Shaddoll Core
Let's break down the effects of this card piece by piece.
Effect #1 - It summons itself as an effect monster with stats of
Not very strong.
The low ATK won't do you much good, but 1950
is decent defense points that could stall in some
You can use this as a monster on occasion for
battle, its inadvisable most of the time. (Note, if
this card is destroyed in battle, you don't get to
add a card to your hand, via its other effect.)
Effect #2 – Its attribute becomes that of a Shaddoll Fusion card.
Right now, there are only two Shaddoll fusion
monsters: Construct (LIGHT) and Winda (DARK).
In the next set (New Challengers), Fusion
monsters of other attributes will come out for
Until then, you have a limited variety.
But it still works as material.
Effect #3 – When it is sent to the graveyard via card effect, you
can add a Shaddoll spell/trap from your deck to your
This effect can be triggered if this card is:
discarded by a card effect, dumped from your deck,
destroyed on the field, or used as fusion material
via a fusing spell card.
Since you can't add Core, you are left to add
Shaddoll Fusion.
Perhaps if other Shaddoll/Spell traps come
out (El Shaddoll Fusion is coming), this can have
more use.
With Effect Veiler, you can tune this card to Synchro Summon Leo
the Keeper of the Sacred Tree.
A good thing about this card is that its an additional target for
Hedgehog/Winda/Construct when you want to search out
a Shaddoll Spell/Trap, but already have or otherwise
don't want Shaddoll Fusion.
Another good thing is it increases your field
Cards like Super Polymerization don't work
from in the hand.
The use of this card in a Shaddoll deck is optional.
I've seen some good Shaddoll decks with it,
and some without it.
Of course when regionals come around, we
might get a decisive answer.
In any event, you use one copy of this card maximum since its
easily searchable and its not something you would
want in every situation.
Power – 3 ; It will never be anything more than a semi-decent token.
Its a good alternative card to search rather
than just pulling another Shaddoll Fusion when you
don't need one.
Heck, it even pulls Shaddoll Fusion itself.
Versatility – 4 ; It's a
It can attack, push for damage and Synchro into Leo.
Helps to fuse into cards.
Dependability – 3
; The card relies on combos to work.
You need to want to summon a Fusion monster
at that time, or whatever else you plan to do with
the monster.
On the plus side, there's no cost to using it
and it searches if MST or something were to destroy
Card Advantage – 3
; It replaces itself by adding a Shaddoll Fusion to
your hand.
It breaks even, in a good way.
Speed – 3/5 ; When it comes to summoning a monster, trap cards are
slow at that.
Traditional – 1.5/5 ; You
want to keep the trap line-up light in this format,
and there are much better ways to gain card
advantage in Traditional.
Advanced – 3.5/5 ; Feels like a borderline
case for Shaddolls right now, but its bound to get
better in the future.
It's not like Shaddolls have a tight main
deck and they can't afford the room anyway.
Mechanic Design – 4/5 ; A really interesting
card with a wide variety of uses.
Since it acts as a monster, the player is
sure to find many interesting ways to make use of
that monster.
– 4/5 ; A simple concept but with detail in the art
The bright purple, with the thick dark shadows and
the brown tangled monsters seem to go together well.
A pretty good (not amazing) card for now, but expect it to get
better as more Shaddoll support comes out.