Moving from Synchro, back to XYZ to close the week,
we come to Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon...who hardly
bring Armageddon, but we'll get back to that in a
little bit. This is a Dark attributed, Rank 5 XYZ
Monster, who is XYZ Summoned with two Level 5
Monsters. Didn't I mention XYZ Monsters who
required more than Level 4 or below Monsters to be
Summoned? Anyway, that's a big investment, and
those selected Monsters (at Level 5) are likely to
be Synchros, even in a dedicated XYZ build. Now,
Adreus has 2600 attack (good) and 1700 defense (meh).
Now, by discarding one XYZ Material Monster, Adreus
can destroy one face-up card your opponent controls.
Someone needs to explain to me how that resembles
Armageddon, but I digress...this effect isn't bad
either, and it may work twice, as the 2600 attack is
solid obviously. I'm not sure if I've mentioned
this yet, but the XYZ need a card (or cards) to
recycle XYZ Material Monsters to other XYZ Monsters,
in order to be able to use the effect(s) more, like
how some card can move Magic Counters from one card
to another. Anyway, the card destroyed can only be
face-up, and the effect is gone if it survives long
enough to use both of its Material Monsters. Your
opponent is either going to set something, or run it
over, as it likely isn't going to purposely leave
something stronger out just for you to destroy. I
just don't see the investment of two Level 5
Monsters being worth this.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5
Art: 5/5 Kinda looks like Devimon from Digimon
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon is a TCG-exclusive
Xyz monster. At level 5, this thing is really
awkward to summon, and won't be seen outside of Dark
Worlds--and you'll be seeing a LOT of Dark Worlds
once the next Structure Deck is released. Walking
destruction like that is nothing to scoff at,
especially on 2600 ATK. However, this card's
counterpart, Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, is way, way
better, with a destruction immunity.
2/5--the lesser of two Rank 5's.
Art: Weerd yo.
Fun Fact: Start hoarding Dark World cards.
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon finishes out this
week. A rank 5 Xyz, it requires two level 5 monsters
to summon. This Monster does not have much going for
it outside of its DARK attribute. Requiring two
level 5 monsters means that not even monarchs will
be able to make it and it is highly doubtful
duelists will want to give up two level 5 synchros
for it. Adreus’ effect is ok. Once per turn it
targets and destroys a single face up card. I may be
wrong about this card in the future, but for now
even duelists dedicated to the Xyz mechanic will
pass on this card.
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Adreus is our second TCG exclusive to get reviewed
and he, like Orient Dragon from yesterday, also
doesn’t disappoint. At first glance, one might think
Adreus will be difficult to summon. A rank 5 Xyz
isn’t particularly easy to summon, but with the
upcoming release of Structure Deck: Gates of the
Underworld, Adreus gets a huge boost. Dark Worlds
can easily summon Adreus and it gives them extra
destructive power. Like the Dark Worlds, Adreus is a
Dark, Fiend and will receive an attack boost from
their field spell. He already boasts a powerful 2600
attack and 1700 defense with an effect that reminds
me of Dark Armed Dragon. Adreus’ effect is a little
watered-down compared to Dark Armed, but is still
amazing. Once per turn by detaching an Xyz material,
you can destroy a face-up card your opponent
controls. If you are able to summon this card, you
should be well on your way to winning, especially if
you’re playing Dark Worlds. Expect to see this card
in every Dark World player’s extra deck, but maybe
not in extra decks elsewhere.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
Advanced (In Dark Worlds): 5/5
Adreus, Keeper of
Closing our week, we have a brand new Xyz Monster:
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon. I must say, so far I
am very pleased with Generation Force as a whole.
Very pleased is actually probably a huge
understatement, since this set is looking REALLY
good. Anyway, a whole slew of Xyz Monsters become
available to the TCG in Generation Force, and Adreus
joins the ranks of the just-about-staple Xyz
Monsters. You give up 2 Level 5 Monsters to Summon
this 2600 beatstick that gives you a +1 for each Xyz
Material on him. I really like this card, and I know
that both Fabled and Dark World really like him too,
since Fabled can turn 2 Ragins or Trickys into him
and Dark Worlds can do their Dark Worldy thing, spam
the field with Level 5 monsters and drop 2 Adreus if
they need to. Cards that generate advantage for no
cost are really good, and Adreus falls right into
that category, destroying any face-up card (that
includes Spells and Traps). If your deck can put
Level 5 monsters out easily, Synchros or not, you
run this guy. No exceptions.