Equip only to a Spellcaster-Type monster. It gains 500 ATK. If you control the equipped monster and this card: You can send both to the Graveyard; draw 2 cards.
Card Ratings
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - Sept. 16, 2011
Now, as everyone should be aware, there is always a
Spellcaster card in my weeks, and while I should
have likely opened the week with this, we instead
close with Wonder Wand. In short, this is
equivalent to Destiny Draw or Cards for Black
Feathers. This is different however, and
unique, in the fact its an Equip card, which is
obviously not a good thing in this Format. If
Wonder Wand would be destroyed before you can use
it, then you get nothing. This card can only
be equipped to a Spellcaster type Monster. The
chosen Monster gains 500 attack, and then you can
send both cards to the Graveyard to Draw two cards.
A 2-for-2, but a good one. There really isn't
much play for this outside a Spellcaster Deck I'm
afraid, but it's still a Draw card. Also, if
the Monster equipped is stolen by your opponent,
they can't use the effect of Wonder Wand. You
have to control both cards.
5/5 Spellcaster, 1/5 elsewhere, obviously
Art: 5/5
Wonder Wand
Can you imagine how ridiculous Gravekeepers would be
if they had Wonder Wand and you didn't have Heavy
Storm and that third MST? Quite ridiculous. Flip Spy
and get Recruiter. Equip Recruiter with Wonder Wand,
sacrifice them both, and draw 2 cards while
searching for any Gravekeeper. That's an instant +2
right there, and it's a very consistent +2 at that.
You could even use the 500 ATK to do something cool,
THEN sacrifice to draw 2.
Whenever people see a "Draw 2" card, they always
want to build an engine around it. Don't build an
engine around Wonder Wand. Cards for Black Feathers
and Cards from the Sky are barely worth their Draw
2, and Wonder Wand requires a summon to use. You're
paying 2 cards for 2 new cards, but you're also
losing a summoned monster, which is more valuable
than a card in the hand.
Gravekeepers love it, CounterCasters love it, and
Dragon Exodia loves it (to use when you've expired
Royal Magical Library). Other decks, though,
shouldn't let their owners be tempted to work them
in. This is one card Spellcasters aren't going to
share with you.
Art: It really doesn't look so wonderful, does it?
Fun Fact: Did you know there's a pattern to booster
pack colors and themes?