All Fiend-Type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Fiend-Type monster from your Graveyard; discard 1 Fiend-Type monster, then draw 1 card.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - Oct. 24, 2011
Following Photon Shockwave week, welcome to Dark
World week, based on the new Structure Deck!
Opening the week is The Gates of Dark World, a
Field Magic card. Most Field Magic cards aren't
really worth the time of putting them into a Deck
(notable exceptions include Necrovally and Ancient
City-Rainbow Ruins). Gates of Dark World grants 300
attack and defense points to all Fiend-type
Monsters. Now, by removing a Fiend-type Monster
from your Graveyard, and discarding a Fiend-type
Monster from your Hand to the Graveyard, you can
Draw one card from your Deck. In the most technical
of terms, you're giving up two cards, just to Draw
one. There are plenty of ways to return a removed
Monster to the game, and even more for Dark
Monsters. Obviously too, we cover the Heavy Storm
plus triple Mystical Space Typhoon, and in
conclusion, this card just isn't strong enough to
survive the current environment. The ability to
Draw, let alone from a Field Magic card, is unique.
But it has no place currently, and Dark World can
get by just fine without it.
Traditional: 1.5/5
Advanced: 2.5/5
Art: 4/5
This week brings us a look at the scary new Dark
World structure deck, Gates of the Under World. And
just in time for Halloween! We're starting by
looking at The Gates of Dark World, the first true
field spell for the Dark Worlders. First off, it
gives all fiend types a nice little 300 ATK and DEF
boost, not bad. Also, once per turn, you can banish
one fiend type monster from your grave, then discard
*Dark World's favorite word* one fiend type from
your hand, then draw a card. That's pretty handy.
Banishing a fiend type monster from the grave that
has already served his purpose, then discarding a
Dark World to the grave and getting whatever effect
or special summon it, very good. Then drawing a
card, always good. This card can give you a lot of
advantage and is worth playing in a dedicated Dark
World deck. Mystical Space Typhoons and Heavy Storm
are taking away a little bit of this card's overall
score, but it's still a welcome add to Dark World.
Traditional: 2
Advanced: 3
Tomorrow: One of my favorite card names.
With the release of the new Structure Deck, you
can guess what we'll be reviewing this week. Today's
card is The Gates of Dark World!
Gate is a simple Field Spell, with two effects. The
first gives all Fiends on the field 300 ATK, making
the likes of Goldd and Sillva able to take down the
likes of Stardust Dragon, and cards like Beige can
go toe-to-toe with cards like Rai-Oh.
The second effect allows you too banish your Fiends
in your Graveyard to draw a card and discard another
Fiend. Considering you'll only be using this in Dark
World decks, this card offers another discard outlet
and a way for the DW monsters to be more of a
physical threat.
Very good in the DW deck, however, unless you run
Tour Guide From the Underworld and Leviair, you
won't be able to replenish and reuse those cards you
Traditional: 2/5 - Meh.
Advanced: 4/5 - Use only in Dark World decks.
Art: 2/5
That Guy
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
Perfect timing, Halloween is
arriving shortly and excited duelist
everywhere are ready to hound
buckets of sugar and
chocolate...well what better way to
use all that energy than to build a
fiendish Dark World deck. Kudos to
you if you get the title, but that
line may just become your catch
phrase; simply put a well
constructed Dark World deck can make
any duelist experience the hopeless
side of dueling. Open up your Gates
of the Underworld starter decks, and
lets open this week with The
Gates of Dark World.
A much needed boost to the Dark
World deck, this structure deck with
Gates of Dark World will help fill
in the small gaps of the Dark World
deck; mainly control and card
advantage. The three hundred atk and
def boost pushes Goldd and Sillva
over Monarchs 2400 borderline attack
necessary for a competitive one
tribute creature, heck Brron even
becomes a match with Cyber Dragon.
If that effect didn't get you
stirring then examine the real magic
of Gates of Dark World: banish
(remove) a fiend from play, discard
a fiend, and draw a card. Seemingly
this looks like a -2 in card
advantage, but if your familiar at
all with Dark World cards you know
that some big cards will be special
summoned.Dark World cards have
gained some popularity through the
formats for this exact reason,
making any discard effect from your
opponent spin right around on them;
Gates is helping you speed up your
graveyard recursion, banish
recursion, and deck thinning all in
Let me stray a little from The Gates
of Dark World to why the Dark World
deck and its structure deck will
definitively change up this format.
Gates of the Underworld starter deck
is flooded...FLOODED...with dark
support cards like Dark Eruption,
Eradicator Virus, Deck Devastation
Virus, and Escape from the Dark
Dimension, and best of all a common
Allure of Darkness. The great amount
of recursion with these cards is
unlocked because Dark World cards
will be getting their effects off in
the graveyard. Then you have the
theme specific support like Dark
World Dealings, The Forces of
Darkness, Dark Deal, Gateway to Dark
World, Dark World Lightning, and
Dark Scheme which is the new trap
form of DWD. Each of these theme
specific cards uniquely create card
advantage while supporting this
interesting deck.
