 of the 426 attacks (about 12%) did zero damage to the
active Pokemon.
Taking out the attacks that did zero damage, the average
rises to 102 and the median is 100.
So here’s the way I’d look at it: if you have a Stage 1
Pokemon with 200 HP,
Dumbbells is a no brainer.
It will very likely help you turn your Stage 1
Pokemon into a 3HKO.
I’m going by the amount that ignores zero damage
attacks – if an attack does zero damage it doesn’t
really count towards KO’ing a Pokemon.
If you have a Stage 1 Pokemon with 120 HP,
Dumbbells isn’t the smartest play because your
Pokemon is most likely getting two shot anyways.
And these are averages and medians – obviously,
it goes without saying that there are some Pokemon that
routinely hit for higher than these numbers.
If a Pokemon is hitting the 200 HP active Pokemon
for 130 damage,
Bodybuilding Dumbbells is worth less than cubic
However, there are many cases where Pokemon don’t hit
for the median, and this could allow you to absorb more
than three hits before being KO’d.
And weakness also factors in as well – if a
Pokemon that would normally hit you for 220 with
weakness is a really bad matchup,
Dumbbells might just make this matchup a little more
Standard: 2 out of 5
Bodybuilding Dumbbells
has a limited target audience – although there are quite
a few really good Stage 1 Pokemon right now, and this
might make them even better – and that is why I gave it
such a low rating.
For Stage 1 Pokemon, I would probably rate it at
3.5 or even 4.
I have used it with
Salazzle GX (Burning
Shadows, 25/147),
Golisopod GX
(Burning Shadows, 17/147), and
Sylveon GX (Guardians
Rising, 92/145).
I would highly recommend trying this tool out,
especially since people aren’t running a full complement
of Field Blowers.

Otaku |
Still looking at cards that made either 21times’ or my
Top 24/25 lists but neither the actual site’s Top
10 list or its unofficial Top 18. Now it is time
for Bodybuilding Dumbbells (SM: Burning
Shadows 113/147, 161/147). It is a
Trainer-Item that is also a Pokémon Tool grants +40 HP
to a Stage 1 Pokémon equipped with it. Did they
really stick multiple kinds of dumbbells-based Items in
the video games that we need the card to have that
specific a name? This is another new Trainer-Item
that is also a Pokémon Tool, like
Wishful Baton. Incidentally, my very tardy
review of that card has now been posted. As I said
yesterday (and several other reviews recently), being a
Trainer is starting to look like a drawback.
General Trainer support is lacking or absent in the
competitive sphere as are (thankfully) general
anti-Trainer effects. Item-specific support is
minimal and not as potent as it once was, while
anti-Item effects are strong in Expanded play and only
seem weak in Standard relative to what we were dealing
with pre-rotation. Somehow, in spite of this,
Trainers and even Trainer-Item cards remain a major part
of most decks; that’s just how useful they tend to be.
Tool support is minimal in Standard, like the others,
though it has one or two tricks in Expanded.
Anti-Tool effects have many options in Expanded; while
they are fewer in Standard, the big bad of them -
Field Blower - is still an option. Like
Trainers in general and Items in particular, Tools still
remain an important part of many decks. It is like
each Pokémon has a “Tool slot” and if you don’t fill it,
you need a good reason (like lack of deck space).
Otherwise, Choice Band and Float Stone are
near universal strong picks in Standard, with Muscle
Band added to their ranks in Expanded.
The effect only works on Stage 1 Pokémon but
there are no actual attachment restrictions; you’re free
to attach it to a Basic or Evolution, possibly in
preparation to Evolve/Devolve, to trigger effects, or
just to thin your hand. Just a reminder for
experienced players and notification for very new
players: Stage 1 Pokémon are the cards that say
they are Stage 1 Pokémon. Similar things like Mega
Evolutions, BREAK Evolutions that Evolve from a Stage 1,
etc. are not. Typical damage output and Stage 1 HP
scores are such that this will not make most of
them likely to survive an extra hit; if it isn’t in the
top half to third of Stage 1 HP scores, you’ll need some
extenuating circumstances like an HP or Tool dependent
effect or leaving an opponent unable to mount a
significant offense with overwhelming attacks or control
effects. Even when dealing with those cases, there
are going to be at least a few and possibly
many rivals for deck space. It is also
important to remember that, when you’re not dealing with
related effects, this is a passive Tool.
