Light of Redemption, another
incredibly simple Magic card, that is considerably
better than yesterday's card.By paying 800 Lifepoints, you can add one of
your removed Light monsters back to your Hand.
Incredible and solid support for
Light monsters.A small Lifepoint cost, and the only thing
better would be if it returned or could be Special
Summoned to the Field.I'm not trying to be short, but these are
simple cards :)
4/5 for Light users
Light of Redemption
If I'm paying 800 Life Points to get at a monster
somewhere, I want it getting Special Summoned, not
bounced to my hand. Most of the time, when a
monster gets removed from the game by your own
effects, you intend on it doing something else than
getting bounced to the hand -- D. D. Scout Plane,
Different Dimension Reincarnation, the now-limited
Return from the Different Dimension...
The Light/Fairy theme doesn't really need this right
now. That might change in the future, but
there's no reason to pay 800 LP for a 1:1 like this.
General Zorpa
Light of Redemption
A TCG exclusive card! Yeah! Oh wait it sucks. Why
pay 800 to get a LIGHT monster back to your hand
when you can just play DARK decks and do it for
free, but to the field? That new Counter Fairy build
might have a use for this, as they use Freed the
Brave Wanderer, but since most of the LIGHT monsters
you're removing are fairies or you don't want back (Ryko)
Miraculous Descent is much better.
It may see play, but I wasn't all goo-goo ga-ga over
this at the sneak, and I was drooling over every
other Lightsworn card.
David "BobDole"
Light of Redemption
LoR is one of those questionable cards. You want to
play it, but it really doesn't fit your theme, so
you kind of have to add other cards to make it
playable, and then you just kinda screw yourself
over because now your deck is too focused on one
mildly powerful card.
What I'm saying is if this does not fit perfectly
into your deck theme, don't bother. If - for example
- you play a Chaos deck that features several light
monsters that are more powerful in hand (Honest)
than removed from play, that would be something to
consider LoR in.
It's by far most powerful when combined with Honest
and something like a Chaos or even a Scourge deck.
For 800 LP, gaining back a worthwhile monster is
certainly a great opportunity to swing the game in
your favor. Just don't main him unless you're
certain that card is worth it. If you just need
monsters in graveyard, there are better cards that
do it.
Traditional: 3.5/5 Just because of Chaos
Advanced: 1.5/5 Mainly because Scourge decks aren't
exactly draw dropping.
Bob Dole
Light of Redemption
I honestly can’t see a purpose for this card. Its
cost is 800 life points, and it’s a situational 1
for 1.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 1/5
I know it looks like lightsworn
week, but it really isnt.
This is a good card, but not a
great card. Unless I'm missing some blaring obvious
card other then freed that can utilize this, it
really isn't that great, even in a lightsworn deck.