Abyss Actor – Wild Hope
Assuming you’re not running Abyss Actors as an
engine in another deck like Metalfoes or Majespecter,
Abyss Actor – Wild Hope is strangely your only hope
for a high scale, at least in the TCG. Funky
Comedian is garbage, and Dandy and Twinkle haven’t
been released yet. Is that why he’s called Wild
Hope?? Regardless, this monster is on par with
Superstar for most crucial performer in the troupe.
He does so many good things.
So, from a competitive standpoint, Wild Hope is the
best target for early Metalfoes plays, because he
lets you search the deck for any other Abyss Actor
monster (or Abyss Actors Back Stage). And in a
pinch, he can suicide to search for Superstar so you
can pendulum summon and get that all-important Abyss
Script – Rise of the Abyss King.
The Abyss Actor theme is tied together by Wild
Hope’s consistency. Getting him early and often is
the key to success, which is why you also run Sassy
Rookie. He has good potential, though it’s doubtful
Abyss Actors overall will have a long run of success
and future support. Still, as an engine as it
currently stands, Abyss Actors are not bad in the
Advanced: 3.75/5
Future Potential: 3.5/5