Card Game - Killer Decks
February & March 1999
Again, please note: we are getting about 30 decks per day
sent to the PoJo. Only decks with Tournament Reports, or good DeckConstruction
Advice, are being posted. (3-29-99
- The Incredibly
Cheap Colorless Deck
- Big Fight
- Pokemon Destroyer
- The Black Rose
- Skull Basher
- Abnormal Shock
- Power Surge
- Abnormal Shock
- II
- Mind
- Psychotic
- Psychic
- Psychic
- Sleep
- Where's My Clefairy Doll?
- Evolution Spin
- flame-thrower
- Dragon Master
- Big Blue
- Dirty Fish
- Flood
- Flash Flood
- Energy Dump
- Mean
Green Deck
- The
Poison Deck
- Foliage
- Electric Rocks
- Power Punch
- Psychic Punch
- Quick Strike
- Fist of the Evil Eye
- Psychic Torture
- Look Ma, No Damage!
- Poison While They Sleep
- Ultimate Deck
- Fire Fighters
- Kind Nugs
- Poison Burner
- Brushfire
- Fire Blast from the Grass
- Charcoaled Roots
- Fast Breeder
- Forest Fire
- FireStarter
- Haymaker With a Twist
- ShockFire
- Fry 'em two ways
- Four colors?
- FireStorm
- Psychic Torture
- 4 Color Laying Down the Smack
- Master Thrasher
- ZapOut!
- Shock Therapy
- Psychic Wave
- Psyshocked
- Blackout
- H2K.O.
- Water + Fighting
- Quick Kill
- Hurricane
- Boiling Water
- PsychoPinDragonSpin
- Ash - AOD
- Jimbo's Overkill
- Smoke Cloud
- Overgrowth
- Overevolution
- Green Wave
- The Krammy Deck
- Seaweed
- What kind of water is that?
- Psywave
- The Purple Sea
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