TwInSeN21 |
Spirit of Flames
This is probably one of my most favorite Spirit Monsters in LON. A 2000ATK Mon is pretty good, especially considering that it's a Special Summon. Unfortunately, we don't have that many good Fire Monsters. Earth have really good Monsters like Gemini Elf, Goblin Attack Force, Nimble Momonga, Dream Clown, etc. Water have 7 Colored Fish, Giant Red Seasnake, The Legendary Fisherman, etc. Wind have Harpie's Brother, Harpie Lady (I guess) and in the future, we will have Cyber Harpie. But what about Fire? For non Tribute, we have Darkfire Soldier #1 and #2. At 1700ATK though, they will get run over too much by the 1800s and 1900s. Fire Princess is pretty good but Spirit of Flames is more of a Beatdown card so they don't really work well together. The Level 5+ are not really playable as well. With the lack of Support, I just don't see Fire Decks becoming too viable anytime soon.
Rating: 2.5/5 |