You attach it, but you can’t really make use of it
without your opponent doing what most are going
to do: try and KO your Pokémon. So, again, if
you’re not dealing with related effects like triggering
something, you’re not gaining an immediate
benefit, which means your opponent has until they do
try to KO the Pokémon with Bodybuilding Dumbbells
to use something like Field Blower to discard
said Tool with it having generated no advantage
for you. Tools like Choice Band and
Float Stone and even Spirit Link cards have
at least a chance of benefitting you before your
opponent has the opportunity to discard them.
So is this any good in Standard? What about
Expanded? No specific combos or decks spring to
mind, but I can think of a few that are almost
worthwhile. Garbodor (XY: BREAKpoint
57/122) usually uses Float Stone to zero out its
Retreat Cost, allowing it to double as a pivot Pokémon
while fulfilling its primary purpose as a Bench-sitter
that cancels out all Abilities. Guzma means most
decks have a solid amount of switching cards, and more
specific examples might have some solid Trainer based
tricks. So why not push the relatively easy to
OHKO 100 HP over the hump to the slightly hard to OHKO
140 HP with Bodybuilding Dumbbells? At
least in certain matchups, you might be able to
spare the Tool Slot on Garbodor (SM: Guardians
Rising 51/145) so that it goes from a slightly easy
to OHKO 120 HP to an almost sturdy 160. Stage 1
Pokémon-GX may be the best bet but look for the
ones that are too far from a relevant KO-threshold in
terms of their offense but not in terms of their
own defense. Unfortunately, I can’t offer up
examples because
The official card database isn’t capable
of just showing me Stage 1
Pokémon-GX, or at least not with one of
the handful of criteria combinations I
I believe there is enough variety of
builds and matchups that I can’t be
certain which attacks are unlikely to
ever need something like Choice
Band again.
I’m out of time anyway, so I’ll highlight the most
likely place where Bodybuilding Dumbbells:
Limited. As you’re building your deck from
materials provided, it is much more likely you’ll
need to run a Stage 1 and lack any better options
for Tool slots. Even if you aren’t focused on a
particular Stage 1, you may have the deck space.
The except is if you are fortunate enough to pull a
powerful Basic Pokémon (probably a Pokémon-GX) and run
it along with 39 other non-Basic Pokémon cards (almost
all Limited Format variations call for 40 card decks).
Bodybuilding Dumbbells
seems like it can help any Stage 1 Pokémon, but the HP
boost might not prove significant, being
blocked/discarded/negated is a concern, and most will
have other Tools to consider. Proponents of
Wishful Baton may wonder how this card scored a tiny
bit higher in Standard than it; sometimes simpler is
better. Bodybuilding Dumbbells appeared on
both 21times’ and my “extended” Top 10 lists, but it
was his 14th place pick but only my 24th place

Vince |
Today, we’re
looking at Bodybuilding Dumbbells, a tool card which
grants Stage 1 Pokemon a 40 HP boost. With this,
the amount of HP of a Stage 1 Pokemon would be on par
with Stage 2s. This could alter the turns where
they would survive from an attack that would’ve
otherwise scored an OHKO or a 2HKO.
This card wishes
that it had seen better days.
I am not fond on
cards that give a HP boost because things can go
terribly wrong that would take that boost away.
It’s also why I don’t play Fighting Fury Belt at all!
So, let’s assume your Stage 1 Pokemon (be it GX or not)
has Bodybuilding Dumbbells attached to it. You’re
now at 240-280 HP with the tool. The opponent can
get rid of it using Field Blower, Tool Scrapper, or put
Rattata on the bench, bringing HP back to the original
amount. This tool lands in the discard pile,
fueling up the damage output of Garbodor’s Trashalanche.
Even worse is if the Active Stage 1 Pokemon with that
tool has exactly 40 HP or less; removing the tool will
Knock Out the Stage 1 Pokemon because the damage now
exceeds the original Max HP. Also, you will have
to replace the KOed Pokemon with another one from your
bench, and that replacement would take heavy damage or
being KOed as well, making the opponent achieve multiple
knock outs in this case.
Those doomsday
scenarios are why I never run a HP boosting card,
regardless of item, ability, or stadium. I would
have said the same on much older cards such as Giant
Cape (BW Dragons Exalted), Shaymin Lv.X (Platinum,
Thankfulness Poke-Body), Floette (XY Flashfire),
Aspertia City Gym (BW Boundaries Crossed), and Crystal
Wall for Black Kyurem EX (BW Boundaries Crossed).
