Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Number - MRL-049
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 11.20.02 |

Scott Gerhardt
No way I would main this unless I knew I was playing
with a bunch of sill flip effect monsters I didn't
care about losing the effects on. Countering
flips is nice, and the card CAN be devastating, but
it's a timing issue here. I don't think it's
excessively broken just because there is a lot of
times it will be bad. It's excellent metagame
against flip-heavy decks, though, and can certainly
burn an opponent out from a distance.
: 4

TwInSeN21 |
Nore to your opponent's
Lifonster Card on the field.
An amazing trap card! Especially in a burner type
deck. Not only will it stop flip effects, but it
also does damage! If you play a bunch of effect
monsters and so does your opponent, this Trap can do
up to 5000 damage! Not gonna happen everytime
though. You would probably need to play a couple of
Mask of Darkness as this card is going to be
restricted to one per deck soon. Although this card
is good, it's not really a staple card.
Rating: 3.8/5
Ceasfire -- Wednesday
Introduction: Burn your monsters and burn your Life
Points. Hahhaaahah!
Normal Trap
Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up
(Flip Effects are not
activated). Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to
your opponent's Life
Points for each Effect Monster Card on the field.
Why should you use it?
*Counters flip effect
*Burns effects
Why shouldn't you use it?
*Possible little damage
*Wrong card in wrong time?
Reasons: We look at a very evil card in my opinion.
Very ironic to see two
elder men about this too. Well back to the article.
This can counter those
Flip-effect monsters and making them pay for using
effect monsters. This can
inflict 500 damage for each effect monster. This may
not seem like a big
deal, but in the end of the match, it can be very
crucial move countering
something big. For exmple, the Magicain of Faith,
Man-Eater Bug, Invander of
the Throne*. Well this card with maybe 2 monsters out
at most can only do
1000 at most. In the end, this will probably happen.
But doing the extra
needed damage can get you the win. Yes this does
happen, wish I had this
card many times. But sometimes you can get this card
when you don't want it,
which can really cost you a lot. But still, this card
is a great effect
counter and/or burn card.
Rating: Soon to be restricted to 1 because it can be
so dangerous. We will
see this card probably reek havoc across the dueling
area. This card gets a
3.8. It can counter and do the excessive damage needed
for the win.
Conclusion: Cease your monsters and fire them to your
life points!
*Stupid Upperdeck, with this really lame ruling. This
card only says
"switch" monsters. How did upperdeck get it to a
permanent Change of Heart
effect? If they said that, the card would have said,
"take control..." But
no Upperdeck is stupid to realize this. Now this
probably will cost big
throughout the dueling area. Now, as I say again.
Upperdeck better get
things straight, or your going to loose A LOT of
customers. |
wartortle32 |
Wednesday - Ceasefire
Today we look at the most powerful trap released in
Pharoah's Servant, Ceasefire. This card flips all
face down monsters face up does 500 damage to the
opponent for each effect monster on the field. In
addition to that, it does not activate any flip
This card is one of the best released in Pharaoh's
Servant. It can do some serious damage (up to 5000)
real quick. Great for burner decks. But not only
does it do damage, it negates all the flip effects so
you can seriously screw over the opponent's strategy.
In addition, you can control the amount of bad effects
done to you by simply flipping your monsters first to
activate the effect and then using Ceasefire. That
way, you still get the effects, and you still do the
same amount of damage to the opponent.
I give this card a 4.8/5. Basically, this one card
can win the game for you, It will definitely be
restricted to 1.
wartortle32 |

Martin |
Normal Trap
Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up
(Flip Effects are not activated). Inflict 500 points
of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for
each Effect Monster Card on the field.
Similar to Just Deserts in a way, this trap
card from PSV is a nice edition to cards that
help go past those nasty flip effects. By stopping the
flip effects on certain cards, the monster will be
rendered useless. This card will pack a number on face
down Man-eater Bugs, Magician of faiths, or other
various staple cards that are used simply for their
flip advantage. And doing damage to your opponent is
also a sweet bonus.
The disadvantage of this card is the fact that there
is a chance it will do no damage. Usually, there are 2
face down monsters on your opponent's side of the
field at most, with all the monster destruction that's
out there, and it's not even a sure thing the face
down cards will have an effect. Ceasefire is a good
card if your feeling lucky, but other than that it's a
risky trap.
I rate it a 3 even. It's not awful, nor
extraordinary, but when it works, it can definitely
put your opponent's back to the ropes.
-Martin "ZkittleZ" Moreno |
SomeGuy |
Wednesday -
Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up
(Flip Effects are not activated). Inflict 500 points
of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for
each Effect Monster Card on the field.
Another card that will soon be restricted. Not
exactly a completely broken card, but being able to
play three of them would of been much too good.
In my opinion, this card is best suited for side
deck purposes. Siding this in versus Exodia, or even
an Effect based direct damage deck works great. Also,
Ceasefire would work well in a direct damage
deck. All you have to do is use up few Effect
Monsters, then play it in order to do some decent
damage to your opponent while also disrupting his/her
set Monsters.
Casting Ceasefire after a timely played
Cyber Jar can also work nicely in your favor.
You have the possibility to deal a large sum of direct
3.4/5 |

IQ |
I'm sowwy I missed one or
however many COTD's I missed but it was my B-day on
Sat (16th) and yesterday (19th) was my wife's B-day so
I've been doing way too much partying lately and body
still trying to recover.
This is one of the many new cards that really hurt
Flip Effect Monsters but is not one of the better
ones. There are at least two cards that I can think
off the top of my head that hurt Flip Effect Monsters
more than this card and even then I would think twice
about using them. There are a total of nine Monster
with Flip effects in your opponent's deck out of his
40 whole card. Having Flip effect Monster hate is not
that great because it will probably work once or twice
during the entire game.
On the other hand this is a game where things like
that can turn the tide of the game and maybe even
decide the outcome of it. I've almost lost a match
because my opponent use Flip effect monster hate at
the right time and got my Magician of Faith which I
really need it. I'm still going back and forth when it
comes to Flip effect hate and still don't know how
much of an impact it will have on the game. Guess is
one of those things we'll have to wait and see.
As far as this card goes, there are better cards out
there and I just don't like the pic on it so there.
Rating 2.4 |