Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Ultra Rare
long as this card remains face-up on the field,
negate the effects of all Trap Cards except this
card on the field.
- Continuous Trap
Card Number
- TP4-001
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being
the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 6.07.04 |
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Royal Decree
Welcome to Nationals Preparation Week! (That's
really just a fancy way of saying all the cards in
this week's CotDs will probably be seen in a Deck at
Nationals.) I would like to personally thank Tony
for pulling a complete opposite on the playability
of the cards from last week.
If you're up against this card in a Duel, and your
opponent is over the age of 14, they seriously know
what they're doing. This card has its pros and cons,
but isn't too horrible to have to go up against.
Doesn't cost LP to activate (like Seven Tools)
Stays on field, so it protects for multiple turns
A way to save yourself from Traps while Jinzo isn't
on the field
It becomes your only line of defense. (Meaning you
can't spring any other Traps should the need arise.)
Continuous Traps have this huge flaw about being
weak to that card...if MST kills it in a chain, it's
essentially negated.
What many Duelists end up using this card as is an
anti-Waboku. A duelist with a Waboku down, 9 times
out of 10, feels they are safe barring a Jinzo. So
they won't activate the Waboku until the attack
comes. Opponent chains Decree to it, and that really
hurts. Even IF the player has MST in their hand,
they can't chain it from there because it's not
their turn.
This is a good strategy card -- it takes precision
to use it well, but could thwart some well-laid
plans. I file this in the category of Painful Choice
in a non-Chaos or Exodia deck, or Mirage of
Nightmare in general -- I wouldn't recommend it to a
newb to put in their Deck (like they'd even be able
to get one) but it is a nice card.
Rating: 3.75/5 |
Tranorix |
Monday: Royal Decree
Well, we're finally reviewing Royal Decree, the TP4
Ultra Rare.
This is basically Jinzo in Trap form; Decree is a
Continuous Trap that, ironically enough, negates all
other Traps. This can certainly be good –chain it to
your opponent's Mirror Force, Cylinder or Imperial
Order and watch him cry.
However, people don't tend to run many Traps these
days, what with the prevalence of Jinzo and M/T
removal; therefore, Royal Decree will more often
than not be completely dead weight. Add in the fact
that there's no way to get rid of it (save removing
it yourself or waiting for your opponent to do it)
and you have a pretty iffy card.
If there were a small upkeep cost, Royal Decree
would be a lot better. The thing is that whereas
Jinzo will give you a 2400 ATK monster on the field
while negating Traps, Decree will only negate Traps,
doing absolutely nothing else. You get the
disadvantages of Jinzo (negating your own Traps as
well as your opponent's) without the biggest
advantage. That's why Decree isn't restricted and
should only be run in a deck that really fears
Typical tournament deck: 3/5
Speed Beatdown deck: 3.5/5
Tony |
Ahhh, welcome to what I call "Tournament Deck Building
101" Week. The cards picked this week were picked by
yours truely and I hope this helps everyone at Yu Gi
Oh and ESP people going to Nationals (( Too bad I
won't see you guys there cuz I can't go =*[ ))
Here's a card that I'm known for: Royal Decree!
Also, this is a long post because this is one of my
favorite cards. Enjoy dxP
Royal Decree?! Is that card even good in constructed
deck?! Isn't Jinzo just as good? I can't even buy
it! >_<
Yes...This card will start off the week for a
reason: It's simply one of the STAPLE traps in the
game (( IMO: Imperial Order, Call of the Haunted,
Mirror Force, and Royal Decree ))
Why is this card good? It's a trap Jinzo. Jinzo for
the longest time have been everyone's favorite
tribute monster. After the CED/BLS came out, more
people started to favor Airknight Parshath. Hence, I
turned to Royal Decree. It's not a Jinzo but I still
have a Jinzo. My opponent activates Torrential
Tribute, I chain with Royal Decree. My opponent
chains Waboku to Breaker the Magical Warrior's
Effect, I chain Royal Decree. My opponent Mirror
Force's my field? Nope, Royal Decree. It's basically
having the Call of the Haunted/Jinzo trick during
Battle. Also, if you have Royal Decree down first
turn and they MST it, WHO CARES?! You still have at
least 2-3 MST, Harpie's Feather Duster, Breaker the
Magicial Warrior, and maybe Jinzo/Heavy Storm,
etc...My point is that Jinzo is a great tribute
monster and so is Airknight. Most of us cut
Airknight OVER Jinzo because running 2 tribute
monsters is tough. Royal Decree just became a Jinzo.
