Deep Sea Diva, and may I say, this mermaid doesn't
strike me as much of a Diva, at least not by the art
I'm given here. This card is essentially the Tour
Guide for Sea Serpents/Water player. We have
another Water attributed Sea Serpent, this time
Level 2, with 200 attack and 400 defense, both of
which are essentially moot points here. This little
gem lets you Special Summon (when you Normal Summon
herself) a Level 3 or lower Sea Serpent Monster from
your Deck. Bring out a Level 2 and you can bring
out a Rank 2 XYZ Monster. OH, and she's a Tuner, so
you could bring out a Level 5 or lower Synchro
Monster too...or more if you all ready have more on
the Field. I like her, she's hot, in a Diva kinda
way apparently.
Traditional: 2.75/5
Advanced: 3.75/5
Art: 3/5
John Rocha
Move over Tour Guide because Deep Sea Diva is
making a big splash now that Realm of the Sea
Emperor is out. With Diva, you can special summon
any Level 3 or lower Sea Serpent monster from you
deck. When Deep Sea Diva was in vogue, her favorite
target was Spined Gillman to Synchro summon a
Cataster. With the new Atlanteans out, we have
increased our good targets to Atlantean Heavy
Infantry, Marksman, and Attack Squad. This gives us
a lot of options.
If your opponent has Thunder King in play, special
summon Atlantean Attack Squad to attack over it with
your 2200 attacker. Then Synchro summon for a level
5 Synchro monster. You can also special summon an
Atlantean Marksman if you have a good shot at your
opponent’s life points to gain its effect of Special
summoning another level 4 or lower Atlantean monster
from your deck, attack, then Xyz or Synchro summon
during your main phase two.
A really nice trick is to summon Diva, special
summon Heavy Infantry, use the Atlantean’s effect to
normal summon another Diva or Atlantean from your
hand to do more broken things, then Synchro and Xyz
summon a bunch of monsters to pound your opponent
into submission. You can also do something as simple
as special summoning as another Diva or Heavy
Infantry to Xyz summon Gachi Gachi Gantetsu.
Deep Sea Diva gives you the searching ability and
explosiveness that you need in a deck to compete at
a high level, in much the same way that Tour Guide
does for other decks.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
We are swoon by the song by today's card, Deep
Sea Diva. A level 2 WATER/Sea-Serpent type tuner
monster with 200 ATK and 400 DEF. When Diva is
Normal Summoned, you can special summon 1 level 3 or
lower Sea-Serpent-type monster from your deck. This
card is infamous for being able to Synchro like
crazy. In a pure WATER deck, this card can net you a
another monster level 3 or lower as long as it is a
Sea-Serpent. Depending on the situation, you can get
another Deep Sea Diva to Synchro twice in a turn, or
Xyz into Gachi Gachi Gantetsu. You can get it back
with Surface, or use it for Moray of Greed. If you
are running a WATER deck, this card is almost a must
for so many reasons. Need one? You can pick one up
in the new Atlantean structure deck.
Traditional: 2.5
Advanced: 3.5
Tomorrow: Dragoon is a funny name.