Well it's Ninja week, which seems appropriate,
doesn't it? Opening the week is Earth Armor Ninja,
who is essentially the Cyber Dragon of this set of
Monsters. However, this Ninja has some stuff working
against it...like the fact that he will likely be
dead weight more often than not...what with the
tribute required (if situations aren't fit for a
Special Summon via effect) and the not-so-incredible
1600 attack. I also think it's really cheesy that
the particular attribute they belong to is written
in the background of the picture, just putting that
out there.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2.25/5
Art: 3/5
John Rocha
For the next 2 weeks we are going to be looking a
new Warrior archetype; Armor Ninja’s. Like other
archetypes that have come along in the last few
sets, Armor Ninja’s are really good at xyz
summoning. Today’s card serves as a catalyst for
achieving just that. Earth Armor Ninja has the Cyber
Dragon effect to special summon itself when your
opponent has a monster and you do not. All you need
now is one of the cards we will be review this week,
ether Air or Fire Armor Ninja’s. With Air Armor
Ninja we can reduce Earth by one level a Xyz for a
Rank 4 monster like Blade Armor Ninja. With Fire we
can increase Fire by one level for a Rank 5 monster
like Number 12: Crimson Shadow Ninja.
Earth Armor Ninja is not just good for Xyz
summoning. It can also be used for Synchro
summoning. Use Earth with X-Saber Pashuul and
Reinforce Truth to Sychro summon Driven Daredevil or
Naturia Landoise. You could play Armor Ninja’s with
plants, special summon Earth, normal summon Air to
make two level 4’s, then special summon Glow-Up Bulb
to make Trishula. And the beat goes on.
There is enough support for Warriors and Armor
Ninja’s to make this deck type a viable contender
for a top tier deck. Playing Earth Armor Ninja, like
Earth in Fair decks, is a must in three’s.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
It's Ninja week on pojo, and we're reviewing
Earth Armor Ninja first. Earth Ninja is a Level 5
Earth/Warrior with 1600 ATK and 1200 DEF. It's
effect reads like Cyber Dragon. If your opponent
controls a monster and you do not, you can special
summon this card from your hand. This card is a must
for the ninjas to do their thing, especially when
teamed with with either Air or Flame to get a Xyz
monster of rank 4 or 5. While his stats won't win
him too many battles, he's great as a Cyber Dragon
type substitute for certain specific synchro
monsters. Earth Armor Ninja is a must for the
archtype, just for his summoning ability.
Today we are looking at the Cyber Dragon of Ninja
archetype. This card is pretty decent in this new
set because of the new support cards like Ninjitsu
Art of Super Transformation. On top of that, you can
couple this card with either Air Armor Ninja or
Flame Armor Ninja and you either have a rank 4 xyz
or a rank 5 xyz on the field the same turn. Also,
because it does not specify that it cannot be used
as a synchro material monster, you are free to
synchro with this card.
Over all, this card can open up plays if it isn’t
clogged in your hand too often.
Pros: Can special Summon itself, easy xyz potential
with the other ninja cards.
Cons: Low Atk and Def.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced 3/5
Earth Armor Ninja
Lv 5/EARTH/Warrior/1600A/1200D
"If your opponent controls a monster and you control
no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from
your hand)."
Yet another 'special summon if you opponent has
monsters and you don't' type of card like Cyber
Dragon. Sadly, CD has much better stats than this
guy. You'd only really want to use him for his
special ability and for no other reason. You could
tribute him for a Senior Silver Ninja, or, if you're
using a mixed ninja type of deck, for Karakuri Ninja
mdl 7749 "Nanashick". For those who want special
summoned monsters for a deck requiring tributes and
can't snag any copies of Cyber Dragon or Oracle of
the Sun, EAN is a Common card, so look for copies of
him. You should be able to find them easily. He can
also be useful for the same reason in a warrior
toolbox deck that needs special summoned tributes.
Sadly, with stats like his, EAN is only useful
for his special effect and tinkering with his Level
via other Armor Ninjas. They really should've made
one of his stats worthwhile. :(