Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Poison of the Old Man
Card Number
- MFC-033
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 11.28.03 |
Poison of the Old Man
Effect: Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Increases your Life Points by 1200 points.
- Inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
Quick-Play Spell
Card Number MFC-033
I'd say that this card is one of the better LP-burning / gaining Spell Cards out there in English at the moment. This card's seen in some Magical Scientist Decks, as well as a few Burner Decks. A 1200-LP gain isn't bad at all, and certainly better than some of the other LP-gainers. 800 Direct Damage to the opponent isn't exactly great, but it's not bad, either, for a Quickplay Spell Card.
I myself prefer Sebek's Blessing, but that won't be released in English for a while yet. Have an article on that one over in my Look Into the Future section. But anyways, overall, Poison of the Old Man is a pretty good card, as far as LP-gain/burn goes. The choice you have with it of either the self-gain of the damage-inflicting can be pretty useful, and better than those which have no such choice. Could be a pretty fun card to use sometimes, as well.
¥ - Poison of the Old Man - ¥
Overall Rating: 2.2 / 5 |
MerrilHess |
Poison of the Old Man
Quick Play Spell Card
Select and Activate 1 of the following effects:
-Increase your life points by 1200.
-Do 800 life points of damage to your opponent.
Quick Play
Does damage to opponent
Increases your life points
Down Sides:
Can be a bad Top Deck
The amount of damage may not be enough
The amount of Life may not be enough for you to survive
Fire Princess: you gain while they loss.
Dark Room of Nightmare: tack on the extra damage
In casual, this is one of the funniest card I have ever played. I personally love it. It is great to watch your opponent take that damage.
In tourney, this card is good. You can have your opponent waste m/t removal just to either take 800 or give you 1200 life.
In sealed, this card rocks!!! ‘Nuff said.
C. Rating: 4.7/5
T. Rating: 3.4/5
S. Rating: 4.1/5 |
f00b |
Poison of the Old Man - 11/28/03
Poison of the Old Man
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
- Increases your Life Points by 1200 points.
- Inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
Quick-Play Spell
Card Number MFC-033
Okay, my quick triumph of Thanksgiving was gaining 3 lbs in one day. w00t! So now that I have time to cool off school and sit down with some pie, let’s get to today’s CoTD.
+Chainable, draws out MSTs
+Gaining 1200 is a sufficient amount of LP to think about
+Works against a Drop Off, I guess *shrugs*
-Not an effective topdeck
-Life points don’t really win games, card advantage does, so this may be a waste a space.
Finally, a card that is actually semi-playable. X_x
This card was most anticipated as an addition to the scientist FTK
decks, gaining back lost LP in order to finish off the game without the combo draining away 8K LP, etc.
Still, we’ve found out since that there are better cards, and that while in theory a quickplay like this would seem to work…it doesn’t. Although frequently you may find your opponent at under 800 LP and beginning to make a comeback, in which case you may actually hope for this card, the odds are that you would rather play a more consistent card like a board clearer or a stable monster. Whatever.
There definitely are places for this in decks, but ultimately the game doesn’t come down to LP unless you’re playing against a ton of burn decks or something. It’s more about gaining board advantage, which is why this card has fallen off the face of deck building earth.
Now in limited, this card shines. 1200 LP is more weighted, especially in a 4000LP game…it’s actually broken. Besides, you can give yourself that extra turn you need to recover and win. Decent pick, IMO.
Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 3.8/5
*goes to eat leftovers* ~f00b |
Experiment JON |
Poison of the Old Man
I like this card. Versatile. Two options for your busy lifestyle:
-increase your life points by 1200 points
-inflict 800 life points of direct damage to your opponent’s life points
The thing many people neglect to see about this card is the fact that it’s a
quick play. That means that if your opponent summons a super powered
monster that has just enough juice in it to knock you out, you can use this
and save yourself. Or if the opponent plays premature burial or something,
leaving him with under 800 life points, you can use this card and finish
him, before his reborned monster can attack!
Now 1200 life points for you is nothing to scoff at. Do you remember the
time of LOB when Dian Keto was the best? Now, this surpasses it by 200
And 800 life points from your opponent’s life points is a decent amount.
But think about this. You can put this in to do 800 damage, or a 1800
attack monster for 1800 damage. That’s the main drawback of burn cards.
Why burn when you can put in a monster that deals more damage?
Basically, this is a pretty good card. Unfortunately, Ring of Destruction,
and Lava Golem own this card in every possible way.
Poison of the Old Man- 5/10