Hey ZaP here lets
look at todays cotd shall we?
Stop Defense:
Causal play: 3
Tourney Play: 3.5
-Makes a high defense monster
easy to kill...
-Gets rid of Man Eater bugs
-Wastes space
-might not be a defense monster
RFP(Reasons for pros)- Well say
they have a Giant Soldier of stone and you want to
kill it right then and there all you need to do is
stop defense it.
Then almost any of your monsters
could kill it which is nice. Also it brings you one
step closer to winning the game. Also say you suspect
your oppenent has a Man Eater bug you could use this
thing to flip it over, and then the man eater bug
would destroy itself. Or if its not a man eater bug
then you could just do some damage attacking there
defense monster.
RFC(Reasons for cons)- Well one
of the few cons is that it wastes deck space for other
cards you might need. Like say you have to choose
between this card of card destruction. You'd be losing
one or the other. Sure you could go both, but you want
to keep your deck as close to 40 as you can. So
usually you wouldnt have room for both. Also sometimes
I do this. I play a trap hole down... then I play a la
jinn the mystical genie in rv defense mode. Mind you
this is first turn. If your oppent uses stop defense
on my la jinn thinking it is a man eater bug or wall
of illusion or any other defense monster for that
matter they could hurt themselves. So sometimes if
your oppenent is daring they could put a high attack
mon in defense turn 1 and then you would just activate
there attacker with stop defense.
- Fissure + stop defense you use
stop defense oh look it is a wall. Then you use
fissure get rid of the wall and hope they dont have a
trap hole and attack for direct damage with a
monster.(unless they have wabuku.
-Stop defense + attacking mon
well this is the most obvious one. I mean you use stop
defense then attack your oppenent with your mon and
they take damage.
Thats about all I can think of..
So yea I am sure my fellow cotd doers will find
more... Good luck and happy dueling :)