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Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
.jpg) |
Crush Card Virus
Card Ratings
Traditional: 3.34
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.05.07 |

System |
Crush Card Virus
Rumor has it that we'll be getting this fairly soon
(in a few months maybe?), in some kind of Structure.
If that's the case, then this review means a lot
more to many more people.
Crush Card Virus can be broken in the right
situation. About the only deck it DOESN'T hurt is
Gadgets -- everything else loses its CyDras,
Monarchs, Bazoos, name it, the big
stuff is gone. In addition to that, you end up
getting a three-turn long Confiscation, so even if
you don't hit a thing, you still know exactly what's
in store for you and can prepare accordingly.
There are many great monsters you can tribute for
the cost as well -- Sangan being the outright best
as it replaces itself, so the tradeoff is x for 1
instead of x for 2...Apprentice Magician fits the
bill, as does Old Vindictive Magician. Back when
Stein was legal, Kuriboh could serve that purpose as
If it becomes mass released, I definitely see this
card seeing lots of play in SJCs for how much it can
do for so little a cost. Only wish they hadn't
restricted it while it was only an SJC promo, so
that the players who were good enough (or rich
enough) to obtain 3 could abuse that for a few
4.75/5, only not 5 because you have to modify your
main deck slightly to use it and there are some
decktypes that don't hurt it. |

Otaku |
Alright, I don’t have to do one of my part time
jobs tomorrow, so I am going to try and do a
quick (but hopefully useful) review of Crush
Card Virus. Yu-Gi-Oh fans have been
drooling over it since Kaiba used it in the
dub. Well, I have been. Even though its effect
is far tamer than its cartoon counterpart (there
it seemed to hit everywhere) its actual effect
is pretty snazzy. Since some of you may be
totally new to the game, suffering amnesia, or
are pre-morning coffee/sugary cereal let me
cover the basics. It is a Normal Trap card.
There is a lot of Trap hate in this game so this
might be its second biggest problem. Far too
much S/T removal in general hurts even the most
chainable Traps because a lot of them are forced
into activating at a less than optimal time.
There’s also not one but two cards that negate
Traps: the classic bad boy (borg?)
Jinzo and the
more-recent-but-old-news-by-now Royal Decree.
Second, while you can activate Crush Card
Virus at almost any time, it requires a Dark
Monster with 1000 ATK or less. Surprisingly,
this isn’t too hard for most decks to meet:
there’s Sangan and Spirit Reaper
in most decks, so as long as you can make room
for like Giant Germ, it seems pretty
feasible. The Tribute cost can also be offset
by waiting until the opponent expends a card to
destroy either Crush Card Virus or the
Monster used for its cost. Granted, it’d still
be a “-1” at that point, but that’s when the
actual effect does its thing, letting you
destroy all 1500 ATK or higher Monsters on your
opponent’s side of the field (and it lets you
peak at Set Monsters to see if they need to be
destroyed), in their hand, and amongst any cards
they draw until the end of their third turn
after you activate this effect. That can easily
turn this card into a two for four and even more
if you time it right.
Alright, alright.
Most of you already knew that. So I’ll point
out something a little less obvious: most decks
at least consider siding this. Some could main
it, but most could side it (and the Monsters for
it) if they can make room. This turns almost
any deck into a control deck, but there is a
reason not to use it at all. Two, actually,
that I can think of: Gadget Monsters
aren’t big enough to hit, but the most common
side deck choices of Dark World Monsters
are. No one wants to help the opponent summon a
Goldd or a Sillva
and give the opponent access to their effects.
Between this and the Trap hate, main decking
this isn’t a good idea unless the deck is truly
tailored to Crush Card Virus. Still, if
your opponent doesn’t seem to be prepared for
it, it can still work wonders, just side it
out/in when it looks safe.
2/5 – It could do a lot of damage and set up for
a Yata-lock… but we have so many options
3.5/5 – Obviously vital to its own deck, its
just generally useful in side decks.
I hate to sound wishy-washy but I think this is
the worst this card has ever been in the game,
and it can still leave you helpless before an
opponent’s onslaught… either because you were
hit by it or because you tried to use it against
the wrong deck. Notice how it took three things
for me to knock its “general” rating to what
could be translated as “really good”.

