[Continuous Trap Card]
Select 1 monster with 1000 or less ATK from your
Graveyard, and Special Summon it in Attack Position.
If that monster is changed to Defense Position,
destroy it and this card. When this card is removed
from the field, destroy that monster. When that
monster is destroyed, destroy this card.
Card Ratings
Traditional: 2.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.
3 is average.
5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.18.08
Limit Reverse opens up our week,
a fairly interesting Trap card, that isn't the most
useful of cards.It's like Call of the Haunted, except very
watered down, and only for incredibly weak attack
Meaning?It means that the monster chosen is Special
Summoned in attack mode but must have 1000 or less
Now, don't get me wrong, there are monsters that fit
that category that actually could be useful.
However, there are a few
downsides.The biggest being, this is a Continuous Trap
card, and we don't need to go over and how and why
that is bad again in this Format.If that isn't enough, if the monster is
switched into Defense position, this card and the
monster are destroyed.
Traditional:1/5Less than useless here.
Advanced:2/5Maybe a tad high, but it isn't completely
Art:3/5Swordsman of Landstar...*sigh*
David "BobDole"
Limit Reverse
It's been too long since I took
up the hypothetical pen and paper of the CotD crew.
Limit Reverse is a trap that as
of late, I have come to adore. Being a continuous
trap isn't really good or bad nowadays, though when
it's a Call of the Haunted like effect, it's
certainly worthwhile.
Only targeting 1000 and under
monsters is a tremendous downfall at first. Then you
realize that Disk Commander falls into that
category, along with Fear Monger, Sangan, Phantom of
Chaos and a variety of other monsters that can gain
quite a significant advantage. What I love is
that it's chainable to Heavy Storm and MST, so just
like Call of the Haunted it can be abused with
Sangan and Disk Commander to no end. The big
difference is that you can run multiples of LReverse
- making for a rather fast paced build as long as
you can dump something in the Grave.
It's not something that should
be run in triplicate unless you're running quite a
few monsters that fall into it's range. I personally
aim for two copies in most decks that feature Disk
Commander and Sangan. It's just completely worth the
potential dead draw to me (since there are so many
ways to get Disk Commander regardless).
Traditional: 3/5 Though Call is
still here, this is stilla fantastic means by
which to end games.
Advanced: 3.5/5 With the minimal amount of
recursion currently available, this is certainly
Bob Dole
General Zorpa
Limit Reverse
I am going to be brief in this review. We already
looked at this little bag of tricks already, so I am
only going to go over what has arisen that could
make this card see play. The reason is that Tuner
monsters have finally been released. This is huge
for Limit Reverse, as combined with Junk Synchron
and all of the other little tuners, you can get a
swarm of little guys to the field rather quickly and
then Synchro Summon better cards.
I am only familiar with the cards from the new
starter deck, so I have to limit my comments to
them. Magna Drago and Junk Synchron cannot be used
with this card, but Frequency Magician and Sonic
Chick can, and since they have great synergy with
Synchron and other cards from TDGS that I am less
familiar with, at least in the early stages of
Synchro decks, this one could be a solid pick.
Jeff Lang
Limit Reverse
[Continuous Trap Card]
Select 1 monster with 1000 or less ATK from your
Graveyard, and Special
Summon it in Attack Position. If that monster is
changed to Defense
Position, destroy it and this card. When this card
is removed from the
field, destroy that monster. When that monster is
destroyed, destroy this
Todayʼs card up for review is Limit Reverse.
This card is pretty decent as you can clearly see.
You can grab Card Trooper, Sangan, Disk Commander,
plus many more from your graveyard. This card
becomes even better if your opponent tries to kill
this card while face down, then you get some nice
advantage off of the monsters that I mentioned
I see a few problems with this card right now
though. Everyone is using D.D Crow right now, and
The Transmigration Prophesy is on the rise in play.
This being said, this card will get negated often
times. Another thing would be the main target for
this card hitting the banlist coming up next week. I
am talking about Disk Commander. It is devastating
to get to use Reverse on it for big advantage. I
suggest to not play this card, there are better
options out there
Trad: 2/5
Adv: 2.5/5
Limit reverse is interesting.
Very interesting. A competitive deck could be made
out of this with destinys like disc commander,
sangan, maybe monarchs. This thing has potential. I
just might make a deck out of it later.