Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Number - PSV-025
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 11.10.02 |
Friday - Forced Requisition
OK, this card is fun. Really fun. You like
Magic Jammer? Let them share in the
discard cost. Tribute to the Doomed?
Same thing. Card Destruction? If
you have a hand size equal or greater than theirs,
their hand is obliterated. Best of all, it's a
Continuous Trap, so use it as many times as you
want! This card will be essential to hand
disruption decks until we get Don Zaruug
in Pharonic Guardian, but you don't need to run 3 of
them. You only need 1 to get the job done, so I say
run a max of 2 so you can get at least one of them.
Enjoy ^_^
Score: 3.4 (one of my personal
favorites from the set, and it's only a Rare, so
enjoy ^_^)
TwInSeN21 |
Forced Requisition
Continuous Trap
You can activate this card when you discard from your
hand. Every time you discard from your hand, your
opponent must also discard the same number of cards
from his/her hand.
Okay, Upper Deck might have to give a ruling on this
card. I've been talking to some people who know the
Japanese rulings and there are a couple of things you
should know. First of all, this is one of those Traps
where you have to satisfy the condition first before
you can activate it (like you can only activate Mirror
Force when your opponent's Monsters attack). So, when
you discard a card (ie for Magic Jammer or Tribute to
the Doomed), you can activate Forced Requisitition.
Once it is face up, you finally get to use the effect.
So you do NOT get the effect immediately the first
This trap works great with Card Destruction (as long
as it's already active of course). You first resolve
Card Destruction's effect (both player discard their
hand and draw that many cards), and then you resolve
Forced Requisition's effect. If you discarded 4 cards
for Card Destruction, your opponent would then have to
discard 4 cards from his NEW hand. Pretty darn good if
you ask me. ~_^
The problem with the card is that it is kinda fragile.
You have to activate it first by discarding a card and
then you can get the benefit. By then, your opponent
would probably have a way to deal with it. You would
probably put this card in your side deck as it is
great if your opponent is running a bunch of discard
cards like Confiscation, Delinquent Duo and White
Magical Hat. This card will be even more powerful in
the future when we have cards like Graceful Charity...
Rating: 3.4/5
wartortle32 |
Friday - Forced
Today we look at forced requisition, This card forces
the opponent to discard a card whenever you discard a
card from your hand.
This card is good, but only when put in certain decks.
If you find yourself constantly discarding cards from
your hand because you have more than 6 cards in your
hand, this card is perfect for you. Also, you can
combo this with magic jammer or tribute to the doomed
to also force the opponent get rid of a card.
I give this card a 3/5. Though it isn't for every
deck, I think it works best in a hand disruption deck
or a stall deck.
wartortle32 |
Trunks |
Forced Requisition
Well. Basically, whenever you discard a card or cards
from your hand your opponent loses the same amount of
cards from their hand. This card is a pretty nice tech
to those hand destruction decks. But i think this card
will stay as sideboard material. Its a continuous trap
card so heavy storm will target this sucker fast.
Provided that your opponent actually has it or draws
it. Its an okay card but eh its nothing major.
Rating 2.0
IQ |
Forced Requisition
This card will only see play if certain cards in
Servant are not restricted. I doubt it will ever be in
a Main Deck but that will depend on your local
tournament environment. This card's currently one of
the strongest cards in the set because the restricted
list hasn't been updated, it's proven really useful in
playtesting but like I said things will probably
change once the restricted list is updated.
Until then I suggest you try to get at least 3 copies
of it incase you need them in the near future.
Remember that trading for a card no one thinks a lot
about is always a great deal. ^_<
Rating 3.6 (currently)
Rating 2.3 (After Restrrictions)
Martin |
Forced Requisition
Continuous Trap
You can activate this card when you discard from your
hand. Every time you discard from your hand, your
opponent must also discard the same number of cards
from his/her hand
This card is similar to 'Robbin Goblin in a way.
However, it dosen't come near being as effective as
it. beign a continuous trap it is the subject to
attacks from Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon and
even the rare Giant Trunade.
Hand disruption is a good strategy in Yu-Gi-Oh! since
there are so little card drawing options, recovery is
hard to do.
There are better choices however, 'Robbin Goblin is
just superior to Forced Requisition. Although, if used
together, your opponent will have a tough time keeping
a hand.
My rating: 3. It's average at best.
Yonex |
Forced Requisition --
Introduction: You Card Destruction? Oh discard 5 cards
from your hand!
Continuous Trap
You can activate this card when you discard from your
hand. Every time you
discard from your hand, your opponent must also
discard the same number of
cards from his/her hand.
Why should you use it?
*Counters hand discard
*Combo with other cards
Why shouldn't you use it?
*Situational useless card
Reasons: Today we look at one of cards that in my
opinion is just asking to
be abused. This card counters those decks that run
hand disruption and will
make them pay a big price for using them. If you combo
this with Card
Destruction, you can probably destroy someone's hand
very quickly. This is
if my ruling is right. You can run htis card in any
normal deck, that uses
Magic Jammer and /or Tribute to the Doomed. Though
this card is good, it
also has a bad side. If you don't this card cards, you
pretty much have a
useless card.
Rating: A good card, maybe a deck around this card?
Time will tell. This
gets a 2.5. It's not good or bad, but it has
Conclusion: Force your opponent to discard cards is
evil :-).
-YoNeX |