Friday - Shadow Tamer
Shadow Tamer
Warrior/Effect Monster
FLIP: Take control of 1 face-up Fiend-Type monster
on your opponent's side of the field until the end
of the turn.
Restriction: No Restriction (3 per Deck)
Shadow Tamer is
extremely situational, even as a Side Deck option.
This card should honestly be tossed in your 'crap
box', unless you are building a fun deck to play
against your friend (Who obviously better be running
Fiends ;x).
Yeah, it's that bad.
Shadow Tamer's ATK and DEF will get you nowhere
quickly. Its Effect is also very specific, meaning
it will be highly situational against most decks.
And if you thought it couldn't get any worse... You
don't even get permanent control of the Fiend
Monster. I could go on and on how it isn't
tournament viable, but I believe I've said enough.
Its barely any more
playable in Limited. It really just depends on what
you think you're going to be up against.
Constructed - 1/5
Limited - 1.5/5
Ehhh, I'll pass on this