Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Super Rare
can activate this card during your opponent's Battle
Phase. Take 2 non-Monster Cards from your Deck and
select 1 of your Monster Cards on the field, then
shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and
Set them on the field in face-down Defense Position.
The 2 cards selected from your Deck are treated as
monsters (ATK 0/DEF 0) and are destroyed at the end
of the Battle Phase.
- Normal Trap
Card Number
- PSV-033
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being
the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 5.21.04 |
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Magical Hats
If there's a monster you really, REALLY need to
save, I guess this could help you...
You could take two cards out of your Deck that
really wouldn't help you right now, and use them to
block an attack or two for that one turn. The only
way I could see this really helping is if you needed
to activate a Flip effect on YOUR turn rather than
your opponent (such as Morphing/Fiber/Cyber), but if
you're playing Morphing or Fiber Jar, you obviously
have better cards than Magical Hats to work from.
Another negative -- They have a DEF of 0. Trampling,
anyone? Airknight and Spear Dragon have a field day
-- and if you're in a field of players that are
considering Magical Hats, you may find yourself up
against a n00bish Beatdown -- and most of those run
3 Spears.
Stick with the Wabokus, the Call, the Ring, the
Force, and the IO.
1/5 |
Tranorix |
Friday: Magical Hats
I'm actually surprised this hasn't been reviewed
yet. It's one of Yugi's favorites and a Super Rare
from Pharaoh's Servant.
Now, the real card has a different effect from the
one Yugi uses, one that might seem a little
confusing at first glance:
1) You can only use it during your opponent's Battle
Phase. Simple enough.
2) Take two non monster cards (that means Magics or
Traps) from your deck and one monster on your field,
shuffle the deck, shuffle the cards, and put the
three face down. Also simple.
3) The two cards are treated as monsters (think of
them as tokens) with 0/0 until the end of the Battle
Phase, after which point they're destroyed.
Okay then. You get to confuse your opponent by
making him pick one of three cards. You just might
save that monster; you probably will, as your
opponent only has a 1 in 3 chance of getting it
This is actually a very nice card for deck-thinning;
take some of those useless topdecks and you don't
have to worry about drawing them. It's almost like a
mini Painful Choice (except you can t pick
monsters...). It's especially good in a Yugi deck,
as in real life where Heart of the Cards doesn't
exist, they have many bad topdecks.
Is this card for every deck? No. Is this card for
many decks? Not really. Is it worth trying, maybe?
Typical tournament deck: 2.5/5
Yugi deck: 3.5/5