Continuing this week we
come to an interesting card....
Shield And Sword
Tourney Play: 3.0
Casual Play: 4.0
Overall Play: 3.5
+ Good in defensive
+ Anti f/s
- Its only good in 2
- things with a high
attk and defense own this card.
- magic jammer ownz this
Well, the only deck this
card should be playing this card in is a defensive
exodia deck, or a defensive burner. If you play it
in any other deck your just asking to commit
suicide. The other good thing about this card is
that an aqua madoor can now kill a summoned skull.
RFC: Well this card is
only can be really succesfully used in two decks.
Defensive attack, and
defensive exodia. So there isn't really a lot of
good times to use this card. This card should gain
more popularity when Millenium Shield And Labrinth
walls comes out. This is a situation where dark
magician is better then summoned skull, because
either way it has a high attack and defense. So in
that case you would lose. Also magic jammer negates
this card since its a magic. So right now, this card
isn't HORRIBLY useful, but in the future I am sure
this card will gain some popularity. I mean joey
uses it....=/
Catapult Turtle + High
defensive monsters=tremendous fires without the 500
lp cost.
Magician of faith +
Catapult turtle + high defensive monse= rinse lather
and repeat.
Well again I am sorry if
this cotd was so short, its just there isn't really
much to say about this card. It helps high defensive
decks and kills high attack low defensive decks. As
always good luck and happy dueling....