Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Fire Princess
Card Number
- LON-034
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 04.18.03 |

TwInSeN21 |
Fire Princess
FIRE/Pyro/Lv 4/1300ATK/1500DEF
Effect: Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points each time you increase your own Life Points
If you can make a deck based on one card and win quite consistently, I say you have a new archetype.
Before this card came out, the 3 main decks that were played in tournaments were Beatdown, Exodia and Clown Control. With the release of Needle Worm, Deck Destruction would be more viable, but not too much as it's quite hard to get multiples of it. A Fire Princess Burner is quite easy to build though and it's pretty fun as well.
Basically, you want to have a couple of ways to gain life, therefore activating Fire Princess's effect over and over again on the same turn. The 3 best ways to gain life, IMO, are Solemn Wishes, Marie The Fallen One and Cure Mermaid. You also need to have a couple of ways to prevent your opponent from attacking, and you can do that by using Messenger of Peace and Gravity Bind. The rest are control cards like Magic Jammer and Prohibition to protect your cards.
Another thing that some people didn't really noticed is that you can use cards like UFO Turtle to get Fire Princess out faster.
Burners are a lot more viable now since we have cards like Just Desserts, Magic Cylinder and Ceasefire. If you are bored with the other popular archetypes, I urge you to try out a Fire Princess deck. =)
Rating: 4/5
SomeGuy |
Friday - Fire Princess
FIRE/Pyro/Lv 4/1300ATK/1500DEF
Effect: Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points each time you increase your own Life Points
Fire Princess is a very combo oriented card. If you can manage to pull off the combo while still having your defenses up, it can be very destructive. The problem is that it doesn't take much to cripple the support.
The cards that work very well in conjunction with the Effect are Solemn Wishes, Marie the Fallen One, and those few Monsters from LON that gain you 800/1000 Life Points every turn if it is in some sort of position.
You'll need plenty of cards to stop your opponent from attacking. That's where Gravity Bind, Messenger of Peace, and the Revival Gam combo come in.
Rating: 3/5
It's weak on it's own, but in the right deck it can be very fun for casual play. It's definitely not an easy card to win with in tournament play.
Lady Poet |
Today's cotd is Fire Princess. I must say I don't have much experience with this card, but I know people who have. If you have alot of life-gain cards and a few Fire Princesses, you could TRY to make a deck around her. I don't really like this card competitive-wise, but casually she might be fun to try. All in all, my final say is that Fire Princess decks fall apart easily when facing beatdown and a few other specific decks. If you remove one element, the whole deck falls apart.
Casual Rating: 4.5
Tournament/Competitive: 2.0