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Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Super Rare
Each time this card inflicts battle damage to your
opponent's Life Points, you can remove up to 2 cards
in your opponent's Graveyard from play. In addition,
as long as this card remains face-up on the field,
your opponent cannot remove any cards in either
Graveyard from play.
Type - Spellcaster /
Effect Monster
Card Number - LON-062
Card Ratings
Traditional: 3.95
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.03.05 |

Kycoo the Ghost
Rated For: Any
Kycoo the Ghost
Destroyer achieved a brief renaissance of sorts at
the peak of the Chaos era, and now seems to be
plummeting once again to relative obscurity. The
reason for this, obviously, is the banning of Chaos
Emperor Dragon, the most broken card in the game.
Back then, the only hope of stopping him was to
remove the fuel fodder through heavy use of Kycoo
the Ghost Destroyer.
Kycoo, by definition,
is a whopping stud of a monster. He combines a great
attribute with great stats and a great effect.
Ironically enough, however, he shouldn't really be
viewed upon as "side-board" material, but rather as
a supplement to the main deck that can achieve
numerous FORCE objectives at once.
Advantage F/H:
provides two advantages in your quest for control of
the game. The first is absolute mastery of the
graveyard. This effect has been weakened (somewhat)
by the ban of Monster Reborn, but it still limits
plum choices of Premature Burial and Call of the
Haunted. He also exhibits some elements of field
control, though he'll quickly be smashed by the
Blade Knight/Berserk Gorilla dominated environment.
He remains decent at both, and one of the only true
counters to Sinister Serpent.
Traditional (CED
is still lurking): 8.5/10
Best Draw for the
Kycoo functions best
in the mid to late game, where the heavy hitters are
gone and all that's left is a clear path to your
opponent's life points. See, he'll smash those spent
Breakers, Tribes, and other sub 1800 cards with
relative ease, as long as you protect him against
the aforementioned Donkey Kongs. I still don't get
why Berserk breathes fire, but that's just me I
guess. Anyways, Kycoo is generally a solid enough
T: 8/10
A: 7.5/10
Kycoo has very solid stats, except for a poor defensive rating that will
suffer versus Book/Enemy quickplay abusers. He's
also a Dark Type, helping him feed the Chaos
graveyard, and he has a solid attack score mixed
with two decent effects. The use of Dark Blade the
Dragon Knight has hurt him somewhat, but he remains
highly playable.
T: 9/10
A: 7.5/10
With all
of the defenses floating around, it's become a lot
harder to actually attack direct with this bad boy.
However, don't forget 1800 is still a formidable
T: 7/10
A: 7/10
The Bottom Line:
Kycoo remains a solid monster.
A BAD Score--
Traditional Format
Score: 4.06/5
Advanced Format
Score: 3.75/5
FORCE System
Contributes to Field Control (somewhat), Enemy
Disruption (somewhat).
f00b |
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Now this monster is a spicy little spellcaster that
you should sideboard some copies of. Unlike other
choices, Kycoo actually IS able to shutdown some
strategies, and at least throw a wrench in others.
Let's look at reasons to bring him in:
Black Luster Soldier/Chaos Soldier - This can almost
be your sole reason for
maindecking 1 Kycoo and siding the rest. Kycoo stops
the most fearsome creature in all of advanced Yugioh!
from even coming out. Period. Until he is
destroyed/book of mooned, etc BLS can't even be
summoned to the field.
This is in addition to the graveyard manipulationg
provided when Kycoo starts removing darks and lights
from the graveyard, further hindering the arrival of
any Envoys or Chaos Sorcerers. Kycoo is simply a
great preventative measure to the current most
game-breaking card in Yugioh!
Strike Ninja - come on, don't act like ever since
Jae started using this guy
he's not mainstream everywhere. The fact is, strike
ninja has a few weaknesses in Kycoo - one being the
simple fact that Kycoo's 1800 Attack is slightly
higher than the Ninja (who can't remove to
'disappear' when Kycoo is out on the field), and the
other that Kycoo can so manipulate the graveyard by
removing darks so that even an in-hand strike ninja
seems useless. Just be wary of the Dimension Fusion.
Sinister Serpent - Everyone's favorite little green
guy just keeps on coming
back to the hand, but once Kycoo removes his he's
gone.for good. People love
it when DDWL hits a f/d serpent (well, the attacker
loves it), and getting a
shot in with Kycoo when sinister is in the grave
stimulates the same kind of
Zombies (Book of Life), recursion in general - okay,
so obviously removing a
big threat (especially right after a painful choice,
always very nice) from the graveyard means you won't
be seeing it later in the duel with recursion cards
like Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted, but
the amount of resurrecting power involved with
zombies is insane. Adding 3x Book of Life to the mix
means you need to act fast to remove those big
beaters, especially that Vampire Lord, and so Kycoo
might be just the trick.
New Exodia - This one seems a little farfetched, but
actually, since Exodia now intends to win by
grabbing all the pieces out of the graveyard at
once, then if you can manage to somehow clear the
field and get a swing in, removing a piece is
equivalent to GG. I'm not so sure about this though,
since even turbo-Exodia runs defensive measures and
plenty of monsters, I'm only putting this out there
as an option. I don't really think Kycoo is getting
past all the jars, goats, thunder rulers, and even
gravity binds that Exodia packs, but it's a noble
gesture nonetheless.