The HP boost is very good in theory, but the format is
extremely hostile on certain cards, thus keeping it away
from seeing play.
The only place
Bodybuilding Dumbbells will see play is in Limited
format. I don’t recall any tool removing cards in
the Burning Shadows set unless I am missing something
such as an obscure Pokemon with a useful effect.
This ensures that Stage 1 Pokemon will maintain extra
durability, and even better if you pulled a Stage 1 (GX
or not) such as Noivern-GX or Alolan Ninetales.
Standard: 1.25/5
Expanded: 1.25/5
Limited: 4/5
Bodybuilding Dumbbells seems like something I haven’t
heard before (in terms of words), but it is an actual
item in real life, where it’s used inside a gymnasium.
They carry a variety of weights so that you can test
yourself how much you can pull with either your left or
right arm. Not sure how this gives a HP boost in
the Pokemon TCG…

Retro |
I never thought in my life that we’ll get a Tool
card of this caliber. What was TPCi thinking when they
decided to give this card life, let alone the idea of
this card? Right now I’m still thinking on how can it
appear in the face of the Earth alone. It’s Bodybuilding
Dumbbells, and its the first of its kind, ever. Although
the idea is nothing new, it’s still a very good take on
an otherwise nearly dead idea.
What Bodybuilding Dumbbells does is simple. It
gives any Stage 1 Pokemon that this card is attached to
an extra 40 HP. Sounds familiar? Well, because this is
the other variant of Fighting Fury Belt (XY
BREAKpoint) for Stage 1 Pokemon! Since Stage 1
Pokemon are deceptively bulkier than all Basic Pokemon,
be it the normal Pokemon or Pokemon-GXs, this card would
lift their HP counts to absurd levels. For example, the
Eeveelution-GXs will have 240 HP when you have this card
attached to them, which is the same level as Decidueye-GX!
Alolan Muk-GX will have 260 HP with this card attached
to it, which means it now has the highest possible HP
out of all Pokemon cards in existance! This practically
means that Pokemon decks that focused more on stall
instead of offense is going to be the main beneficiary
of this card. Stuff like Umbreon-GX/Hammers or Sylveon-GX
mill will truly appreciate this Tool, as it means that
they will have higher survivability potential by having
240 HP in their belt. Keep in mind that this card cannot
be attached to Mega Evolution or BREAK Evolution
Pokemon, since their classification isn’t a Stage 1, but
its a Mega/BREAK Evolution. So forget your 280 HP Mega
Steelix-EX ultra tank.
However, despite the extreme survivability
potential it brings, there is one aspect that made
Fighting Fury Belt brings to the table which makes it
better than Bodybuilding Dumbbells; it gives an extra 10
damage to any Basic Pokemon’s attacks. Although small,
10 damage is still the difference between getting a
knock out and not getting one, which is the thing that
made it so popular back then. Its a survivability item
and an offensive Tool all in one. Bodybuilding Dumbbells
is very linear in its execution; it just gives more HP
to your target. Against the stall Stage 1 decks this
might not be the biggest issue, since they focused more
on chip damage and denials instead of outright nukes,
but you want to be on the offensive at times. When faced
with this choice, obviously you want the extra damage,
which is why Fighting Fury Belt has more usage. Also, as
mentioned in the Wishful Baton review yesterday, passive
Tools such as these are not as good as the active Tools
like Choice Band (SM
Guardians Rising) because its your opponent that
will decide how they will approach the Tools, not you.
But, if we look at the bigger scope, Bodybuilding
Dumbbells gives more approach to deck building and helps
some of the more niche stall decks that may not be as
good otherwise. This is a criminally underrated Tool
card that people might have slept on and might be worth
your time testing out.
Standard: 2.88/5
(Great for stall decks, but there are better Tools that
can suit them more such as Bursting Balloon, Float Stone
or even Bent Spoon.)
Expanded: 3/5
(Same reason in Standard; may be very good in Garbodor
decks to activate Garbotoxin and gives it survivability
in the long run, but Float Stone is the best utility
Tool in the format, and Bodybuilding Dumbbells might has
just been kicked to the long grass)
Limited: 4.2/5
(Obviously there are better Tools in this format, but
you can make use of it in some situations)
Next on SM Burning Shadows:
Its Throwback Thursday, and its a review what makes the
Gardy/Gallade deck of old a potent threat.