Dark Paladin |
Today we are looking at Crush Card Virus, not to be
confused with Deck Destruction Virus, or anything
else of a similar nature, so here we go.
You have to tribute a Dark Monster of 1000 attack
points or less...most likely that will be Sangan or
Spirit Reapear, but perhaps a Mask of Darkness? Or
even a Peten the Dark Clown? What about Old
Vindictive Magician or Apprentice Magician?
Then all monsters on their field, in their hand, and
each one they draw with 1500 attack points or more
for the next three turns are all instantly
destroyed. This card is Restricted for a reason
folks. One of these could win you a game fairly
Beware, beware the power of the Crush Card...
Traditional: 3.5/5 Could save you from a drawn Envoy
Advanced: 4.5/5 Got a Sangan, have fun.
Art: 4/5
You stay classy, Planet Earth :) |

Ryoga |
Crush Card :
Another on the long list of cards the fans really
want exists. And, it's actually rather good.
Have you ever sat back and wondered how you could
get even more advantage out of your Sangan? Well,
now you can chuck it at this. Like Deck Devestation,
there are lots of lovely tricks involving chaining
to destruction, but these are less important when
tributing small monsters. And it should be able to
knock off a few monsters, since most decks seem to
run roughly equal numbers of big and small monsters.
Traditional: 4.5/5
Advanced: 4.5/5
Share and enjoy,
Ryoga |

Tebezu |
Crush Card Virus - never reviewed?
This card is great. Killing Dark World, Cyber
Dragon, D.D. Assailant, etc. all for an apprentice
magician, sangan, spirit reaper, etc.
But beware...
A lot of the decks being used right now are abusing
Card Trooper, Pyramid Turtle, Giant Rat, Gadgets,
etc. All of which are safe from this bruiser. Still
it cripples a monarch deck and that alone merits
Dimension Fusion - Not reviewed in 4 years
This card is great for a deck utilizing any remove
from play engine. But outside of such a theme it is
pointless. |
Turkeyspit |
Crush Card Virus
Next to Shrink, one of cards most TCG duelists can't
wait to get their hands on. Ironically, both Shrink
and Crush Card were available in the Kaiba Structure
Deck in the OCG, while the only current venue to get
Crush Card outside of Japan is by winning one at a
Shonen Jump Championship. Hardly seems fair.
This card has an amazing effect and is very
splashable. Why? Well, take a look at your average
Yu-Gi-Oh decks. How many monsters do you see that
have 1500 ATK or more?
Against a typical Monarch deck you are likely to
3x Cyber Dragon
3-6x Monarchs of various sizes and colours
Macro Cosmos?
3x Cyber Dragon
3-6x Monarchs of various sizes and colours
3x D.D. Survivors (if you nuke them while in their
hand, they do not come back from the RFG pile)
Bazoo - Return?
3x Cyber Dragon
3x Bazoo
3x Mirage Dragon / Pitch-Black Warwolf
Dark World?
3x Goldd
3x Sillva
1-2x Brron
In short, Crush Card Virus can eliminate the 'key'
cards of all the above decks, something that Deck
Devastation Virus had a harder time doing. Add in
the fact that Crush Card Virus requires a 1000 ATK
or less DARK Attribute monster, and you have
yourself a winner.
So what monsters can we easily tribute for Crush?
- Sangan (broken!)
- Spirit Reaper
- Destiny Hero Malicious (more broken then Sangan!)
- Apprentice Magician
- Old Vindictive Magician
As you can see, the tributes necessary for CCV are
found in many decks out there, meaning that CCV
slides into your side-deck very easily.
The only negative aspect of using CCV is if your
opponent runs Sacred Phoenix. CCV's effect will
destroy the Flaming Turkey while on the field or in
your opponent's hand, which sadly will activate
Phoenix's effect in both instances, leaving you with
a -1 and an upcoming Heavy Storm effect.
If (hopefully when) this card is mass produced,
expect to see it appear in pretty much EVERY
side-deck, and probably many a maindeck.
This card is just that good.
1/5 - not really worth the effort.
4.5/5 - I really don't see why you wouldn't at least
side-deck this card, but I guess there are just some
decks that won't.
Card Art:
3/5 - if you sneeze on your Yu-Gi-Oh card and then
look at it under a Microscope, this is what you
would see. |