Okay, so these are the reasons you may want to
devote a small portion of your sidedeck to
accommodate some Ghost Destroyers. Also it is
important to
note that Kycoo has the 'magic number' range for 4
stars - 1800 will take out any and all of those
1500, 1600, and 1700 effect mons. But don't forget,
Kycoo still can't touch any of the 'beatsticks' like
Gorilla or Zombyra so if you intend on abusing him,
back him up with some support like Sakaretsu Armor
and Ring of Destruction.
Still, he is a great control technique, and I think
siding 2 is appropriate IF you already have ample
support against the bigger concerns out there like
burn, ftk, and heavy beatdown.just toss this guy in
for some added control.
May your sidedecks be versatile.if you need any help
teching them out just e-mail me at
Traditional - 3.5/5 Well, two Kycoo were pretty
prevalent maindecked in the times of CED and
company, not to mention Monster Reborn and its
Advanced - 3/5 Kycoo is solid and is at least enough
of a threat that your opponent has to worry about
him - he's a good choice for a sideboard card.
ExMinion OfDarkness |
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
He's in everyone's side already -- if he isn't, he
should be. Kycoo is anti-Chaos in one monster. Can't
drop Chaos to the field with an opposing Kycoo
out...and removes Chaos food every time he whacks
for damage.
1800 ATK is great in today's metagame, except
against those Beastdown decks (or decks running 3x
Berserk Gorilla.) His Dark-type allows him to help
Chaos as well -- a Chaos deck that screws over other
Chaos, where do I sign up?
I understand side deck space is limited -- so in
general, 2 is a good number to sideboard for a
Regionals; for your local tournament, there should
be 1 in your sideboard for each person who has a
good Chaos deck around you (obviously 3 maximum...)
3.75/5 both formats
Coin Flip |
thought I wasn't going to do another re-review, eh?
Anyway, today we have one of the best monsters of
its time and in the game. This thing was a virtual
"no-no" come DCR when we had stuff like, y'know,
1900's and all. Then comes IOC, and two valid points
are raised to player's attention.
First: "Oh crap, these chaos monsters are powerful.
Hmm. Kycoo is a strong monster with a useful effect
that weakens Call of the Haunted and other revival,
kills Serpent and Witch, and prevents the chaos
monsters from being summoned as well as removes the
chaos food, preventing any summoning further on from
taking place. I think I'll maindeck 3."
Second: "Oh crap, these chaos monsters are powerful.
Looks like a new era of chaos beatdown/control is
arising. Kycoo is a strong addition to it as an 1800
attacker which prevents the chaos monsters from
being summoned by the opponent, and is Witchable and
a DARK, thus being Chaos food himself when he is
invariably nuked by a Raigeki, or occasionally, Dark
Hole in place. Which sort of takes the point away
from him being invariably nuked. I think I'll
maindeck 3."
This very player was dq'ed from a tournament for
running 6 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyers in his deck,
but regardless, smarter players who were more
capable of counting were BETTER OFF because of good
ol' Kaiku the Turner of Souls. His stats make him a
powerful monster, and his effect is best described
as teh pwn. I think we all know what my opinion is
of an optional, beneficial effect for you is when
attached to an already good monster. That said, teh
Right now he has a more crucial spot in the metagame,
though, and that's killing the 1700's people seem to
like. Wanghu is an annoying one (albeit not as
common as Enraged Battle Ox, who is the other).
Personally, I'd run at least two in any beatdown
deck if the meta is crawling with chaos. And, until
BLS is banned, I'm still trying to make a point to
squeeze them into my deck because they are a swiss
pocketknife for the player. Removes targets for
revival like CotH, removes cards like Sinister
Serpent, and gravely injures the chaos player by
stopping the card as it is drawn as well as acts as
a monster capable of standing up to any 1700's in
the average players lineup (which has recently been
Since his last review back in 2003, this guy has
only improved. He's easy enough to get that I
shouldn't need to tell you how to get one.
He's useful in sideboard and out, so I'll give him a
general rating and a rating in the anti-metagame
deck that seems to be becoming real popular.
Sideboard/Side deck:
4/5 Traditional (cough cough just plain good)
4/5 Advanced (cough cough just plain good) Anti-Metagame
5/5 Traditional (where every deck is chaos)
4.5/5 Advanced. (where not every deck is chaos, but
a very high percentage are)
Tranorix |
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Who could ever forget good old Kycoo? Everyone loved
the guy when he was released in Labyrinth of
Nightmare because, before his errata, you could
essentially annihilate your opponent’s entire
Graveyard. Now, of course, you can only remove
monsters; but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Having 1800 ATK and being a solid DARK/Spellcaster
also make Kycoo a nice choice.
The Graveyard destruction is a great effect, even
though he’s restricted to monsters only. It’s always
good to remove your opponent’s Sinister Serpent
before he gets it back, or his Jinzo before he can
revive it. You can also remove those vital LIGHTs
and DARKs before your opponent does to summon his
Chaos monsters.
