If this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 1 other Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard, and increase its Level by the Level of the monster removed from play to activate this effect. Each player can only use the effect of "Spore" once per Duel.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 2.60
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - October 1, 2012
All right, after a week off, we return to looking
at cards that had their status changed via the new
Ban List, and next week, we will be back to Return
of the Duelist. Opening Ban List week 2, we have
Spore. Look, it's a different colored Watapon!
Spore, is a Wind attributed Tuner, who is Level 1,
and a Plant type monster, with 400 attack and 800
defense. Now, let's start with some good. When this
card is in the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it
by removing a Plant-type monster from your
If you Special Summon Spore in that manner, this
card has its Level increased by the Level of the
monster you removed from play. Each player can use
the effect of Spore once per Duel. I like this Tuner
a lot, and Plants were quite a formidable Deck for a
while. They have a hard time keeping up with some
of the other turbo Deck engines out there, but a
Plant Deck can certainly be not fun to play against.
Spore is now Restricted, and I think this should
have happened a while ago, when Plants were more of
a problem. People still play Plants, but this just
seemed to be something that really hinders a
legitimate Deck, when it really didn't have the
power to exactly be Tier 1. It certainly hurts the
Plant engine overall, but if you're playing Plants,
I'd most definitely be using the one Spore you're
allowed to.
Traditional: 2.75/5
Advanced: 3.75/5
Art: 4/5
John Rocha
Welcome to another week of broken cards that have
been hit by the Banned/Restricted list. Spore is
next on the hit list and is a recent addition to our
Restricted list. My guess is that they figured the
plant engine was hit so hard that it could never
recover, so like many themes that have been
destroyed by the list, they bring back parts of it
slowly. In a Meta of Xyz monsters, like most people,
I am not sure why plants got hit so hard in the
first place. It was probably just to make sure that
Synchro monsters would go by the way side to make
room for Xyz monsters.
Spore gives decks that play plants in them a lot of
options. One, it is a tuner so it can make some
pretty powerful Synchro monsters. As a level one
monster, it can turn your Gorz token into a Stardust
Dragon or Scrap Dragon, or your level four monster
into a Cataster or Hyper Librarian. It can also be
special summoned with One-For-One and combos well
with Dandylion to make Formula Synchron and then it
can be special summoned as a level 4 to Synchro a
level 5 monster.
The second advantage that Spore gives you is that it
can special summon itself from the graveyard. When
played with cards like Mystic Tomato, Dandylion, and
Lonefire Blossem, you will be summoning Spore as a
level 4 or 5 monster which you can Synchro or Xyz
with. That gives you a lot of options to get the
right monster for the right situation. Now, if we
could only get Glow-Up Bulb back!
Thus far getting Spore back has not made a huge
impact on the current Meta. It does, however give us
some more possibilities in making decks. Shooting
Quasar and Synchron decks get a little more help, as
does Plant decks. It also opens up some
possibilities with other decks like Elemental Hero’s
as Spore is a Wind and Lonefire Blossem is a Fire so
using it with Miracle Fusion is a possibility.
Spore is still a very powerful card as evidenced by
it being restricted to one. I am not sure why you
would even want to restrict it as you can only use
the effect of Spore once, but at least it is back
and it gives us more options.
Traditional: 3/5
Advanced: 4/5
Before anything, this week marks a full year I've
been writing for for the COTD team, yay! Today we're
hugging the cutest little fluff ball, Spore. A level
1 WIND/Plant-Type Tuner monster, with 400 ATK and
800 DEF.
If this card is in your graveyard: You can Banish 1
other Plant-Type monster from your graveyard ;
Special Summon this card from your graveyard and
increase its level by the level of that banished
monster. Each player can only activate the effect of
Spore once per duel.
Spore was a very important part of the whole
Plant/Synchro, or Plant Engine madness some time
ago. You put Spore in the grave and just wait till
something like Lonefire Blossom or Dandylion got in
the grave to banished it to get it on the field and
increase Spore's level by whatever Plant monster's
level you used to special summon it. Then you
Synchro into whatever you need. Spore is a nice card
that allows plants to get out synchros, and now Xyzs,
out even faster. Now that it is back on the limited
list, there could be a minor swing back to Plants.
Even if it doesn't happen, it's good to have Spore
Traditional: 2
Advanced: 3.5
Fact: Im allergic to flowers.