Thursday: Rare Metal Dragon
Rated For: Dragon Decks, Familiar Knight Decks
Armor Exe:
No, dude, I'm the studliest level four. I was
introduced in Magician's Force, way before you! And
I'm much cooler and my artwork owns yours. Plus,
you're a nasty dark type! Who likes evil dark types?
Metal Dragon:
Sorry buddy. You better move over, there's a new
stud level four in town, and his name is R-M-D.
Armor Exe:
You're a filthy liar! I am the king…. What's that?
No counters? I'm disappearing? Nooooooooooooooooo…….
hail the new level four champion, Rare Metal Dragon.
Boasting a meaty 2400 attack, dark type powers, and
a searchable 1200 defense? Plus he's a dragon type?
Awesome! Or is it?
Advantage F/H:
he's on the field, he's nearly unstoppable. Of
course, getting him there is the hard part! Needless
to say, many cards in the present and future will
help you achieve the goal of bringing him out, but
much of the time he'll be dead weight. When he's on
the field he's perfect for the resource cost, but
he's on the field less than half the time. He can
help field advantage, but hurts hand advantage
equally. 5/10
Draw for the Situation:
rarely a card you want to draw into in any
situation. He's more of a combo card, working with
graveyard recursion and monster effects such as
Marauding Captain and Wednesday's Familiar Knight.
Really a liability in any phase of play, though.
We'll start at zero for such a horrible effect. Add
a few points for strong attack, add a point for
being searchable by Witch, add a point for being
special-summonable by Lord of D., add another point
for being a level 4, and add a point for being a
dark-type. This gives him a
Eventually, cards will be introduced that'll make
summoning this card a snap. As of now, your only
reliable combos are Painful Choice/Graceful
Charity/Card Destruction (All restricted) +
recursion (All restricted), Marauding
Captain/Familiar Knight, or Flute of Summoning D.
Hardly spectacular, and not worth the trouble.
Bottom Line:
for the Malik cards that should help this card
(check out DM7FGD's article entitled "Malik's
Monstrosities".) Until then, don't bother.
BAD Score: 16/40=
Cards it combos with:
Familiar Knight, Witch of the Black Forest,
Marauding Captain, Lord of D., Flute of Summoning
Dragon, Card Destruction, Painful Choice |