Which brings us to Kycoo’s second effect: your
opponent can’t summon Chaos monsters when he’s on
the field. Isn’t that grand? Since he’s unable to
remove from either Graveyard, he’s unable to remove
those cards to summon BLS-EotB or, if you play
Traditional, CED-EotE. They’ll just sit worthlessly
in your opponent’s hand as he tries to get rid of
your Kycoo who, all the while, will be removing
those LIGHTs and DARKs your opponent can’t remove
himself. Rentsy!
His playability has gone down slightly in the
Advanced Format just because he isn’t as necessary
to stop Chaos, but he’s still very useful and
certainly has a place in the often-overlooked Fiber
Cycle Deck (based on removing opponent’s cards from
the Graveyard and using Fiber Jar as often as
possible, limiting your opponent’s options and
potentially even decking him out). So run Kycoo –
why not?
Traditional – CCCC: 3.5/5
Traditional – Fiber Cycle: 4/5
Advanced – CCWC: 3/5
Advanced – Fiber Cycle: 4/5
Snapper |
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Today’s card is Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, one of
the few 1800 ATK monsters that is still widely
accepted as a good card AND is used.
As already said, Kycoo has 1800 ATK, a number that,
when he was new, made Kycoo a god. These days though
1900-2000 is all the rage for beatsticks, but Kycoo
has managed to maintain a firm grip on the
Acceptable Train. The reason for this is Kycoo’s
effect, allowing you to remove up to two monsters
from the opponent’s Graveyard when Kycoo does damage
to their Life Points.
This is a phenomenal effect because it takes away
your opponent’s options, making cards like Premature
Burial utterly useless due to no (if any) worthwhile
monsters existing in their Graveyard to revive.
Of course Kycoo’s current effect isn’t quite as
great as it was when first released (which allowed
you to remove ANY card from the opponent’s
Graveyard, not just monsters), but Kycoo has found
renewed uses in the last year with the release of
the Chaos monsters. Because of Kycoo’s effect, those
who lived in fear of Chaos had means of preventing
the summoning of the Decks primary monsters by
removing either Light or Darks form the Graveyad
(whichever was less abundant there at the time).
Kycoo was also a way of stalling the opponent
because of his second ability, which prevents your
opponent from removing cards in either player’s
Graveyard from play.
This effect would force your opponent to kill Kycoo
before they could summon their CEDragon, and protect
your own Graveyard from an opposing Kycoo.
The glory days of Kycoo are sadly slipping away.
With the banning of CEDragon in Advanced and the
telltale signs of BLS following suit, Kycoo’s
primary uses seem spent. Unless Dark Necrofear peaks
in popularity after BLS’s imminent disappearance,
Kycoo may become just a neat monster with a neat
effect. But, we live in the present and Kycoo still
has his uses, which are most commonly found in the
Side Decks. Not the best of way to end a review but
it works for me.
Advanced: 3.5/5. Its uses aren’t as great as they
are in Traditional but Kycoo can be useful.
Traditional: 4.5/5. The bane (and ally) of Chaos is
deserving of a high score.
Overall: 4/5.
Art: 4.5/5. I’ve always like Kycoo’s artwork.
sHecKii |
of the most common sideboard cards along with Mobius
the Frost Monarch right?
Well if you think about this card, his effect is
really great. Theoretically, he's supposed to stop
Black Luster Solier, Premature Burial, Call of the
Haunted, and all the graveyard monster recursion.
Monster Reincarnation, Sinister Serpent, The Warrior
Returning Alive...
Basically this card is the sideboard card to destroy
graveyards...but nothing more...
Where the format tends to go towards Berserk Gorilla
beatdown and Warriors, Kycoo seems to be a bit
I say 1 Kycoo MAX in the maindeck now because a)
Chaos Emperor Dragon + Black Luster Soldier in a
deck = best deck ever.and you needed Kycoo's
maindecked to have a chance but now it's only Black
Luster Soldier, b) you only need 1 hit with Kycoo to
have him be effective, and c) It's probably one of
the worst monsters against burner.
Kycoo can be boarded in against the warrior deck,
obviously chaos, and even earth beatdown. Actually,
to make it simple, anything that deals with the
graveyard (besides maybe boarding in against
banisher of the light? dxP) Kycoo and his amazing
effect is overshadowed by Berserk Gorilla's ability
to smash EVERYTHING including Airknight Parshath and
Blade Knight's ability to negate flip effects. I
suggest trying Kycoo out main deck and if you don't
like it, don't play him in the sidedeck.
Finally, if you run Magical Scientist, in a way, you
run +1 more kycoo in your deck due to Dark Blade
something-something dxP Normally we use scientist
for Dark Balter but if you get 1 hit with Dark Blade
to your opponent, then it's almost like using
kycoo's effect twice. See if magical scientist is
enough or you need kycoo to actually do more
graveyard destruction. (Remember, it's different for
each metagame to see if you need 1-3 Kycoos
Constructed - 4/5 (used to be one of the best cards
in the traditional format)
Limited - 4/5 (1800's still pretty big right?)