Legal Disclaimer: I spend little to no time
actually reviewing Dark Magician, so unless you're
interested in some facts and story telling, kindly
move on =)
Ahh...Dark Magician. What is there to say about a
card with as much lore and fame as THE Dark
Magician. I am a man of Spellcasters as most anyone
knows, and Dark Magician holds a special place in my
heart. It's ironic for one, that he claims to be the
ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense,
since he is neither. We have many different pictures
of our magical friend out in the Yugioh world. Dark
Magician, even in the time of Legend of Blue Eyes in
the beginning, was never all that tournament caliber
of a card. 2500 attack on two tributes isn't good,
however you try to rationalize or justify how cool a
card is. Now, allow too for the possibility that as
good as Dark Magician may or may not be, you can
actually make a very solid Dark Magician Deck. There
is so much support out for the card alone, it's
almost sickening. Furthermore, there are some really
solid and awesome Spellcaster support cards too.
Dark Magician can easily be brought to the Field via
Skilled Dark Magician, Dark Magic Curtain, or
Magical Dimension, for starters. He has personal
cards too for support like Dark Magic Attack likely
being the best. There are still some Dark
Magician/Spellcaster support cards we don't have in
English yet, but nothing too game breaking. I
wouldn't say that a Dark Magician Deck would be Tier
1, but as something I've tried to say for years,
this is one of those Decks that is all kinds of fun
to play. Winning is important too, but sometimes its
fun to play a Dark Magician Deck, or something else
you know you won't win with. I doubt you will ever
see anyone win an SJC, or anything like that with
this Deck, or this Monster, but the novelty and
nostalgia involved here counts for something I
Dark Magician is beyond rating. No one out there
is going to play him anyway.
Art: This picture happens to be my second
favorite, I like the one of him and the ancient
Egyptian table the best...4.5/5
John Rocha
Today’s card is not exactly top tier card and not
one that you will see being played very often. It
really needs its own deck to be of any use. A Dark
Magician/Spellcaster Deck can be a lot of fun to
play and comes with a lot of support cards. First,
let me point out that the reason this card was
reprinted for the Shonen Jump magazine is because
number one it is a classic card for the 10th
anniversary, and two, it is a cool alternate art
So let’s have some fun with Dark Magician. The first
really cool trick is to summon Breaker the Magical
Warrior, use its token to destroy a spell or trap,
and then attack to draw out any monster removal or
destruction cards. Then play Magician’s Circle to
summon Dark Magician Girl from your deck to attack
over your opponent’s monster. Main Phase #2 play
Sage’s Stone to special summon Dark Magician from
your hand or deck. Cool trick #2: Use Summoner’s Art
to get Dark Magician in your hand and then use
Ancient Rules to summon it. Or better yet, attack
with our spent Breaker and activate Magical
Dimension to special summon Dark Magician and blow
up your opponent’s monster. If you want to be super
cool, play Knight’s Title with a Dark Magic Knight
in your deck.
The support cards for Dark Magician are many. We
have Birthright, Swing of Memories, Dark Magic
Curtain, Dark Magic Attack, Skilled Dark Magician,
and Thousand Knives just to name a few. It is a dark
with 2500 attack so you can use Eradicator Epidemic
Virus. It is also a normal monster so you have tons
of normal monster support cards. And the list goes
on. The problem is that it is a normal monster
that take two tributes. All big no-no’s for our game
so this card becomes dependant on support cards.
So if you like to build decks, a Dark Magician Deck
should be on your list. Enjoy.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 1/5
It's the middle of the road here on Shonen Jump
Promo week and we're looking at the star of Yugi's
deck, in his Final Fantasy IV look, but still
waiting for Arkana's red version, The Dark Magician.
Dark Magician is a...well, if you don't his stats by
now, you really don't deserve to know. Being a
normal spellcaster might make you think of not
playing DM, but I've seen decks that were built
around him and they are pretty good. Dark Magician
has almost the most support for a single card. Dark
Magical Curtain, Thousand Knives and Sage's Stone
are just for him, with other cards like the Summoner's
Art/Ancient Rules combo, Skilled Dark Magician,
Magic Formula and Magical Dimension. This classic
card has and deseves its own deck and is worth
playing, at least for fun. While Dark Magician
itself may not do much, its support in various ways
are what helps it win.
Traditional: 1
Advanced: 3
Tomorrow: That's not how you spell Mechanical.
Dark Magician
Lv. 7/DARK/Spellcaster/2500A/2100D
(Normal monster - no special effects)
Yugi Moto/Yami's favorite monster, the one who
started it all, is getting yet another look today.
While he was a monster that wasn't special back in
the day, many support cards have come out over the
years to support him, allowing for a theme deck that
works alright.
The issue with DM is that his stats are merely
okay for a monster of his level. Dark Magic Attack
and Thousand Knives help him to control the field,
Dark Magic Curtain and Skilled Dark Magician can
help you get him out, then use traps like Dark
Illusion to defend him, but he can still be overrun
by stronger monsters.
Perhaps with a bit more support cards, Dark
Magician would make for a more competatie deck type.
as it is, there's worse cards to build a deck
around, but DM decks make only mildly competaive
decks simply because almost every card in the deck
centers around him, that leaves little felxavility
and relies on good consecutive card draws.
On it's own, DM isn't something that players
would want to include in their decks.