Wile this card is face-up on your field, this card
cannot be removed from play. Place 2 counters on
this card each time a Dinosaur-Type Monster Card is
sent to your Graveyard. By Tributing this card,
select and Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster
from your Deck whose Level is equal to or lower than
the number of counters on this card when it was
Card Ratings
Traditional: 1.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - April 20, 2011
Now THIS is an Easter celebration! Who would want
baby chicks to hatch from their Easter eggs when you
could have dinosaurs?
Miracle Jurassic Egg is, unfortunately, pretty
useless. 0 ATK sucks, but 2000 DEF is great. While
it's on the field it can't be removed from play, so
I guess that makes it safe from Caius or Trishula...
Whenever a dinosaur is sent to your graveyard,
you'll add 2 counters to the Egg. You can tribute
the Egg to summon a dinosaur from your deck with a
level equal to or less than the number of counters
you had.
The dinosaurs can be sent from anywhere, not just the field, so there could be some combo potential there. This is a good way to search out your
dinosaurs from the deck, except we already have
Fossil Dig for that. There's also Jurrac Guiba, who
is just better altogether. Since the only
competitive dinosaurs are the Jurracs, you'll be
using Guiba anyway. It's just too tough to keep
Miracle Jurassic Egg in play long enough to summon
anything meaningful.
As the week takes a turn for the worse, Miracle
Jurassic Egg is our center card this week, which
actually is one of the more interesting and useful
Dino support cards out there. It has a big fat 0
attack which sucks but a fairly solid 2000 defense
for a Level 4 monster. To start, our Egg cannot be
removed from play, and that's a plus, I don't care
how good or bad a card is.
Secondly, by sending Dinosaur type monsters to your
Graveyard, our Egg gets two counters for each Dino
sacrificed. Then, by sacrificing this Egg with its
counters, you may Special Summon a Dinosaur with a
Level lower than the number of counters that were on
the card. So, it would be hard to summon
like Ultimate Tyranno or even Dark Tyranno both
being high level monsters requiring many sacrifices
and why waste two cards to summon something you can
summon without a tribute anyway?