Wed- Dark Elf
Third CotD coming at ya!
Dark Elf… It’s a
popular card among F/S Beatdowns. 2000 attack is
second only to Jirai Gumo’s 2200. The difference?
Elf reduces your lp by 1000 when you attack, Gumo
saps HALF of your lp on a flip. =\
Well, hmmm… On a
second turn attack, Gumo COULD take 4000 lp. The
same amount Elf would in four attacks, after dealing
8000 damage to Gumo’s 2200. =\
I’d take Elf over Gumo
nine times out of ten. Just more reliable, IMO, plus
1000 lp is not much at all usually. Half your lp is,
well, half your chances of winning.
There’s also this mean
combo with Elf/Gumo. It uses Stim-Pack. You can pump
your level 4 up to 2700+ attack power. That means
their Summoned Skull AND their Barrel Dragon are
toast. >_< Not safe at all, I tell you…
Elf/Gumo could also be
used simply as a wall. Just plop them down in attack
mode and wait. You don’t lose lp if you don’t
attack so your opponent will have to make the first
Rating: 3.5/5 Ain’t
the best, but it’s pretty darn good! >:O