Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Number - PSV-073
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 01.27.03 |
TwInSeN21 |
Gravity Bind
Let's all mourn for the Raider's lost yesterday at
Superbowl XXXVII... T_T
Now, I'm not a huge Football fan or anything, but
Oakland is so near to me that I just HAD to support
the Raiders.
Once that is done, let's get back to the CoTD.
Gravity Bind. One of my most favorite Trap cards
released so far. It stalls your opponent if he's
playing Beatdown until he can remove GB or at least
get a Jinzo out. It's great in Exodia decks. You can
also make a good Gravity Bind decks by playing
Crass/Dream Clowns, Hayabusa Knight, White Magical
Hat, Goddess of the Whim, Giant Soldier of Stone,
and some others.
It's a really effective card in the right deck.
That's why I'm giving it a high rating.
Rating: 4.5/5 |
Gravity Bind -- Monday
Introduction: Stop right there!
Continuous Trap
All monsters of Level 4 or higher cannot attack. Their
positions may still
be changed.
+Stops attacks
+Trap Card
-Trap Card
Reasons: We start of this week with another card to
help Weenie decks,
Gravity Bind. The whole point of this card is really
to stop attacks, or to
prevent all attacks coming. This means that only level
3 and lower monsters
can attack, which includes very few attackers. Most of
the time, this card
is use with all the Weenie monsters, Dream Clown,
Cannon Soldier, etc.
However, it is somewhat in effective, in decks that
needs to wait to get a
combo setup, Exodia is a good example. This card is
also effective with it
being a Trap Card. This means that when your opponent
is about to attack,
you can use it to negate an attack, if the level of
the monster is 4 or
higher. However, this card is a Trap Card is also a
bad side. With Jinzo's
being everywhere, it will hurt this card badly.
Rating: A card only to be in certain decks, mainly
Weenie decks and decks
that require a combo. This card is solid for what it
does. It gets a 3.3. It
is really good, but with an easy Mystical Space
Typhoon or Heavy Storm, this
card is gone.
Conclusion: Use this card wisely.
-YoNeX |
Martin |
Gravity Bind
In a bind your opponent will be,
No way out your opponent will see,
But when they blast you with Storm are Typhoon,
You will feel like a big fat buffoon!
Today we are reviewing the ever so annoying Gravity
Bind! What makes this sooo darn good you ask? Easy, by
keeping it in play, you can tear beat down a new one.
Gravity Bind even has a whole deck type based on it.
One of them being Clown Control ALA SomeGuy. When
playing a gravity bind based deck, you usually want to
make sure you have ways to counter cards like Mystical
Space Typhoon and Heavy storm. That is why Prohibition
is also a staple in these type of decks. Jinzo also
rains on Gravity binds parade. So make sure to run
plenty of counter type cards when playing Gravity Bind
Rating? 4.0 a real solid control deck staple.
-Martin_Moreno |
SomeGuy |
Monday - Gravity Bind
Gravity Bind is the
card that many deck types arose from. This card pretty
much single handedly made Exodia, Burn, and Weenie
decks viable in tournament formats [As well as CC ;)].
With the aid of
Counters, Prohibition and the like, this card can
completely crush the average beatdown that we see so
much of these days. Against decks such as Velocity
Prime and new age beatdown decks, you'll definately
have to do more thinking and strategizing, but the win
can be pulled off.
The worst part to
Gravity Bind, is that decks based around it get
slaughtered by Jinzo. So having a plan ready just
incase they summon Jinzo is very necessary.
Also drawing a Gravity
Bind when you already have one on the field can be
slightly annoying. Especially if you crucially need a
card to give you game advantage.
Rating: 3.9/5 |
NickWhiz1 |
Monday - Gravity Bind
Ah yes, the card that
everyone loves to hate. When beatdown users see
this card, they moan and groan. If they don't get
rid of this thing, or get out a Jinzo, they're in,
like, trouble. Your Hayabusa Knights, White Magical
Hats, and Dream Clowns are free to run amok under
the protection of binding gravity. Heck, your Jinzo
#7's are free to do almost what they want, just
watch out for opposing Hayabusa/WMH/Dream Clown :/
I would be careful 2nd/3rd game, though, because if
they swap in a Prohibition and Prohibition Gravity
Bind, you lose unless you also run Messenger of
Peace :/ This card works excellent in Dream Clown
decks, Exodia decks, burner decks, and stall decks.
Beatdown decks, you COULD run it as tech to create a
field-wide lockdown (similar to Thousand-Eyes
Restrict), but if you can't get it off the field,
you could be in trouble. This guy is
lockdown in a bottle, all you have to do is open the
Score: 3.4
(wuv this)
Adam F. |
Hey, my first card of the
day and we get to look at a favorite of mine:
Gravity Bind
Continuous Trap
All monsters of Level 4 or higher cannot attack. Their
positions may still be changed.
I like this card. Some people would say otherwise
because most people run cards that are level 4 or
higher, AND because the level 3’s that people use are
useful (Hayabusa Knight, etc.), but this card, when in
the right deck, can spell horror for your opponent.
If you run a deck like “clown control”, this card is a
must. It prevents your opponent from attacking, and
gives you a lock, allowing you to attack with clowns
or hayabusa knight, etc.
If you run a beatdown, obviously, this card is going
to screw you over royally, needless to say, don’t run
If you run an Exodia deck, this card will allow you to
stall to get out more pieces, most of the time, so is
definitely one for the main or side deck. Combine with
Labyrinth wall for a great stalling opportunity.
Combining this with level 3 effect cards could save
you in a tight spot. The card is great for a stall
deck. It has its ups and downs, and I find it very
useful most of the time.
I give this card a 4/5, If you aren’t running a
beatdown, I’d say put it in your sidedeck for sure, it
will allow you to stop a beatdown opponent dead in
their tracks, and it will allow a stall for time if
you need it.