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Welcome to Never Reviewed New Support for
Neglected Themes Week. Today we look at the common
PSY-Frame support that has 2 too many hyphens.
PSY-Frame Multi-Threader is a Level 6 Light
Psychic-type monster with 0 Atk and 2500 Def. She
has two great effects and a condition. It's the
condition that makes her a necessity in PSY-Frame
decks. She gets to be PSY-Frame Driver while in the
hand or grave. Just that alone makes her a
consideration to replacing 1 or 2 original PSY-Frame
Driver. Personally, 3 Multi-Threader and 2 Driver
might be enough.
The activated effects are also very welcome support
to PSY-Frames. From the hand, PSY-Frame Multi-Threader
can protect all PSY-Frame monsters or Spells or
Traps from destruction by discarding her to the
grave instead. This is one of the few monster
effects that can successfully dodge Counter Traps
that try to destroy PSY-Frames on the field. That
effect also places her in the grave where she truly
shines. Her second effect triggers when a PSY-Frame
Tuner monster is Special Summoned. She can Special
Summon herself from the grave, but she gets banished
when she leaves the field. This is the only effect
of hers that is limited to once per turn, but being
able to Synchro Summon on your own turn used to be
very difficult in PSY-Frames. Now Emergency Teleport
and Telekenetic Power Well can do it without the
Field Spell. Basically, the deck needed Multi-Threader
to at least try to keep up with decks that summon
multiple boss monsters turn 1. If only Omega where
cheaper, this deck might turn out some tournament
Score: 4/5 She's great in her deck and nowhere
Art: 5/5 I love PSY-Frame art.
PSY-Frame Multi-Threader
0 ATK – that was the first thing I noticed when I
saw this card for the first time. The reverted stats
of Driver are cute, but it’s a missed opportunity
for a theme that just doesn’t have enough real
PSY-Frame Drivers at its disposal. I struggle to see
how PSY-frame decks can make room for PSY-Frame
Multi-Threader despite all the things he can do.
On the positive side, Multi-Threader can protect
Circuit, which is really important. But the deck
itself is inherently flawed in that it’s always
waiting for the opponent to do something, and
PSY-frames are most successful when they have the
most diverse hand of the tuners possible. If you
have a response to attacks, spells, and traps, you
have a greater chance of winning. So, is it worth it
to muck up your deck with any amount of copies of
Multi-Threader when you could be drawing those main
monsters instead?
Honestly, it’s disappointing because Multi-Threader
could have been better. What if he had been level 7?
Oh man, that would have changed everything, what
with Beta and Alpha becoming Omega options! Or what
if Multi-Threader counted as Driver in the deck,
too? Or what if he had 2500 ATK like Driver? So many
what ifs, what alas, it was not meant to be and this
monster gets a poor grade. Just not good enough.
Advanced: 2/5
Future Potential: 1/5