Each time a "Spellbook" Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. All Spellcaster-Type monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each Spell Counter on this card. When this card with Spell Counter(s) is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck to your hand, whose Level is less than or equal to the number of Spell Counters that were on this card.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 1.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - Dec. 13, 2012
As I like to try and include a Magic or Trap card in
a week I select, not to mention something that is
Spellcaster related, we look at another Spellbook
card. Spellbook Star Hall is a fairly useful Magic
card, but it does things that some of the Prophecy
and other new Spellcaster Monsters can do for you
quicker and easier I think. It gains a Magic
counter each time a Spellbook Magic card is
activated, All Spellcaster Monsters you control
gain 100 attack for each Counter on this card, which
is helpful, but likely a negligible attack increase.
Playing multiple Spellbook cards in a turn isn't
difficult at all. You could get a fair enough
increase I suppose in just a couple of turns, fair
enough, being say 600 or more. Now, when Spellbook
Star Hall is destroyed, while containing any number
of Magic Counters, you can add a Spellcaster type
Monster from your Deck to your Hand equal to or less
than the number of Counters that were on this card.
That's not bad either, makes this card a 1-for-1.
I'm just worried as I said at open, as to whether
or not this card is quick enough in the Deck.
3/5 in the Deck...it's not bad, but I don't see it
as game-breaking either...
Art: 5/5
John Rocha
We are going to talk about Spellbooks again
today. No the deck is not dead, it just has not made
a splash as of yet. The card that we are going to be
looking at is Spellbook Star Hall. It is a
continuous Spellbook that has several nice effects.
Normally I do not like cards that have to stay on
the field to get their effects, but Star Hall has an
effect that replaces itself when destroyed. You are
normally going to be playing at least two Spellbooks
per turn so getting one or two counters on Star Hall
should be a piece of cake.
There are a number of level one or two monsters that
you will want to search for with Star Hall like
Effect Veiler, Stoic of Prophecy, Apprentice
Magician, and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. Moving
to key level three monsters we have Temperance of
Prophecy and Justice of Prophecy. Level four
monsters include Magical Exemplar and Breaker the
Magical Warrior. If your opponent spends a resource
to get ride of Star Hall, you gain a plus one card
advantage. If they do not get rid of it, your
Spellcasters will just get stronger provided you do
not get rid of it yourself with High Priestess or
Heavy Storm so you can search for the Spellcaster
you need at that time.
Spellbook Star Hall can be searched out very easily
with Spellbook of Secrets and Spellbook Magician of
Prophecy, making it easier to search for the right
Spellcaster you need. Spellbook/Prophecy decks gain
a synergy with Spellbook Star Hall as now Spellbooks
can search out Prophecy monsters and Prophecy
monsters can search our Spellbooks even easier. You
can even find the room to play Star Hall by cutting
one or two of your lower level monsters as Star Hall
can search them when you need them. The only
variable becomes the destruction of Star Hall. That
aside, I do not mind a High Priestess with a large
attack that can destroy one of your opponent’s cards
each turn.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
Spellbook Star Hall is one of those cards that
should fit in it's own theme, but doesn't. Here's
why. Star Hall is a continuous spell card that gets
a Spell counter on it every time you activate a
Spellbook spell card, and all Spellcaster type
monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each spell
counter on this card. When this card has spell
counter(s) on it and is desotryed and sent to the
graveyard; you can add one Spellcaster-type monster
from your deck to your hand whos level is equal or
less to the number of counters on Star Hall when it
was destroyed. The good part is, in a good Spellbook
build, this card can gain counters really fast, and
your Spellcasters can get pretty big pretty fast.
And when it's destroyed, you can nab a Spellcaster
from your deck to your hand whos level is equal or
less to the number of counters on Star Hall, not too
bad. The downsides are there are cards for the
Spellbook deck that do what it does and faster to
boot. Also, with 3 Mystical Space Typhoons and Heavy
Storm always just around the corner, Star Hall could
get wiped out before you can get the chance to fully
use this card. Use if you want, but don't be too
surprised if this card gets destroyed before you
know it.