King of the Feral Imps
What most surprises me about this card is that it
has never been reviewed, and for a card that was a
common Extra Deck card used when Geargia’s were at
their height, even more surprising.
Now this card has found a new home, primarily in
Clown Blade and even in some Shaddoll Extra Decks
that include Jigabyte.
However since this cards main purpose has been to
provide power to Clown Blade as well as to help the
Deck recover somewhat from the otherwise irreparable
loss of Lavalval Chain I shall here simply describe
it as being used in Clown Blade as a support card.
Commonly, early game, an excellent set-up for Clown
Blade is to Xyz with a Performage Trick Clown an
another monster, then Xyz Summon into King of the
Feral Imps, detach Performage Trick Clown, search
out Jigabyte from your Main Deck and then after
Special Summoning Performage Trick Clown back onto
the field you can then Special Summon Jigabyte from
your hand and then Xyz Summon again.
And early game because its quite likely that you’ll
not have Heroic Challenger – Thousand Blades in your
Graveyard, this combo ensures that you lose close to
no actual momentum with the Deck and means that you
can win games without having to rely solely upon the
Performage Trick Clown and Heroic Challenger –
Thousand Blades combo alone.
King of the Feral Imps also has quite a solid ATK as
well, ensuring that it may even be able to stay on
the field long enough for you to be able to use the
effect for a second time.
Apart from Jigabyte which I have mentioned, another
viable target for selection is Kagetokage… A card
that many will be familiar with from what I
originally mentioned, Geargias.
For any Deck that can include Reptiles as part of
your strategy, and not just one that specialises in
Summoning Rank 4’s, King of the Feral Imps is an
absolute must and is still as good now as it was way
back when it was last a popular Extra Deck choice.
Rating: 3.75.
Essential for any Deck that includes Reptiles, but
for Clown Blade, this has helped to boost the Deck
back into the higher competitive scene when it had
been otherwise expected that the playability of the
Deck was lost along with the Banning of Lavalval