Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
The Stern
Number - SDY
043 Average Rating
- 2.34 (based on 4 reviews).
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Reviewed - June 14, 2002 |
Zap |
Awwww last day of fun
week. Oh well, soon we will have new competitive
cards, and everything will be right in the world.
But until then, we are ending fun week with.....
The Stern Mystic
Casual Play: 3.5
Tourney Play: 2.25
-You can see what your
oppenent has in store for you.
-It is an effect monster
with decent stats.
-Still not good enough
stats to be tourney worthy.
-It has a dark hole like
-One time use only.
-Wastes space.
RFP: Well, one of the
few things thats good about this card, is that you
can see what your oppenent has on the field. This is
an advantage, because you can plan ahead for the
worst if needed. Also this is an effect monster with
not that bad stats. I mean 1500 attk 1200 defense
for an effect monster is the best so far.
RFC: If it had a 1600
attack, I honestly would play this card. I mean the
ability to see your oppenent's field cards is pretty
good, but there are two big reasons why I wouldn't
play this card in a deck. One of the reasons is that
it only has 1500 attack. All the big cards have
atleast 1600, except for the effect cards.
Another big reason I wouldn't play this card in a
deck, is the reason you wouldn't play ALL fun cards
in a deck. Because it wastes space. I mean who wants
to waste space on The Stern Mystic? Not me thats for
sure. The last reason this card isn't really
playable material, is because it effects ALL
players. So your oppenent can prepare for your cards
as well.
The Stern Mystic + trap
master/reaper of the cards: Don't ask me why you'd
be playing All those cards in a deck, but you'll get
to see your oppenent's m/t then destroy a trap.
The Stern Mystic +
De-spell/Armed Ninja: Same as above accept for
So the point of this
cotd is they don't call fun cards, fun cards for
nothing. And as always good luck and happy dueling.
: O
No review yet.
CGChewie |
The Stern Mystic, eh?
Heh, well, I like this card. =P Giving you the
ability to see face down cards is great, IMO. The
stats, eh, kinda suck, but I don’t care. ;P I’m
considering playing him when later sets come out
that will enable me to negate various cards. Think
of it this way, he’s a wide spread De-Spell
(because we KNOW you don’t use De-Spell of SORL,
you use it to check out face down cards). His time
has not come yet, but soon… Maybe soon…
Rating: 2/5 Mystic is
not worth it yet… Just not enough deck space. =\
You know, I did
give Trap Master a 3.0 yesterday, but I think that
was WAY too high. It can have a 2.5 =/
Overall Score: 3.0 (this
isn't that bad)
Casual/Tournament Play:
I'll keep this one
short. If you fear your opponent has something
really dastardly face-down on the field, use this
card. It will shine a light on all their
face-down cards. This will let you see if they
are packing Mirror Force, Trap Hole, Magic Jammer,
Man-Eater Bug, etc. None of the effects
activate either! Of course, the bad part is,
it also flips over all of your face-down cards, so
try to have as little of them as possible. 1500/1200
aren't bad stats either, although you won't be
winning much battles with them =/
The Stern Mystic + any
Magic/Trap removal = Let's see what's hiding so we
know which one to attack!
Standard monster removal
Casual/Tournament Play:
You should sideboard at
least one if you always get paranoid of what your
opponent has on the field. This can break up their
psychological advantage (big words =P).
seriously almost out of "decent" cards to
rate, so expect the next week or two to be major
grab bags!
Today we have another
average card, with an effect that just isn't great, The
Stern Mystic. It has uses with other cards
but overall is somewhat bad. It lets you see what
your opponent has in store for you, sure, but it does
nothing more than that.
Granted there are
combos with it, but those combos usually involve too
much effort for too little pay-off. You could use this
in combo with a De-spell and get rid
of an opponent's set magic card, or with a Trap
Master. That's about it for combos, and those
don't really help that much, unless you're lucky
enough for your opponent to have placed a Raigeki
or another restricted magic card.
The stats themselves
aren't great, nor are they terrible. With a little
help it can be powerful, but not as powerful as
others. The Stern Mystic isn't
meant for battles with other monsters, basically. It's
big use is its effect but the effect isn't great,
which is why you really shouldn't use this card,
either, unless in a fun deck.
Rating - 2.1 It
has uses, but they are extremely limited. Just play
better cards.