Fiends have always been a favorite
type of mine, aside from pyro, but
they never seemed as solid as they
are right now. Plenty of support
cards, some smaller Dark World
creatures, and a strong steady
control element will be putting Dark
World back up at the top; also don't
overlook the splash potential with
"Fabled" cards. Fabled Lurrie can be
special summoned for being dropped
to the grave, Krus can search for
other Fables,Grimro the same as Krus
but bigger searches, and syncho out
Valkyrus to summon your very own
draw engine. Every one of these
Fables will be able to be used by
The Gates of Dark World,
allowing for combos and efficient
card advantage through out the duel.
So carve out your pumpkins, take a
trip on the River Styx, and kiss
your life goodbye!
Traditional: 5/5 (Supports dark
Advanced: 5/5 (In both Fiend decks
and Dark World Decks)
Art: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi
P.S. For the love of goodness
someone send me a deck idea with
Dark Necrofear in it or I will cry
(on the inside).
Although they didn't do so well at YCS there is
still hope as we approach the Gates of dark World
At first glance we see a field spell cool eh? All
fiends gain 300 attack and defense (which could be
fun combod with Brron) It also gives Sillva and
Golld the ability to surpass monarchs :D
But if you play this card youre playing it because
of its 2nd effect. Once per turn you can banish 1
fiend monster in your grave, discard 1 fiend monster
then Draw.
So. many. Combos.
Discard sillva and golld to summon discard kahki or
grenn to destroy, discard broww to draw
possibilities are endless.
Helps Fiend Decks
Combos well with Dark World Monsters
field spell
not to meta-breaking
Traditional: 2
The Gates of Dark World
Field Spell
"All Fiend-Type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once
per turn: You can banish 1 Fiend-Type monster from
your Graveyard; discard 1 Fiend-Type monster, then
draw 1 card."
This card is clearly designed for dark decks. The
AtK/DEF boost is alright, but the drawing and
discarding are the primary use for this card. It
works great for deck-cycling and adds a huge boost
to Dark World decks. A definate must-have for any DW
Traditional: 4
Advanced: 3.50
Thou art at the Gates to the
Underworld! Whoops! I meant to say the Gates of Dark
World. This is Dark World Week!
Quick Introductory: Dark Worlds
are an archetype of fiend monsters whose effects
rely on being discarded by card effects. Note that I
say “discarded” and “by card effects”. If it says
“send cards”, then it doesn’t work. If it’s
discarded by a cost, then it doesn’t work. Dark
Worlds never miss the timing. Meaning the discard
could be at Chain Link 10, and the effect will still
activate. Today’s card is a new addition to the
archetype and it’s a field spell.
Gates has two effects: The
first is a stat boost of 300 to ATK and DEF for all
Fiends; the second is a self-discard (by card
effect) followed by drawing 1 card. . Sillva and
Goldd will be able to stand up to Stardust Dragon
while this card’s out. This also allows you to
activate a Dark World effect once per turn and to
give you some draw power. It’s slower than some
other methods of discarding (such as Dark World
Dealings and Card Destruction), but the attack boost
gives it a slight edge over the competition.
Add into the fact that this
card’s cost, banishing a fiend from the graveyard,
allows you to set up combos such as Return from the
Different Dimension and Escape from the Dark
Dimension. You don’t have to use this in Dark
Worlds. If you’ve wanted to make a Fiend deck
before, this could be the card for you. This
format’s a little severe against free-standing back
row, but don’t let that stop you.
Traditional: 2/5 (you’re not
gonna get very far here)
Advanced: 4/5 (an enabler and its generalness means
that it can be used elsewhere)
Art: 5/5 (Welcome to Dark World! Enjoy your stay!
I’m your host! Brron, Mad King of Dark World!
Hello all Welcome to my favorite week that we
have had Dark World Week.
Well I have been with them since they first came
out, I have the rarest versions of the card and use
them eccept for Goldd which I use the gold version,
cause it is funny :D (Well to me any way)
To start this week we have
The Gates of Dark World
All Fiend-Type monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. Once
per turn: You can banish 1 Fiend-Type monster from
your Graveyard; discard 1 Fiend-Type monster, then
draw 1 card.
You couldn't ask for a better field card. It does
everything that you need for the deck,all you need
is any fiend in the graveyard and you are set. You
want your effect to go off just use this handy dandy
card and a Ceruli and you are set
Finally, 1 of the 3 key pieces of Dark World decks
has finally been released! Banish a fiend from your
graveyard to discard a card and draw one card. Not
only do you get to thin your deck out, you also have
graveyard control for D.A.D., but your opponent
cannot use this effect. However, any and all fiends
on the field do get the 300 boost.
This card just SCREAMS Dark World and Fabled abuse
since they both revolve around discarding. Your best
play would probably involve discarding Broww, Snoww,
Beige, Silvaa, or Goldd. What I love doing Is
ditching a Snoww for the draw AND search for the
Field Spell and start it up again for extra deck
thinning. Over all, this is a great staple card to
all Dark World decks and great techs for other fiend
decks and especially fabled deck!
Traditional: 3/5
Advanced: 5/5 (DW and Fable abuse)