When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of an "Evoltile" monster: It gains 200 ATK. If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of an "Evoltile" monster, each time this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can add 1 "Evoltile" monster from your Deck to your hand.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 1.80
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - Jan. 13, 2012
Evolsaur Cerato...now this guy has PLENTY going for
him. 1900 attack is great for a Level 4, and
if Special Summoned by an Evolsaur Monster it gains
200 attack, which seems negligible but 1900 to 2100
attack is awesome. Furthermore, if Special
Summoned in the same way, you can add an Evolsaur
Monster from your Deck to your Hand, each time this
Dino destroys an opponent's Monster. There
needs to be more support, more solid and reliably
themed cards, like Cerato, but this guy is almost
enough to warrant building the Deck I think.
Traditional: 2.25/5
Advanced: 3.25/5
Art: 5/5
John Rocha
Evolsaur Cerato is the equivalent to Gladiator
Beast Laquari but with benefits. You will want to
grab Cerato with the effect of an Evoltile monster
when it looks like you will be able to attack over
your opponent’s monster or need a good attack
monster on the field. Once you destroy your
opponent’s monster by battle (Cerato does not have
to survive battle), you can then grab another
Evoltile monster to set up your next turn to get
more Evolsaur monsters.
The challenge with Evol monsters is that they take
awhile to set up. The effects of Evolsaurs can only
be activated if special summoned by an Evoltile
monsters so if you get stuck with Evolsaur monsters
in hand then you had better hope that you can
control the game long enough to get one. Then you
have to hope all goes well to get your Evoltile
monster’s effect. Once you Xyz summon an Evolzar
monster your chances go up, but there are better
decks that can accomplish that. Rescue Rabbit is a
far better option to Evolsaurs.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5
TGIF cause that brings us to our final card on
Evol week, and we're gonna try to tame the mighty
Evolsaur Cerato. Cerato is a level 4, Fire/Dinosaur
type *A lot of those these days* and has 1900 ATK
and 1400 DEF. Nice stats for a level 4 dino.
Cerato's effect says: When it is special summoned by
the effect of an Evoltile monster, it gains 200 ATK,
and if is special summoned by the effect of an
Evoltile monster, each time Cerato destroys an
opponent's monster by battle, you can add one
Evoltile monster from your deck to your hand. It's
overall a good card, but it has to be special
summoned by a Evoltile monster....not that hard. the
minor attack boost can help it run over most of the
non-Xyz, non-Synchro monsters out there, so getting
Cerato's reinforcements for Evoltiles. Overall, one
or two copies should do you right if you're running
the Evols.
Traditional: 1
Advanced: 3
Fun Friday Fact: Not all birds are angry.
Angelic Nightmare
Evolsaur Cerato
Dinosaur/ Fire/ Lv 4/ 1900 ATK/
1400 DEF
When this card is Special
Summoned by the effect of an "Evoltile" monster: It
gains 200 ATK. If this card was Special Summoned by
the effect of an "Evoltile" monster, each time this
card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You
can add 1 "Evoltile" monster from your Deck to your
Today we close out our Evol
week with a very interesting monster. If this card
is special summoned via an evoltile monster it
becomes a 2100 atk beatstick that can easily run
over those pesky Thunderking Rai-oh that has a
Wattking Cobra effect. If it is summoned by other
ways it is basically a 1900 atk vanilla beatstick.
Overall, this card really isn’t
half bad. At worst, it can just ram into a T-king.
Also, if this card does gain
its effect and rams with a monster with the same
attack you still can activate its search effect.
Pros: Decent stats and good
effect if acquired.
Cons: Can be a vanilla monster
from time to time, and can only be special summoned
by Evoltile Westlo at this point in time.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 3/5 in an Evol.
Evolsaur Cerato
Lv. 4/FIRE/Dinosaur/1900A/1400D
"When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of
an "Evoltile" monster: It gains 200 ATK. If this
card was Special Summoned by the effect of an "Evoltile"
monster, each time this card destroys an opponent's
monster by battle: You can add 1 "Evoltile" monster
from your Deck to your hand."
EC has great stats and effects, making him the
low-level muscle of any Evol deck. Not only that,
but he can net you Evoltile Monsters, such as
Evoltile Westlo, who can net you another monster in
return. EC will be a staple card in any Evol deck
and should be run in multiples.