Here are some neat tricks that I have done with
Royal Decree
1) I play Pot of Greed. My opponent Chains with
Imperial Order. I chain using Royal Decree. I draw
two cards ^^. Then, my opponent top decks a Spell
Card. He/She plays it. I chain my MST-ing my own
Royal Decree. (( I've done that in tournaments and
it is AMAZING ))
2) I have Call of the Haunted on an Airknight
Parshath. My opponent searched for a Breaker the
Magical Warrior when I destroyed his Witch of the
Black Forest. Next turn he summons Breaker the
Magical Warrior and uses his effect on Call of the
Haunted. I chain with Royal Decree (( negating the
Call of the Haunted's effect and that means my
Airknight just got a Jinzo effect ^^ )) and my
opponent loses because he has no answers to
3) My opponent plays Confiscation and notices my
SPELL CARDS ONLY HAND! He then sets Imperial Order
and other stuff and says go. I top deck Royal
Decree. I set it and he doesn't do anything to it. I
then activate Royal Decree and play my magics
because he didn't set MST b/c he didn't think I
would set anything important. (( Also pulled off in
tournament )).
4) My opponent has two Spells/Traps set on his side
of the field. I know one of them is Mirror Force and
the other one is a bluff. I just summon my
Yata-Garasu and attack. He chains with Mirror Force
but you have a card that says "you can't win with
any traps down there" card called Royal Decree ^^.
5) Uhh, just trap removal?
Do you guys get the point? This card is not just a
100 dollar card. It does stuff! I mean if you think
about it, it's like a Jinzo.
I've always belived that running at least 6 answers
((I consider 3 MST only 2 answers if you play with
Mirage of Nightmare)) for Spell/Trap removal are the
best. Jinzo, Royal Decree, Harpie's Feather Duster,
Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Breaker the
Magical Warrior, Dust Tornado, etc...I normally like
to run Harpie's Feather Duster, 3 Mystical Space
Typhoon, Heavy Storm, Breaker the Magical Warrior,
and Royal Decree. Try playing with Royal Decree and
see if you would play with it in constructed.
Though I must warn you, playing even 5 traps with
Royal Decree can screw you up sometimes. I also
belive that running Heavy Storm with Royal Decree is
also another Staple. You have to play with this card
to understand this card but trust me, you will love
it. Take it from me...this card is too much fun ^^v
Constructed: 9.0/10 (( Highest rating I've given in
Posts in my Pojo life ))
Limited: 5.0/10 (( who drafts good traps? )) |
Kuro Basara |
Royal Decree
Well well, another over-expensive English card.
Woohoo! I want it! J/k.
Anyway today the specially picked card is Royal
Decree. Its a decent trap.
Royal Decree is a continuous trap. Its effect states
that, "As long as this
card remains face-up on the field, negate the
effects of all Trap Cards
except this card on the field." Not bad, but it can
be destroyed by things
like Mystical Space, Breaker, Heavy Storm... etc.
etc. etc. (so this card
gets owned easily) This WOULD work well with Spell
Canceller on the field!
And it'd work against those nasty defensive burn
decks. BUT the problem is
that this card is a trap and on top of that its a
continuous trap. So even
if you "negate the effects of all Trap Cards except
this card on the field"
your opponent can still chain to its activation.
Also, did I mention that
there are more than big handful of cards that own
Royal Decree?
Bah! Trade bait. Stick with the Jinzo, and the m/t
Tourney: 2.0
Casual: 2.5 |