Windwitch – Glass Bell
I don’t understand how Windwitch – Glass Bell’s name
fits with the rest of the Windwitches, which is
winter-themed. Regardless, this monster is nearly as
exceptional as her sisters, and should be included
in the engine. I’ve seen decks that don’t run her
alongside Ice Bell and Snow Bell, but I think that’s
a mistake.
Obviously, when it comes to Windwitches, you want to
draw Ice Bell, which gets the entire deck into
hyperdrive. But if you don’t have her, Glass Bell
can retrieve her, setting up your hand nicely. I
won’t avoid the obvious caveats in her effect that
make her less appealing than Ice and Snow, but I
also won’t knock her for abilities that are very
good. She’s a level 4 tuner monster that searches
the deck when summoned in any way. How can that be
bad? Especially in an environment rich with wind
type monsters? Even if you could find a way to rate
Ice and Snow far above Glass Bell, there shouldn’t
be any reasonable argument for not at least teching
her. The combo to get an easy Crystal Wing doesn’t
exist without her. And let’s not forget that she
only prevents non-wind special summons if she uses
her effect and only for that turn. That’s a very
important distinction from monsters that prevent no
matter what. In decks like Invoked that make good
use of Call of the Haunted, Glass Bell is a perfect
target much of the time.
As Windwitches go, so does Glass Bell. Ice Bell
could one day get restricted, but Snow Bell is
easily used outside of Windwitch decks. Since Glass
Bell searches for Snow, I believe Glass Bell has the
same good potential as both Ice and Snow. It’s a
good card, folks.
Advanced: 4/5
Future Potential: 4/5
Lullaby |
Hello Pojo Fans,
Windwitch - Glass Bell completes the trio of
Windwitch monsters this week.
The searcher of the Windwitch archetype, Glass Bell
searches any Windwitch except itself. With a
restriction of only WIND monsters being Special
Summoned for the rest of the turn after her Normal
or Special Summon, that won't be too much of a
downside to Glass Bell. The aggressive combo of Ice
Bell to Special Glass Bell from the deck, which then
gets Snow Bell, who can then Special Summon itself,
giving you two Tuners on the field without spending
your Normal Summon sets you up pretty well for a big
play. Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is the standard
play for this, and can be made without spending the
Normal Summon. I don't know about you, but that's a
huge turn one off of just one monster (Ice Bell).
Even if you don't start with Ice Bell, if you have
Snow Bell in the hand you just search Ice Bell out
with Glass Bell. Combined with Speedroids, this deck
can Special Summon at will and never slow down.
Every monster is capable of being Special Summoned
with Flying Kamakiri #1, and they inherit many of
the Majespecter support cards.
Art-4/5- Nice art and creative touch with the broom
being a bell
Until Next Time