3 months ago, we covered Blue-Eyes
White Dragon to commemorate ten
years of providing Yu-Gi-Oh card
reviews. Now, for the 2500 review
ever, we have Burakku Mujishan Garu,
whom we have not touched since
October 2003 (and even then the only
person who actually reviewed her
went by the name of DuelMonster).
Behold: Mana the Black Magician
Girl. By herself, she is just an
underexperienced, weak Tribute
Monster, but with the postmortem
power of her professor, Mana will
unlock her power by growing up to a
potential of 5600 ATK for a Level 6
monster. Not bad.
That is, of course, assuming both
players have three each of Dark
Magician and Magician of Black Chaos
in their Graves.
Outside of a planned casual game,
the chances that two people that
will actually use Dark Magician
Decks in a professional, high-stakes
game is...well, it just ain't
happening. This means Mana will rely
on mostly your
own Grave to give
herself a power boost. And really,
Magician of Black Chaos, a Level 8
Ritual with no effect...has even
less playability (well...actually
2800 ATK isn't bad at all, so maybe
if you have some Ritual support
cards, it just might be able to be
pulled off). So, in a realistic
scenario, Mana can only ever go up
to 2900 ATK (assuming you used up
all three of your Dark Magicians for
the Tributes and Fusion Materials
and whatnot they were intended for).
That poses the question: Why not
just use Trance, the Magical
Swordsman, another Level 6
Spellcaster? He has 2600 ATK to
start off with, and can even benefit
from any possible Normal Monster
support you have for Dark Magician.
Pfffft, forget the Dark Magician
Girl, Trance even outpowers the Dark
Magician himself!
Well first you ask yourself, “Why
ARE you using a Level 7 2500 ATK
Normal Monster over a Level 6 2600
one anyway (aside from the coolness
factor)? The answer, of course, is
due to the name. Dark Magician has
specific support that allows him to
be easily summoned and to have
access to various strong support
So the next question is, how do you
justify using the GIRL over Trance,
when the Girl “might” get over 2000
ATK? There’s one card that
specifically requires the Dark
Magician Girl: Sage’s Stone. If Dark
Magician Girl is on the field, you
summon Dark Magician right out of
your deck. Yeah, that’s pretty much
it. However, I play with a Yugi
Deck on Dueling Network, and even
though it’s a very weak deck in
general, the fast one-two punch of
Sage’s Stone still wins me many fast
games regardless (but yeah, if your
Deck isn’t strictly Dark
Magician-based with all his tricks
and three copies of DM himself, you
have no reason to bother including
Being Level 6 is significant. This
allows you to summon Sorcerer of
Dark Magic, who really is easier to
summon than he seems. Also (usually
with the assistance of Gagaga
Magician), this allows you to bring
out one of the strong Rank 6 Xyz
Monsters. The most prominent one is
Magi Magi Magician Gal, which can
only have Spellcaster Xyz Materials.
Although her ATK pales in comparison
to the other Rank 6 Xyzs, her effect
allows you to turn any card in your
hand into a Change of Heart or
Monster Reborn (very powerful
There are two more things I must
1. Because she has 2000 Original
ATK, she can be searched using
Magician’s Circle. Basically, if any
Spellcaster monster declares an
attack, that Trap lets you summon
Mana right out of the deck with
absolutely no cost. This is a key
aspect of Mana, because she is often
the strongest monster you can summon
with Magician’s Circle.
2. Magician’s Tome is an Equip Spell
that only Mana or her teacher can
use. It’s not worth using.
She's like...Pikachu. She's not very
powerful at all, but she has hidden
potentials that could be deadly if
exploited correctly. And if you are
brave enough to at least try to use
her, you
deserve to win.
Trad: 1.4/5 (I mean, if you plan on
using some silly combo with Painful
Choice, Sage's Stone, and Dedication
Through Light and Darkness, plus
I've seen Magician's Circle used in
Trad before)
Adv: 2.3/5 (based off her own
strengths, the strength of the Dark
Magician Deck as a whole, and how
well the Dark Magician Deck can
function without her...but I promise
you, more on that later this
Awesomeness Factor: It is ineffable,
beyond words and ratings, how
significant Mana is for YGO. I'm
sure Pojo himself would agree with
me, if she is not the most
important card, she's definitely in
the Top Ten. She is one of the most
iconic characters of the entire
franchise, perhaps the most iconic
character behind Yugi Muto himself.
Her blue-and-pink magician's cap,
her wand, her blonde hair, those
anime eyes...she just really has
cemented herself as the soild
happy-go-lucky anime-symbol of Yu-Gi-Oh.
Aside from being Dark Magician's
student, she was developed in the
image of the "magic girl" anime
genre (you know, like Cardcaptor
Sakura, Sailor Moon, sorta like
that). There are four official DMG
artworks. Personally I feel the art
from Duelist Pack: Yugi (legs tucked
in, hand on hat) is her most
serious-looking depiction and is the
one that captures her essence the
best. Her Series 2 Collector's Tin
card in 2005 (wand raised,
surrounded by hearts) is her coolest
and most dynamic pose. Also, the one
we are all most familiar with, the
Secret Rare from Magician's Force
(close-up of her face) has got to be
her most beautiful. The "Kaz" one
(flying on her wand like a
broomstick) was drawn by the creator
of Yu-Gi-Oh himself and has not yet
been made into English; that one IMO
is her goofiest
-looking one.
Finally, as far as I know, Dueling
Network has a special "Arkana" red
version that's so creepy-looking,
it's not funny... You know...it's
funny. She's really cool as a
cartoon character, but if you ever
met a person like her in real life,
she'd come off as a very strange
sort of person!
Philosophy Corner: "Yeah it would
have been nicer if they didn't edit
her chest, not trying to sound
perverted, but her cleavage was what
helped make her so popular in
Japan." -DuelMonster
Double Philosophy: Japanese people
aren't naturally supposed to have
blonde hair and green eyes...but I
guess it's supposed to make her look
sexier? Send out your thoughts!