Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Ladybug of Doom
Number - PSV-088
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 01.24.03 |
TwInSeN21 |
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
When it first came out, I thought this card was going
to be really popular as it can act like a
Mini-Raigeki. As you can see though, I was wrong. Now,
the effect is no doubt pretty good. But why isn't it
played much? Simple. A lot of people are now playing
Level 3 or below Monsters like Hayabusa Knight, White
Magical Hat and Nimble Momonga. A lot of people also
play high Level Monsters like Jinzo, Summoned Skull
and The Fiend Megacyber. As you can see, there are a
LOT of cards that the Ladybug doesn't get rid off.
Basically, that means that it is less effective
compared to some other cards like Man-Eater Bug.
Nobleman of Crossout also poses a big problem to the
Ladybug and any other flip effect Monsters. Not that
many people Maindeck the Ladybug so it will probably
hurt only you. I guess this card's best use is as a
Sidedeck card. If your opponent is playing regular
Beatdown with a LOT of Level 4s, Sidedecking a couple
of Ladybugs would be a good idea. But if your opponent
is playing a Gravity Bind deck, then of course you
shouldn't Sidedeck the Ladybugs in. Make your own
decision. ~_^
Rating: 3/5 |
wartortle32 |
Friday - 4 Starred Ladybug
of Doom
Today we look at 4 Starred Ladybug of Doom. This
monster's flip effect destroys all opponent's face up
monsters that are level 4.
Great for anti-beatdown decks. And since beatdown is
so popular, and will continue to be, this cards
certainly has a future. Play this card at the right
moment and you can take out a chunk of core of the
opponent's monsters. However, I dont recommend that
you use it in the main deck. Perhaps side decking this
monster would be a better choice. Then when you see
that the opponent is packing a deck strictly filled
with level 4 monsters, throw 2 or 3 of these bugs in
to keep the opponent in check.
I give it 3/5. Since it wont kill your level 4
monsters, it wont really be a hurt to your deck if you
put it in. You can even put it in your own beatdown
deck to counter other beatdowns. |
Martin |
Today we are reviewing a
card named lady bug of doom,
It will sweep the field clean just like a broom.
This could work great as anti-beat down tech,
but this lady shoulden't go in every deck.
Today we are reviewing the ever so convenient Lady bug
of Doom. Stocks are low on this card. It's only
economical in certain situations. However, in todays 4
star heavy beat down environment, this card can pull
it's weight from time to time. This card does nothing
to clown control decks, and it will usually fall to
nobleman of crossout, just like any face down monster.
Man eater Bug would still be your best bet, and I'd
reccomend using that over this simply because of it's
ability to gun down any monster.
It still however is a cute surprize tactic.
Rating:3.5/5 |
NickWhiz1 |
Friday - 4-Starred Ladybug
of Doom
The other main component in my updated Dream Clown
deck (it's different from SomeGuy's in enough ways,
thank you ~_^). And for anyone wondering, I picked the
two cards this week *puts up hate mail shield*
Your opponent like playing beatdown? Watch in horror
as their La Jinns, 7 Colored Fishes, Dark Elves, and
Goblin Attack Forces be mutilated by a little ladybug
with 4 stars on it. After getting stomped in the last
2 rounds of the tourney on Saturday, I realized that
this guy would actually fit in pretty well in a Dream
Clown deck, giving an added oomph of monster removal
where Dream Clown and Man-Eater Bug fall short (I'm
not running Crass Clown. Crass Clown smells =/) Yes,
he's useless if your opponent has Hayabusa Knight and
Jinzo on the field, but if he has those there, you're
probably in trouble anyways =/ This guy is good for a
tough situation, but he doesn't always work. Such is
the risk you take =/
Score: 2.8 (your opponent might cheer if they hit one
of these guys with Crossout =X) |