Lonely Wolf |
Monday, March 5
These weeks sure do go by fast. I sometimes wish
they’d go a bit slower….anyway, to start out the
week we review….
Crush Card Virus
Normal Trap
Tribute 1 Dark monster with 1000 or less ATK. Check
all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field,
your opponent’s hand, and all cards they draw (until
the end of your opponent’s 3rd turn after this
card’s activation), and destroy all monsters with
1500 or more ATK.
As many of you know, currently this card is only
available to SJC winners and those lucky people from
the sneak peak several months ago. But it sounds
like it will be mass produced soon which will cause
Crush Card decks to start popping up everywhere!
The effect is pretty simple, tribute a dark monster
in order to destroy every monster on the opponent’s
side of the field and hand, and you get to see their
hand and their next 2 (or 3, depending on when you
activate Crush Card) that have 1500 or more attack.
Off the bat, this card is a -2. (Crush Card and the
dark monster tributed). If you manage to destroy 1
monster, it’s -1. If you destroy 2, you break even,
and you go up from there. Like many other traps with
costs, you want to activate this when either the
trap or the dark monster are about to be destroyed
by a card effect, making it easier for you to make
the most of the combo. Also, looking at your
opponent’s hand is very important. While it won’t
necessarily help you with advantage, it will help
you plan out your next few moves. This can cripple
so many decks, including everyone’s favorite
Monarchs if it gets going.
Now, obviously, this can’t be thrown into any random
deck and expect it to work. Most current top tier
decks contain 2 monsters that work with Crush Card,
Spirit Reaper and Sangan. That isn’t enough, in my
opinion, to justify throwing in a Crush Card. You
need a dedicated deck for this to work. Apprentice
Magician and Old Vindictive are prime candidates.
Night Assailant and Giant Germ are good too. There
is also one other card that comes to mind that will
be reviewed later this week!
That’s about all I have to say. Crush Card is going
to be insane, and so are the decks that will be made
to beat it. Gadgets might cause this deck some
trouble, a Crush Card mirror match wouldn’t exactly
work out too good either, and obviously Royal Decree
will be a major pain in a Crush Card deck’s spine.
It’ll be interesting to see how things turn out.
Traditional: 4/5 (It won’t save you from Yata, but
it can handle mostly everything else)
Advanced: 5/5 (In a dedicated deck)
Art: 4/5 |
BobDoily |
Crush Card
I would have taken the money. Ever since the
accidental release of the Crush Card players have
been talking about its use within the TCG, and the
fact that they would have taken the money that some
turned down that day. The father of DDV, Crush Card
IMO can be the more devastating of the two. Not
because it kills the big beatsticks but because it
is easier to activate. There are far more viable and
stable options to tribute for the Crush Card, the
most famous being Sangan. While DDV tends to rely on
bulkier monsters and tributes the Crush Card
provides more options. Both of course can be used to
chain to give you an additional +1.
While it does have its advantage there, I personally
feel that DDVs effect is the more devastating. Most
of the best effect monsters in a deck are the ones
with low attacks. Meanwhile the big brutes are
usually easy enough to destroy anyways.
Overall the Crush Card has it uses but it’s not
something to just randomly maindeck.
Traditional: 3/5
Advanced: 3/5 |
Fact Man |
Crush Card Virus[NORMAL
TRAP] Effect:
Tribute 1 DARK monster
with 1000 or less ATK. Check all monsters on your
opponent's side of the field, your opponent's hand,
and all cards they draw (until the end of your
opponent's 3rd turn after this card's activation),
and destroy all monsters with 1500 or more ATK.
Anyone who has been
playing for any amount of time knows how effective
Deck Devastation Virus is against most decks; know
imagine Crush Card Virus destroying the rest of your
monsters. Both Viruses would effectly shut down
almost every deck for 3 turns and spell defeat for
your oppponent almost every time.
The one drawback to
this card besides being a trap is that it destroys
the cards in your hand and on the field, thus
activating Sacred Phoenix's and Vampire Lord's
abilities; however, DarkWorld monsters' effects will
not be activated.
Of course your best
target for tribute is Sangan, however, there are
many other viable targets including many of the D-Heros,
several of the DarkWorld monster like Scarr, Gren,
and Kahkki.
Deck Devastation virus
has inherent synergy with DarkWorld decks and as I
stgaed earlier you will see Crush Card Virus in
these decks
A nice combo is to
chain Crush Card Virus to a destruction effect such
as Torrential Tribute, Zaborg, Smashing Ground,
Sakuretsu Armor, Ring of Destruction, or even Mirror
Force. It can be chained to other cards like Enemy
Controller, Creature Swap, Brain Control, and many
This card is currently
unattainable to the majority of players. At the
moment, only Shonen Jump winners and fools willing
to spend $3000 on e-Bay have this card, but don't
worry the rest of us will be getting this highly
anticipated card in a special edition Strike of Neos
pack due out mid-month. From what I have heard it
will contain 2 STON packs a Crush Card Virus and a
Cyber End Dragon for only $15. Sweet!!
Advanced:4/5 (Be
careful of Phoenix/V-Lord)
Fact Man |