Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Number - MRL-040 Average Rating
- 1.66 (based on 5 reviews)
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Reviewed - September 25, 2002 |
Scott Gerhardt
This card has combo
written all over it. When someone finds that
combo, lemme know. I'll play good cards in the
meanwhile. I'm not a big fan of 1-for-3ing
Wednesday - Darkness Approaches
Today's card is darkness approaches. This card
let you flip a monster back face down at the cost of
discarding 2 cards.
First of all, I want to note that with this card, it
is now possible to get a monster in face down attack
mode. if you use this on a monster that is in
face up
attack mode, it will go to face down attack mode.
Is this card worth it? two cards to discard is
pricy. The main use to this card is to let you
your flip effects again and again. However, I
think any flip effect is worth 3 cards.
I give this card a 2.5/5. It could be useful in
pinch, but the discard is just too high for it to be
all that playable.
Wednesday - Darkness Approaches
Type: Magic
Effect: Discard 2 cards from your hand. Choose 1
face-up monster and turn it face-down.
To put plainly, I don't like this card at all. It's
best use is on Magician of Faith but even then, it's
not always going to be worth the 2 cards discarded.
In Duel Monsters, 2 cards is an expensive price to
pay. This just ends up being a three (The 2 cards you
need to discard along with the card itself) for one
deal. Thats alot of card disadvantage...
Rating: 1.2/5
Darkness Approaches
Hmmm... what would be the best use for this card? You
could use it on a
Magician of Faith to get a Pot 0.o and even then
you're just breaking even. It's just not worh using on a Man Eather Bug or a
Hane-hane because it's
costing you 3 cards to deal with one of your
opponent's monster and if it
gets countered you just lost 3 cards. >,<
I still think it has pontetial for some abuse and
wouldn't be surprised if
someone figures out a combo with it but until then
trade them, burn them,
eat them but never, ever add them to your deck.....
for your own good. ~.o
Rating 1.4
Trunks the Swordsman
Darkness Approaches
Type: Magic
Effect: Discard 2 cards from your hand. Choose 1
face-up monster and turn it face-down
dang. Are you seriously that suicidal to use this card
to flip a man eater bug or magician of faith down?
This card is okay but seriously though. If you play
2-3 MoF and 3 MEB you don't need to even bother with
this card. The other bad side to this card is that it
will still stay in the same position. So a face-down
magician of faith isn't so great when they attack it
x_X. This card isn't really necessary. Nah don't use
it ^^
Rating 1.5
Yonex |
Darkness -- Darkness
Introduction: Bam! Pow! Poof! Zing! Doing! Raigeki?!
Normal Magic
Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up
monster and flip it
face-down, but do not change its battle position.
Why should you use it?
*Reuse Flip-Effect monsters
*Remove fissure bait
*Can be any monster
Why shouldn't you use it?
*Discard 2 cards
*Monsters won't stay alive long enough
Reasons: Today is Darkness Approaches. This can be a
very interesting card.
You can use those Magicain of Faith's again (yeah!),
Man-eater bugs (yeah!),
and maybe even Hane-Hane (uh maybe not). Using this
card can get rid of that
"weak" ATK monster by flipping it over, and killing
the higher ATK monster.
Finally it can be used on any monster. Which for that
reason of the above.
The negative effects of 2 cards is very harsh. If you
think about it it's
more of trading 3 cards for -> Raigeki? Not really
worth it imo. But can be
a very interesting TeCH cards. Also this card might be
useless at times,
because these days, monster can barely stay alive.
Though the good old days
attacking with MoF for 5 turns and making your
opponent cry is still alive.
Rating: Though an average card, it may have potential,
but not a good card
overall. This card would get a 2.0 in my book. I
really can seee someone
abusing this card. By the way "if memorary serves me
right" (Iron Chef ^_^)
there is going to be a better card with no drawbacks
and has the same
effect. I believe it's called, Book of the Moon / Sun.
Conclusion: I see Darkness Aproaching, and I think
it's approaching towards
this card and will never EVER seen sunlight.
-YoNeX |