Continuing "Recently Released
Classic Manga Cards: Week II"
Like The Shining, all cards
this week are Extra Deck cards. The only difference
is that Tuesday's and Wednesday's are from GX D:
Level 8 Dark Dragon with 3000
ATK? Bring in instant comparisons to Red Dragon
Archfiend and Infernity Doom Dragon!
Purgatory Dragon's effect
is identical to the infamous Six Samurai Shi-En. The
catch? You can't have anything in the hand. That is
a condition you generally want to avoid, but in a
heated-Duel scenario, it happens sometimes. Given
that, it's not too unlikely you'll be in the
handless condition.
Comparison to RDA: I assume my
readers have Synchro Summoned before, at least on
Dueling Network? Now, when a player Synchro Summons
for Level 8, what's the usual target? Nowadays, it's
Scrap Dragon when he or she intends to go offensive
or Stardust in a milder situation. Red Dragon
Archfiend comes out when the opponent has Marshmallon
ramparts up or has a wall of sets. In either case,
RDA is a reliable choice many people enjoy using in
their Extra Decks just to blow stuff up.
Comparison to Infernity Doom
Dragon: Both IDD and VOD have the same Synchro
requirements of a Dark Tuner, so in any Deck that
runs IDD, VOD has an equal chance to be playable (Kalin
Kessler indeed ran this card in the manga).
Infernity Decks run IDD for its ATK and destruction
effect. Infernity Decks, obviously, can easily
whittle away their hands to meet IDD's activation
requirements, especially considering IDD can help
activate Phantom Hand to temporarily remove their
own Hand. That being said, VOD is a counterpart for
IDD to shut down Traps/Spells. Of course, assuming
you're using an Infernity Deck, Phantom Hand can't
work if VOD is your only monster out (easily
remediable by activating Phantom Hand right before
you summon VOD).
VOD and IDD have equally
powerful abilities. I used to splash IDD into Decks
on occasion on the off-chance I got Handless and
could summon it. Similarly, VOD is a powerful card,
and it's not too hard to make your Hand Size 0 if
you want.
Niche Decks: Infernity, any
Deck with Dark Tuners and don't intend to load up
their Hands
Traditional: 2/5 (being
handless isn't exactly something you'd WANT happen
if you know your opponent has Yata-Garasu, and it's
easy to kill VOD with the likes of Raigeki, Ring of
Destruction, or CED [both Compulsory Evacuation
Device and Chaos Emperor Dragon])
Advanced: 4/5
Aesthetics: 5/5 The Hunchback of Dragon Dames
Philosophy Corner: Freedom is not free.